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Everything posted by Elfrasho

  1. I've watched his videos before this but this has been great! He's a very watchable chap! Hope he's on here, I think he'd get a couple orders for this bass if he started some chat on this forum
  2. Every track is played live but not at the same time. So it's just a matter of syncing the tracks I get to create the music, then sync the videos to the audio. I don't think latency over the Internet is acceptable enough for proper tight jam sessions despite what people may say. With this wee project I only really ask the folk involved to play the track all the way through. No cut ins or editing. That way it still keeps the live feel to it. Also.. How could we do it live when I'm playing more than one part to the tune? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  3. Honestly, I think sometimes folk overthink bass tone and sometimes the best solution is the easiest solution. I honestly do t have much of an inclination to go buy more amplitube packs because I think sometimes the more choice you have, the less likely you'll settle on something and be happy! One amp, one set of eq, and basic fx. Should get you through pretty much every session! Saying that, the number of basses/guitars /amps/fx etc I've had over the years suggests I dont follow my own advice! πŸ˜‚ I hear ya re:fx too. I'm probably compensating for the lack of detail in the recording, it being a phone. I'm also far from competent at audio production and I think that's a sign of it, too many effects. Ill keep an eye on that for the next projects.
  4. Wow thanks. I can honestly say that the tone was not even thought about. My acg with eq flat, di'd straight into amplitube free version. Using the preset 'bass 3' with a touch of the bass rolled off. Although I may have also moved the virtual mic back to give it a more open roomy tone. But literally it was a 20 second job! Interesting wee point yo make too is that caeilas part was just audio from the video on her phone. Not a proper mic! It's not perfect obviously, and not exactly radio ready, but it's quite astonishing the quality that anyone with a smart phone can record!
  5. Something a bit different this time.
  6. Another plus one for bass collection. If I were looking at a cheap p bass or j bass anytime soon, it will be a 2nd hand bc. As long as you can get past the infamous decal
  7. That's a piece of art. Same wood as my acg. The sculpting is sublime!
  8. Not alot of interest in this clearly but il keep posting them anyway! πŸ˜‚
  9. I was thinking about doing this for a while, but lockdown has cemented the idea for me. All the musos I know who can record their craft get together for some jam sessions. First up is my old school friend Dave Butt. He's in Australia now and he says he's not much a guitarist anymore but him and I used to play in a cover band that played extreme, mr big and dream theater... so he knows his way round a fret board. Anyway... here's hs version of a dream theater tune. When i heard it i actual felt bad about adding stuff to it, but for the purposes of the video i kinda had to. Enjoy...
  10. The latest installment of our remote Jam sessions. An old classic...
  11. I love amplitube custom shop as its free and sounds great. It has just the right amount of things to play with although obviously if you're wanting more effects then they need to be purchased as additions. If just looking for a good quality clean tone then I'd definitely recommend. The guitars are decent too but the bass is excellent in my opinion.
  12. A wee video me and my band done over the weekend. We all just recorded our parts at hone and then I put them together into the video! Turned out decent and it was good fun to do! I've got a few other ones on the go with this band, and other random collaborations with muso pals.. Some covers, some just jams. All just for a bit of fun to pass some time!
  13. Cos I got it for 40 quid 2nd hand! Plus... what's the fun in that?!
  14. I've got a black 4 string one that I bought for de-frtting purposes. I've defretted but not got round to finishing it. It's reaonable for the money However I did used to have the HB jazz copy - the one with a block markers etc... can't mind the model... that was outstanding for Β£100 and I happily gigged with it - although i ended up selling it in the end as it hefty, to say the least.
  15. It's what I use. The basics are pretty intuitive so you'll get up and running no probs! For the more complicated stuff, quite literally google any question you have and someone has asked the same question at some point on some from somewhere, and someone has answered. It's great!
  16. And that's exactly why it only goes up for those occasional tunes! I'd happily have it high up the whole time if I didn't feel like I looked like that! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  17. I do actually change strap height mid set, if there's a song that involves more slap. I just find it more comfortable if it's higher. I've only started doing this in the past few years though.
  18. Yeah, not overly keen on the squashed body.
  19. Had a charity gig cancelled until later in the year. It was a dep gig and I've been promised the rearranged event 3ven if the bassist is available! Very nice of the band!
  20. Yep, if its anything like the one I had it will play wonderfully. Much nicer headstock decal on yours too
  21. Excellent! I spend most weekends in girdwoods and i'm out for a birthday that evening but may very well end back at girdwoods!
  22. I'm just up the road in wishaw so I'll keep my eyes peeled. Good luck man.
  23. If you're also running on stage amps then it could just be a simple case of stage volume being too loud and the monitors are just struggling to keep up.
  24. It's a tricky one, because I'd happily gig with both and the 2nd hand one will last. For me it's totally dependant on how important the extra dosh is to you.
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