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Everything posted by ezbass

  1. I reckon that will be fine, any output issues can be sorted by pickup or string height. I've seen worse alignment on brand new basses and guitars. This is my P type, sounds fine... However, if you're really not sure, don't do it.
  2. Given that there are plenty of Js and Ps in the wild, where there is less than perfect alignment over the pole pieces with indiscernible output differences, I reckon you’ll be pretty safe.
  3. The steaming method is used on bare, non lacquered/varnished/whatever finishes. You take a damp rag/cloth, place it over the offending area and then apply a soldering iron to the cloth over and around the damaged section. The steam permeates the wood fibres making them swell up and flatten(ish). Some light application of wire wool, or similar abrasive is sometimes used to finish off. Whether that will work in this instance is unclear, as the top looks like it has been sealed. However, if there are cracks in that coating, it may allow the steam to get in and do its magic, it could also make it look worse. Rotten thing to have happened ☹️. EDIT: Just seen @Reggaebass’s suggestion; I’d go with that.
  4. Despite the odd interloper, Tony Levin still uses his ‘Barbi flesh’, Stingray 5 extensively.
  5. ezbass


    I really liked these when they were released. Deserved a wider audience IMO. Sadly, I'm sorted in the 4 string, super Jazz dept or I'd be getting very twitchy over this - it's lovely. GLWTS and all your others (man alive, you're having a clear out!).
  6. And this is why art is so wonderful and diverse. I'd rather stick my nuts in a vice than listen to Brit pop. I dislike it (obviously), however, Blur, Oasis, Suede, Pulp, et al sold many, many records, so someone liked them, just not me. As ever, YMMV.
  7. Nostalgia is a powerful thing, especially when it comes to music and audiences are changing. ‘80s cover bands have moved in the older ‘60s & ‘70s pub bands, how long before ‘90s bands become de rigeur (no time soon I hope, YMMV)?
  8. Gary Willis says the same. Unlined does look cool though.
  9. If the FOH crew are like the ones I’ve come across in the past, it’s not that you’re not needed, it’s more that might as well not be there. 😤
  10. Probably the most divisive, time wasting and ultimately pointless thing any band has to go through. Fortunately, the two bands I’m currently in didn’t take too long deciding (but it’s always too long) a name and I don’t think anyone in the bands doesn’t like them (which is unusual). The easiest thing is to have a diva in the band (most likely the singer or lead guitarist, but not always) and call it the ‘Insert name here’ Band. The obvious exception to this is if you’re a tribute band and then you’re back to my original rant whilst you try and come up with something ‘clever’. Gosh, I sound bitter. I’m really not.
  11. That is über nice! Enjoy that, I'm sure you will.
  12. Use a lint free cloth and wash it out in soapy water afterwards (possibly leave it outside to dry). I did 3 coats when I did my necks, rubbing back a little with extra fine, wire wool between coats. I'd leave the final coat at least 24 hours before giving it a light, final rub down.
  13. What a monster rig that would be! If you do, you'll have PJB rig envy from me, for sure.
  14. I've been getting into compression because of my first time mixing with a DAW. This has resulted in me buying a compressor for my pedalboard after many years of not having one. This video is great and I really like that he says, "Use your ears," rather than using preconceived numbers. Thanks for sharing.
  15. Oh, oh! The financial, black hole that is the configurator 😂. I ordered my 2 custom Elwood Ls before this existed, but I’ve had fun with it since.
  16. I have 3 of them (2 customs and 1 off the peg) and there’s a whole thread dedicated to them. As with any manufacturer, some folk have had some small niggles, but overall it’s very positive. They have their own YouTube channel too. https://www.youtube.com/user/PublicPeaceMI
  17. Certainly, nothing worthwhile at least. 😕
  18. That’s not great ☹️. You could have an entire bass built from makers in that time. However, are you in an all fire rush? It’d be a shame to purchase something in haste that isn’t right, only to end up selling them and buying what you really wanted in the first place. Maybe buy them for Nordy direct, I think they have 18mm in stock.
  19. Not shallow, you like what you like and you've got to want to play it. If Wals weren't so eye wateringly expensive , even 2nd hand, I'd be looking at them also. However, they are expensive and heavy too (one thing I have to avoid) so I can just ogle from afar. You could look at something like this, which is Wal-esque. https://www.public-peace.de/bass-guitars/maruszczyk/jazzus/jaz-4str/1780-jazzus-4a-balkan-apple-burl-200045
  20. The 80s is a fab genre for us low enders. For those, like me, who like* the sound and feel of fretless, it's when the bumpless beast© was often front and centre in everyday 'pop' songs. * love in my case.
  21. Great amp for any bass. If I didn’t already have a Flightcase and PB300, this would be the one for me. GLWTS
  22. You’re not wrong: Jaco, Geddy, Tim Commerford, Norman Watt Roy, to name but 4 - all very different, all very good, all use/used a Jazz.
  23. Great basses, I had a white one that I eventually defretted and it was still great. Why did I sell it now? 🤔
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