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Everything posted by ezbass

  1. Inspired by this thread and being a long standing CPC customer, I ordered some replacement solder, flux paste and three of these bad boys. 1mm wider than the previously fitted dome knobs, but that really makes them feel more premium (could be the new kit placebo effect though).
  2. Good decision, well made it seems. You did as was suggested by many and auditioned them too, albeit retrospectively. A good outcome methinks.
  3. I have 2 flame maple tops but I’ve always had a soft spot for quilt, especially in high gloss (teal over black to be precise). As it’s a variable product, the advice to converse with your builder is worth listening to.
  4. We have the radio on a lot, sometimes all day, until we settle in front of the TV (I don’t know why we do this as it’s mostly 💩). It tends to be Planet Rock and some of the newer stuff is top notch (I’m really liking Stone Broken at the moment). We’ll change to Absolute 80s if something particularly dire comes on (The Doors, any Jim Steinman production or Kiss spring to mind - YMMV). I’ll listen to all sorts on Spotify when I’m doing some gardening or just sitting in the sun.
  5. For the record, I posted the video to show mostly the physical similarities betwixt Rocco and his old man. The video is, let's be kind, arty.
  6. The apple really doesn't fall from tree does it? Even has the PP head bob.
  7. I played Pino's fretless 'Ray years ago, I sounded just like him (if he'd been in a horrible accident and lost the use of his hands and ears).
  8. I remember trying one of these years ago in The Gallery, absolutely stellar tone, best thing I heard all day, but it was expensive and I had to settle for something more affordable. Someone is going to get a great sound at a great price. GLWTS.
  9. Apparently, but who really knows other than JC and the owner? It was the thread similarity to ‘nitro/fissure-gate’ that reminded me of it, not the actual faults. Probably best to move on before this thread blows up too.
  10. They were my thoughts exactly.
  11. I remember a pretty rabid, on line spat between a user and JC many , many years ago, over on TB, IIRC. It got quite ugly. As @Clarky says, something is worth what folk will pay. Cars are a good parallel, plenty of those are super expensive and aren’t really that much different from your average box with a tyre at each corner. How much are you willing to pay for a badge and the extra attention to detail that that badge normally includes? Only the buyer knows.
  12. Wow, zombie thread! Luthier bashing seems to be the new lockdown sport. Folk are really tetchy at the moment.
  13. Yup, classic Gibbo headstock break. So common, it’s almost an easy fix (at least it’s not likely to be the luthier’s first and certainly not their last). The arm looks nasty but, as @Dad3353 says, it’ll heal.
  14. You can order anything you like really (within the parameters of the given body shapes). My 2 customs are 33” scale, 41mm nut width. A friend of mine ordered a headless, neck through Frog long before that became a standard option.
  15. Yeah, those are just Photoshopped Comfort Strapps if I'm not mistaken. Sneaky, @Happy Jack, sneaky. 😂
  16. I thought it might be worth rounding it up and saying it again (it's not like we don't repeat ourselves here 😂) as it was descending into a bit of a ranting 💩storm. Those 2 words are spot on (your presumption is correct); that was the feeling I got at the time (I've since bought another bass from PP and it was all sweetness and light - apart from the useless courier at this end). I did receive a standard pdf document of various wirings on various pickup types used (handy for future reference) but my rotary 3 way was a non standard, custom request, with the wiring done at the factory and wasn't known at the office/shop and it's this separation of those premises which I think leads to comms issues. However, once a German speaker got involved, those problems seemed to disappear. Far from ideal for non German speakers and not ideal for a company that trades internationally (I think I might have just repeated the nub, yet again, sorry).
  17. Of course. Not only do they know you desperately want those parts, they also know that there a bunch of the BC collective salivating for photos too.
  18. Unfortunately, and with no disrespect to the OP, we are only getting one side of the argument (I don’t see Adrian coming on here, so this will always be thus). A big part of the problem here, I think, is the ‘joy’ of Google translate, with English not being the mother tongue of either party and some finesse and idiom being lost (I could of course be wrong). Add to this the BC collective ire being piled on and we have torches and pitchforks ready to go. My own personal experience has been mixed, but on the whole, positive. However, I had a question that I needed answering about the pickup wiring in one of my Elwoods a while back and I felt was getting stonewalled a bit. As I was looking to replace the existing pickup with a Delano, I got the very nice chaps there involved (the wonderful Reinhard) and they got the answer I was after. Similarly, a friend of mine was in discussion with Adrian and it was becoming hard going, so he got a German speaking friend to phone and it was sorted super quick. This is of course not ideal for a company that sells internationally and not what you want. This is clearly an area that needs addressing if this kind of situation is to be avoided in the future. I hope the OP gets some sort of resolution that he is happy with, but I imagine it will always leave a bitter taste, which is a shame, no matter how much has been spent.
  19. ‘Twas ever thus. It’s almost like there’s an anticipation beacon on every house, visible only to posties and couriers, when lit, they stay away for fear of spreading too much joy.
  20. That would’ve been the smart move for me really, but I wanted to keep the tarnished, reverse tuners. I let it go when I went all 5 string, of corse now I’m back with fours again .
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