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Everything posted by lemmywinks

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  2. Btw if you need cheap tuners then Wilkinsons can be had for around the £25 mark. I just stuck some on my fretless and was well impressed with the feel of them, as good as the Schallers i have which cost more than twice as much
  3. [quote name='Linus27' post='663316' date='Nov 23 2009, 11:15 PM']Well, today I ordered my passive Warwick Corvette Standard in Ash. I went for passive as I am not a big fan of active basses and if the passive is dull, then I always could upgrade to active at a later date. I am getting it brand new from Andertons and they price matched the Bass Centre at £598 which is a bloody good price[/quote] That's the exact price i paid for my Corvette Standard Active in Ash back in 2002! One sold on eBay this week for almost £400 so they hold a good chunk of their value.
  4. I'd keep an eye out for a Squier/Vintage/Aria etc. bass cheap on eBay, you can pick these up for around the £50 mark. If you want to sell the neck, tuners and pickups on they'll have a higher value than Johnny Brook parts, Squier for the Fender shaped headstock alone Squier Affinity P-Bass for £50 + p&p here: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/bass-guitar_W0QQitemZ180435663664QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV?hash=item2a02cdbb30"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/bass-guitar_W0QQitem...=item2a02cdbb30[/url] I bought an Aria Jazz for £45 and it sounded heaps better than the usual budget stuff. I've played a very nice Stagg natural Jazz too
  5. I use a DI box over my amp's DI purely because if my amp were to cut out there'd still be bass FOH I use an MXR M80 for DI. Never saw the point of getting a standalone DI box when i could have one that has distortion too!
  6. Can't really grumble for £50, looks quite nice too
  7. You can pick up a cheap but decent bass off eBay for under £50. I break strings every so often so a spare is essential for me, just something cheap i can sling in a corner No matter how well you maintain your bass something can always go wrong. The volume pot on my Warwick went kaputt with no warning a couple of years ago, spare bass saved the day then
  8. [quote name='henry norton' post='660236' date='Nov 20 2009, 03:29 PM']Don't know whether they still do it but Warwick used to use a similar (somewhat neater) adjustable nut on their basses. Cool idea I thought. Nice bass too - I remember Jackson used to do a thru neck Precision shaped bass with their signature pointy headstock and some rather lurid colour schemes. Not as nice as this though (unless you're into big hair and spandex...)[/quote] My Fortress has the brass one and it's excellent. They use plastic ones now which are flakey (and sharp) but still work. I can't think of a reason why they changed them, other than cost and convenience
  9. I think the screw might be a bit soft for pliers, really i should have used better screws but there's no suitable ones in the shops near me. Has to be in black as i've kitted the fretless out in all black hardware, the neckplate was the last bit too!
  10. Btw the seller, nottinghammusicshop, has very kindly sent me a replacement screw, so a big thanks to them
  11. Cheers for the offer Wayne, i think the screw may be a little soft though. I've ordered a stud extractor kit anyway as it's something i could do with, i've a feeling i'll need it on one of my projects at the near future! Thanks for the help guys!
  12. I've been doing some upgrades to my fretless jazz before the body goes in to get a piezo fitted. Been fine with all of it and it's gone trouble free, until i got to the behemoth of a job that is fitting a new neckplate I drilled what i thought were adequate pilot holes to accomodate the new, wider screws. However on tightening up one of them snapped in the neck pocket, worse still none of the screw is protruding so i can't get any leverage on it The screws in question were quite soft (they came with the neckplate) and i considered scrapping them because of this, but just carried on regardless as i wanted to get the bass assembled today. Looks like i'm paying for my impatience! Is there any way to remove this without resorting to drilling it out or removing a chunk out of the heel? Ta!
  13. Like this one? Could be wrong but looks liks your standard budget job, Harley Benton-esque cheapy. This eBay shop sell some Richwood gear: [url="http://stores.shop.ebay.co.uk/Dangleberry-Music__W0QQ_sidZ132925157?_nkw=richwood&submit=Search"]http://stores.shop.ebay.co.uk/Dangleberry-...p;submit=Search[/url] How much are you paying for it?
