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Everything posted by Harryburke14

  1. the thing with the JB75s is that Andyjr1515 can do a magic trick with them and make them incredible.
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  3. Bruce Foxton. I bought a bass because I wanted to be him, and carried on playing when I realised it would take years to be able to play like that.
  4. I want a thunderbird but after playing an epi one at PMT yesterday I found it hard to get on with given the neck being so long. Is there a company that do Thunderbirds on the cheap that address this?
  5. Kings of Leon. Genting Arena, Birmingham, 15 minutes ago. The 5th time I've seen them and the 5th time I'm reminded why they're my favourite band. Superb stuff. It didn't, however, help with any Thunderbird GAS. Jared used 4 different T'birds through the set and they all sounded incredible, so may have to get meself one to be a copycat.
  6. [quote name='grandad' timestamp='1487589060' post='3240892'] Always a positive experience at PMT Birmingham as well. [/quote] I agree, got the shop playing wrestling themes over the PA this morning. Good times.
  7. will give it a watch over the next few days seeing as I have time off work. Just got to find a nice person to lend me their Netflix...
  8. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1487517166' post='3240383'] No doubt. I think I could pick the glass bottle one, and the 500ml plastic one apart. The can and the glass bottle are a lot closer. For that reason I only buy 500ml plastic when I have no other choice. Yeah, I know... I find people who think it's preposterous, but also many others who feel the same way about there being a difference, although we may prefer different things: some really prefer the plastic bottle. You can also tell differences between different countries' formulas. The Spanish one seems to lack flavour compared to the British which seems sweeter and more flavourful (perhaps it's just sweeter and that gives the impression of more flavour), the US one seems to have some more almost 'cinnamomy' aroma... I thought it was just my memory playing tricks, but I got to travel enough to believe in the differences, and then I found there's a Coke museum in Atlanta I believe where you can taste different formulations from all over the world... so it must be real. I haven't been there yet. As for the container... I really don't know what it is. I noticed it many years ago, and it's not that it changes entirely the flavour, but there is 'something'. When given a choice I always go for the glass bottle. The 500ml plastic bottle seems to taste a little different. I can't describe it, it's a slightly sweeter flavour but it's not just that. Then I don't really feel that on a 2 litre bottle. Is it the same plastic? Is it because of the larger bottle-surface / liquid ratio in the smaller bottle? I do not know. Is the formula perhaps slightly different for the plastic bottles, perhaps, related to the stability in contact with the plastic? Does exposure to light change something? The glass bottles will stop UV while the plastic won't... I don't have a clue what it is, but there is a difference. But then, I don't really feel a particular flavour in bottled water... is that different plastics? Or I just haven't compared? I mean, different waters taste very different but how much is it the container and how much the actual water differences? I never had a glass/can/plastic side by side comparison with water. Some people even claim diet coke and standard taste the same, or coke zero and standard (which are a lot closer)... those will not clearly not distinguish the differences I'm talking about. And why does the coke from the tap at a bar taste so completely different (and vile)? I used to think they just didn't use 'real' coke, until I worked at a bar myself and saw we bought the real thing. Is it really the same stuff used in their bottled stuff, or again are there differences to make it more stable in those particular conditions? Life was a lot simpler when we didn't have choices! [/quote] Whod have thought 50 ish lines of Coke would be so long winded and uneventful.
  9. Actual wear from actual playing I quite like, even more so over pristine finishes on older basses. To me it shows that the instrument is of high enough quality to have been played a lot for a long time. I don't particularly have time for anything made to look old. PMT Birmingham very nearly made me take out finance on a Sandberg last year, the only thing putting me off being the very fake reliced look. But that's just me.
  10. I'd wait to see what the Sire PJs are like when they come out, as I'm sure we can all testify for Sires VFM.
  11. My eyes are always on Gumtree and Facebook mate, so I'll keep it in mind.
  12. Bad Sounds, The 2AM Club and to some degree Area11. Surprised I'm the only one that likes or even knows all three.
  13. I remember about this time last year I was getting back into bass and I wanted a thunderbird. Still do want a thunderbird but maybe it's worth waiting around to see the 2017 Epi reviews come in, and of course finding out the rrp.
  14. We did out of the black as a 4 piece. Bass and Guitar played the same parts as the guitar and bass channels did in the original, lead singer/rhythm guitarist played chords, drummer hit things with sticks. Simples.
  15. Had a little think today. Is saying the Four Seasons or Genesis too old for a man in his late teens?
  16. [quote name='anzoid' timestamp='1487197233' post='3238049'] Yeah, noticed that - I've found that it's kind of rare to get photos of where the side markers/dots/whatever are on any unlined fretless - but a pretty crucial omission . Despite having a Portamento for a very short while I don't actually remember where the marks were... Both my fretlesses (fretlii? ) are lined so no problems there but I've had unlined ones where the dots mark the fretlines - so if the Ibanez was like that - I think I'd get confused. Where did you manage to get your hands on one? Isn't the idea with the piezo that you get more of a double bass type thump? The Portamento at least has a couple of normal pickups to balance out the piezo in the bridge. I wasn't overly keen on the open-pore (wenge?) neck on the Portamento - it felt weird, the neck on this new one looks similar... [/quote] Ibanez Event at PMT in Brum. Sounded far too tame.
  17. I've tried one, they're OK. Not brilliant, but OK. to me felt like the satin neck was a bit rough and the sound a bit too dull.
  18. [quote name='ChunkyMunky' timestamp='1487098479' post='3237100'] Mr.Bungle Michael Jackson Mudvayne Madness Agonyst Spice Girls [/quote] I would want to be in the spice girls too... I mean the band ermm...
  19. [quote name='Dazed' timestamp='1487093390' post='3237009'] I really like the Overwater Patriot shape too, but I doubt if I'd ever own one they seem too big to me. Great British Bass Lounge have a couple in stock too My current guilty obsession is for a 6er. At the top of the weird list in my head is a Basslab. They are light, unique in that they are completely made of composite material and also totally hollow including the neck. [/quote] Unique definitely. And completely hollow? how? Not my personal choice but I suppose I know I wouldnt look particularly at home playing it. This on the other hand: https://www.andertons.co.uk/p/BADCPBCH1/electric-basses/gibson-midtown-standard-bass-guitar-in-pelham-blue is my bag
  20. The 1975 of current bands. Easy Bass lines, millions of teenage girls head over heels, sell out gigs up and down the country. Good times.
  21. Adele. Ideal music to make you sadder than you were before turning on the radio. Heart FM gold. To be fair though, my favourite weren't even nominated, but such is music at the minute, people would rather be crying over Adele than venture into the realms of I Like it When You Sleep, Walls, The Getaway or Blackstar, all of which are less depressing.
  22. If anyone wants to do the honors of adding the Bleeding Sunflower Jazz Bass (now the official name) to the list. It's truly an incredible instrument and Andy has transformed it into a great looker and player.
  23. Trying to learn The Less I Know the Better by Tame Impala for our band. The distorted bass in that never leaves yer head.
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