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Everything posted by lemmywinks

  1. Horrible listing maybe, but that bass looks sweet and for £165 delivered someone got an absolute bargain there Wish i'd seen it, would probably have bid on it and Mrs. Lemmywinks would have to wait another few months for a new sofa!
  2. [quote name='fatback' post='724885' date='Jan 26 2010, 10:04 AM']Will an outboard preamp do the biz for a piezo? I wouldn't want to rout out my passive bass, but the mod sounds mighty attractive. Also, do you have to have an extra tone control for the piezo? fatback[/quote] Here's one i was looking at, can be mounted in a small box: [url="http://www.scotthelmke.com/Mint-box-buffer.html"]http://www.scotthelmke.com/Mint-box-buffer.html[/url] The one i linked to before is also small and can be made into an outboard unit. Correct me if i'm wrong but i thought the puropse of the buffer is to match the impedance of the mag pickups, so i guess you'd need a seperate output fitting to the bass and some way of blending the two signals? And no i don't think you need a tone control, i'm having one fitted because i can remember my old acoustic bass having a piezo that had quite harsh, overbearing treble and this needed to be rolled off. I'd rather have the option than not, at least until i've heard what the bass sounds like
  3. I'm having one of those eBay bridges fitted to my fretless Jazz, it's just gone in to my tech today. I think this is the preamp design he's putting in the bass: [url="http://www.till.com/articles/GuitarPreamp/index.html"]http://www.till.com/articles/GuitarPreamp/index.html[/url] If you want one a bit cheaper v8bass was selling his, think he's overseas though so don't know what the final cost would be. I'm having mine wired to a vol/tone so i can roll off the treble if needed, hopefully i can get a nice acoustic-type sound out of it. A few people on the threads said it was double bass-esque which is what i'm hoping for There's a few threads regarding piezo bridges, have a quick search and there's some useful information from people who have retro-fitted one. If the bass hasn't got a spacious control cavity you'll need to rout one to make room for the battery, pre and extra pot(s). It'll also need a channel drilling and a little recess making for the piezo cable. Mine used to be active so that's not an issue for me When it's all done i'll let you know the results if you're interested? My tech is really busy at the moment so might not be too soon though Ta Steve
  4. Aye i'd like to know a price, looks like a neat little cab. Also how does it switch between 4 and 8 ohms? [size=2][b]EDITed for terrible spelling![/b][/size]
  5. My housemate's old Kickback 15 kicked out a lot of low end, not too heavy either Have you thought about a 2nd hand Superfly/Little Giant and a 2x10 cab? I use a Superfly and a 1x12 4ohm cab for quiet practice/rehearsal and it does the trick, the cab was £50 and the heads go for £100 used. Soundslive have an ex-display LG1000 at £219: [url="http://www.soundsliveshop.com/p/Ashdown_Little_Giant_1000,_Ex-Display/ASH-EX-LTG1000"]http://www.soundsliveshop.com/p/Ashdown_Li.../ASH-EX-LTG1000[/url] There's also an Ashdown mini-rig on here at £125: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=74307"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=74307[/url]
  6. Didn't WoT have a walnut Precision a while back? Maybe give him a shout
  7. What a gorgeous bass, one of the nicest Jazzes i've seen. Drop me a pm if you decide to sell it!
  8. I only put that because on my acoustic bass there is a passive volume and tone control. To get any sort of decent bass sound out of it the tone has to be completely rolled back as the treble from the piezo is quite harsh. if it's not necessary then it can be omitted
  9. He cam eround the other day and was actually really reasonable, arranging to go round his and investigate the problem when i have time. I got the mains conditioner so i'll see if that works. He said that the problem went away for a while but since i've been using the Superfly it's worse. It definitely happened with the Hartke combo though I think he's going to have a word with the landlord as he knows him quite well (the landlord used to live in our house), he also said that before the house was rented out the landlord had it rewired by a local firm Incidentally the socket i plug the amp into is right next to a TV ariel socket. None of the ariels in our house work apart from the front room one so could that have something to do with it?
