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Everything posted by ezbass

  1. So many different opinions here on what we dislike. Some might see it as a sea of negativity, but I think it’s healthy that we like/dislike different things. It’s unlikely that any of my dislikes would stop me buying a bass that played magnificently and sounded awesome, but it would give me pause. Too many knobs and switches and gold hardware are two of my pet peeves, but I’ve owned an SR1605 that is guilty of both. Some headstock shapes are ‘wrong’ too, so, combined with my previous 2 dislikes, a Fodera in my arsenal seems unlikely (even if I could afford one, they do sound fantastic, however). But if you think some of the already listed headstocks are puke inducing, check out what guitarists have to endure...
  2. Enjoying bass more than guitar? I can relate to that. Lots of info here, not just music related. We do love photos of gear (or dogs, wildlife, in fact anything!) so please post pics of whatever you have.
  3. Burn the heretic! 🔥😂
  4. I know nothing about them, but that SFG finish looks great. 😍
  5. I'm a huge Peter Gabriel fan and if there is one track that is my 'favourite song of all time', this would be it. When I was asked to be part of a collaboration to create a lockdown version of this track, I didn't need to be asked twice. I'm immensely proud of this and it was an honour to work with so many talented folk (please check the description and the end credits). For a short time, I get to be Tony Levin, complete with hammy, deep bass, vocal part.
  6. It's short scale so will fit into a smaller space 😂
  7. Those SWB Chownys look very interesting, when guitar shop visiting gets back to normal and Anderton’s have them in stock, I must try one.
  8. I'm not sure if I've ever shared a photo of my old Sandberg (sadly moved on in one of my '5 strings only' clear outs, only to go back to 4 - again). So I shall remedy that situation forthwith (apologies if I added it many moons ago).
  9. ezbass

    Gibson ES-355

    I owned an '80s built 335 some time ago. I was OK, but weighed a ton. My problem with Gibsons is the nitro finish they use, my left hand starts to stick to the neck where the cure hasn't gone off completely (I also had the same issue with a nitro necked PRS. Funnily enough, my old '63 P bass and current Rob Allen didn't/don't have this issue). I also had a Yammy SA2000 in the early '80s, a fantastic guitar and the only one that I really regret letting go (an absolute moment of madness).
  10. One word... quality. That is all.
  11. Have you considered battery power, like the Volto? I love the freedom of mine.
  12. The welcoming committee will heating up the crumpets and oiling the paddle in anticipation. 😳😖
  13. As you can’t see the nut in the second video, it’s hard to compare the nut slot positions compared to the edge of board. If they are the same, then as @Jean-Luc Pickguard says, some tension difference may be at play here. I also don’t think a string retainer would make any difference as you don’t say that it’s popping out of the nut. I’ve played a number of guitars and basses that ‘fall’ off the edge of the board when attacked very laterally in this manner, an MM being the worst offender. Moving the nut over a shade fixes this if it really is an issue.
  14. I know how you feel, my guitar chops are certainly not what they were.
  15. Double the money! Oh yeah, the gig situation ☹️.
  16. If both are technically as good as each other, it may well come down to who had the personality you preferred. You have to get on with them too (or at least it helps).
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