  14. [quote name='peted' post='657965' date='Nov 18 2009, 11:52 AM']+1. I believe most Warwicks are actually equipped with both active pickups and active electrics. The push/pull switch only disengages the active electrics, leaving the pickups running on the battery. When the battery is dying I can pull the switch to get an extra bit of life out of it but when the charge has completely gone my Thumb BO is silent. The MEC pickups with silver writing are the passive ones. The ones with gold (or red apparently) writing are active and won't work without any battery, regardless of the push/pull switch.[/quote] My Corvette has the gold script logo pickups and i'm dead sure it works without a battery.
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  16. [quote name='velvetkevorkian' post='655215' date='Nov 15 2009, 03:10 PM']I used to have an Epiphone strat copy with exactly the same headstock. Looks legit to me.[/quote] I couldn't see anything wrong with it either. My mate at uni had a similar super-strat epiphone with the pionty headstock and a floyd rose
  17. 2nd hand Peavy or Trace, will sound meaty and well within budget There's also a hartke rig just been posted in the for sale section: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=67261"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=67261[/url] Loads of bargains to be had, old heavy cabs are stupidly cheap nowadays and the above brands are built to last. Personally i'd avoid Behringer as from limited experience they tend to cr@p out earlier than other amps.
  18. There's still decent sellers on there. I've had to return 3 items recently as they were not as described, one through a Paypal claim. Got my money back every time as i always make sure i get the claim in early. Recently i bought a media player that was reprogrammed so Windows saw it as 32gb when it was really a low quality 3gb unit. Got the refund from the seller within a day and got to keep the media player, which is actually ok Last week i bought a microdimm memory stick from a seller outside eBay (forgot to bid). He let me have it for £1 and it turned up the next day. His comms were excellent and he turned out to be a decent chap so i stuck extra in his Paypal account. The stick turned out to be twice the capacity he thought it was too!
  19. Is there still the option of leaving feedback? Also name and shame please, there's a sticky for dodgy eBay sellers IIRC. I'm sure there's a few of us who'd like to know who the seller is, i don't wanna buy a bass of them that's for sure!
  20. I'd say the price is about right especially if it's the USA made version which were over the £500 mark when new. These are great loud little amps and well giggable, my housemate has the same amp (USA made) and it's a corker. Much better build quality than my A70 (which still rocks) They can pull off the Billy Gould FNM sound so they're ace in my book!
  21. Thanks for the kind words Beedster! You're welcome to bob round anytime overwater, we don't have any gigs planned for a while as we're currently without a guitarist and singer! After Christmas maybe we'll have the motivation to get out looking for band members
  22. The Corvette looks very nice If you were after the Streamer variant it's worth looking for the Warwick Streamer Standard bolt-on, they go for around £200 and are German made. Same electrics and brodge as the Rockbass but with the Ovangkol neck and Wenge fingerboard. Here's one: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=64828"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=64828[/url] One recently sold on here for less than £200 and there was one on eBay for just over that amount
  23. [quote name='alanbass1' post='653333' date='Nov 13 2009, 08:38 AM']As I said it turned out quite a nice bass (eventually) but not worth the two grand I paid. I think the pre amp let's it down. But my experience with the maker was what turned me off the bass and why I offloaded it. I was angry at the time and wrote the following review on Harmony Central: [url="http://reviews.harmony-central.com/reviews/Electric+Bass/product/Iceni/Zootbass+Custom+Shop/10/1"]http://reviews.harmony-central.com/reviews...ustom+Shop/10/1[/url][/quote] Eeek! Have to say i'm totally happy with the bass as it is now, i was watching it for ages on eBay thinking "one day, i'll have that!". Never noticed any shortcomings in the preamp, mind i don't really push it. I just get a good clean, balanced signal and let the Markbass do the rest That's terrible customer service though, i've never heard anything like that associated with Shuker, ACG et al. Not surprised you were unhappy with it!
  24. I didn't buy a new bass when i had my Gibson for around 3 years. Then i got the Corvette and didn't buy another bass for over 5 years. Then i joined this site..........
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