  10. Play the original bassline! Ideally you want to recreate the sound/experience of the original artist so i'd say if you start to show off your chops you won't get the gig
  11. Play the original bassline! Ideally you want to recreate the sound/experience of the original artist so i'd say if you start to show off your chops you won't get the gig
  12. The seller actually accepted courier as well but only said so at the bottom of his description. Might have got a bit more for it if he'd have stated that in the listing
  13. Soundslive have an ex-display one at £219: [url="http://www.soundsliveshop.com/p/Ashdown_Little_Giant_1000,_Ex-Display/ASH-EX-LTG1000"]http://www.soundsliveshop.com/p/Ashdown_Li.../ASH-EX-LTG1000[/url] They were great when i had to return my EUB too so should be cool if it's faulty
  14. I've finally got all the parts to overhaul my fretless, the final stage is swapping the pickups and fitting the piezo bridge. This is being done by my tech (really my old mate's dad but he's ace with stuff like that) I need a buffer preamp making, something small and simple with a volume control and preferably a tone, to be powered off a single 9v battery as i'm changing the mag pickups back to passive The ones i've been looking at are these: [url="http://www.scotthelmke.com/Mint-box-buffer.html"]http://www.scotthelmke.com/Mint-box-buffer.html[/url] [url="http://www.till.com/articles/GuitarPreamp/index.html"]http://www.till.com/articles/GuitarPreamp/index.html[/url] [url="http://www.cafewalter.com/cafewalter/fetpre/index.htm"]http://www.cafewalter.com/cafewalter/fetpre/index.htm[/url] Do these look alright? I'm leaning towards the last one Also i'd like some advice on control layouts, i want a vol/vol/tone for the mag pickup and a vol/tone for the piezo, maybe with a series parallel switch on the mag pickups too Can you get a stacked vol/tone pot so i can keep the piezo controls down to one pot? Cheers folks! Steve
  15. Glue some Auralex foam on it and sell it for £60!
  16. I'd consider a different amp. To get any amount of power out of the Superfly you'll need 2 cabs*, 4 or 8 ohm. I run mine with one 4ohm cab and it's quiet compared to a similarly rated amp, really only loud enough for home practice or maybe with a quiet drummer They're also known to have quite a few issues, the cheap ones that a lot of people bought for £199 at the end of the production run were plagued with overheating issues, faulty PCB, cutting out and mine also had a faulty speakon connection. Mine has been fine since i took it out of the casing (it looks like a Little Giant with a different graphic eq) but i still wouldn't trust it at a gig. Does sound quite nice though. The Schroeder would be much better partnered with a LMII or similar. * EDIT: Just remembered Ashdown did a cab with 2 speakon connectors to utilise the full 500w
  17. The pickguard is white, 10 hole and came off my Aria. I replaced it with a generic one so should fit most Jazzes - £7 posted I also have a set of Jazz pickups (black covers), unknown origin. Bought these off Kev a while ago and didn't use them. Someone thought they might be MIM because of the wire colours. £8 posted Also have a bent tin bridge, 5 holes at the back, on on each front corner - £3.50 posted I'll soon have a set of Hohner JJ pro pickups for sale too, complete with eq and pots/switch/LED/battery clip all prewired - RESERVED Also a couple of cheap bridges and some cheap tuners (F-style)
  18. GigGear's internet service is spot on too. They took my Superfly back multiple times when i got it and were always very helpful and apologetic
  19. [quote name='YouMa' post='719489' date='Jan 20 2010, 07:51 PM']I cant stand that poker face song.[/quote] The South Park version is ace though!
  20. I got this when i bought my Xbox360, the original owner made the mistake of tilting the console on it's side whilst the disc was spinning and it scratched. He said it wasn't working and besides he had bought a replacement for it which i now have. I tried this in the Xbox today and it works, i'm not sure if it'll start crashing later in the game or if it's fine as i don't really play my Xbox. Blockbuster video will put it through their cleaning machine for about £6 - £7 and it should be fine if it is broken Has all the maps, manual and case. Best of all it's free!
  21. I guess if you look at the work that goes into the higher end Warwicks the cost makes a bit more sense, after all a Fender is basically a bolted together slab bodied instrument with a forearm and belly schamfer, selling for nearly a grand. Warwicks have all the nice curves and rounded edges. Mind you Warwicks are mostly machined now aren't they? I think the Infinity deserves to be pretty pricey, it can't be easy to build what with the cavities and f-holes I remember a thread a while ago where a BCer took the scratchplate off his MIA Jazz to reveal a clumsy pickup rout which went all the way through to the control cavity. I think that's more shocking on a £900+ instrument than anything Warwick have ever done. Whatever they cost they're extremely well made basses and i doubt any corner-cutting like that happens
  22. They've been going for £200+ on here and eBay, even the double pickup ones are around £250 In fact i think one sold on here for £180 recently? Worth it just for the neck!
  23. [quote name='thegreenman555' post='718111' date='Jan 19 2010, 05:31 PM']hmm probably means they're looking to move up the price of the German made 'vettes! buy now!![/quote] You can still get the German Corvette for under £600, i'd get one while you can!
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