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Everything posted by SH73

  1. Looks nice. I'm thinking getting a p bass for a project.
  2. Hello. There are knowledgeable people here so the forum is full of information. You'll enjoy it here.
  3. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1498043961' post='3322160'] I think EBS_freak post should have had a :-) after it. It was more a comment your (or your device's) inability to spell "Peavey" [/quote] It's not inability; it's the predictive text and laziness of typing as you say. I've realised after the post but I'm too lazy to correct.
  4. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1498000447' post='3321959'] Was that some sort of rip off Peavey? [/quote] No it was not. I still have it. It is stored at my parents house.It hasn't been properly used for 25 years. Some idiot who had access to a rehearsal room decided to use it for a disco night without my permission and since it has sounded distorted. I checked the speaker and it seems fine. Might require a little fix but probably will cost more to fix than sell.
  5. When I was in late teens I owned a black widow Pavey.The sound tech turned my bass down coming out the PA so I just turned the Pavey right up onstage.The gig was in a medium sized theatre and Pavey was loud enough for the circumstances. Stuff you sound techs.
  6. I'm not in s band but if I was I'd be happy to gig once week as I have other commitments I enjoy doing.
  7. So if a band rehearses more than they play is a no go? I know of bands that rehearse once a week and play once a month maybe more during the summer. I would be happy with once a month gig.
  8. Unless you have a big mole on your face, moustache and long hair it's no point. IMHO
  9. Free Sunday roast in a pub plus drinks for saving an old ladie's life. She was choking going grey. I did heimlich manoeuvre.
  10. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1497102708' post='3315865'] My guitars, recorded 'dry', are not all that inspiring, either, that's why I use virtual fx, such as Amplitube (there are tons of others...) and such to get the recorded sound I'm after, depending on what I what to hear. I have a physical pedalboard, and a whole range of decent pedals (Boss Fender Deluxe, Akai Headrush, EH Germanium Big Muff, Loop Station and many more...), which I use when playing through an amp (Fender Bassman 50, or Jazz Chorus, or others..), but for recording I get far better results by going in directly to the interface and treating afterwards. On occasion I'll treat whilst recording, but usually have a second 'dry' track in any case, and often end up not using the track with 'baked in' fx; they obviously cannot be 'tweaked' after the event. To each his/her own, of course, but unless going the full-on 'studio' route, with decent micing of the amp and cab in a decent-sounding room, I don't see any real downside to using modern virtual stuff. I should add, for those not aware, that I'm quite hard of hearing in my doddery old age, but have always been, and remain, rather 'old school' when I can. Here, though, the modern stuff is so much better than the way it was done 'back then'. To get the 'amp cranked' sound, we'd put the cab face down on the carpeted floor and turn up the wick..! Hiwatt Heaven..! Happy daze. [/quote] Just looked up amplitude 4. Looks quite versatile. Thanks for your help.
  11. If my guitar amp had and an XLR out that would be brilliant. Unfortunately my guitar into focusrite sounds shocking.
  12. [quote name='Earbrass' timestamp='1495881708' post='3307277'] Pretty awesome . Sadly its arrival coincided with having my music room redecorated, so all my gear has been piled up in another room and not very accessible, but I've been giving it a good run through its paces this morning and I have to say I am very impressed. Works great with guitar and bass and plays nicely with my Yamaha FC-7 expression pedal. These days I am only playing out with acoustic instruments, so this is just for the much-despised "bedroom noodling" and for recording when I get the studio set up again. All the amp models and fx I am ever likely to want/need, looper, drum patterns (though you can't use the looper and the drums at the same time for some reason). Very tweakable - you can move the order of fx in the chain, add and remove fx (up to 10 at once), assign any 3 to the footswitches in stombox mode, etc etc. USB interface for recording, headphone out, aux in (both on mini jacks). Solidly built. No on/off switch though. At £80 I can't think of a reason not to buy one if you're in the market for a multi-fx. EDIT: I forgot to mention that I wasn't too impressed with the tuner - it's too sensitive and the little arrow whizzes up and down while the note is still ringing, making it very difficult to be precise, but I'm happy to tune by ear at home, and I have a pitch black tuner anyway so not a big deal for me. [/quote] Do you hook it up as interface to PC. I'm after a di guitar pedal for recording as I don't get on recording guitar straight into focusrite.
  13. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1497091630' post='3315785'] Not a very precise question, in my view, but if FTWS (or FTSW..?) means FooTSWitch, it cannot be used for audio, as it is only for switching, and has no signal at all. Could be wrong, of course, if it refers to summit else. [/quote] You're right it's a footswitch out.
  14. Do you think I can use the FTWS output to connect to interface?
  15. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1497085366' post='3315713'] The interface has an instrument input which will accept signal from the guitar (or the fx...). It's as if it had a built-in DI. Have you tried using that..? [/quote] I can record bass via Hartke di into interface but guitar plugged into interface sounds unbearable even when I tried it through Hartke.Hence I'm after a guitar di pedal.
  16. Epihone les paul or squier tele via Ibanez tubescreamer plugged into Fender mustang one amp which is plugged into laptop with tons of pre sets from Fender mustang. I usually mic up the amp speaker just off the centre using SM57 that goes into Focusrite 2i2 recorder on Ableton live. I can get lots of variety this way but looking for a di to record and mix mic and di sound simultaneously.
  17. Can anyone recommend a guitar di for recording guitars. I'm using Ableton live lite. I've posted this in guitar section but it doesn't appear the guitar section has many visitors.
  18. [quote name='owen' timestamp='1497004174' post='3315203'] Ugh - bright strings make me I am aware that this is not a constructive addition to the discussion. [/quote] My flats on p bass have been dead for over a year. A Touch of overdrive makes them happy.
  19. Can anyone recommend a guitar di for recording guitars. I'm using Ableton live lite.
  20. [quote name='uk_lefty' timestamp='1496779873' post='3313847'] Or you drive out your way late at night to meet at a service station (their idea) for them not to answer their phone or show up. Not even the decency to come up with an excuse. [/quote] Are you posting in the correct thread?😉
  21. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1496583514' post='3312444'] Where is JTUK these days? [/quote] No idea who jtuk is.
  22. [quote name='Les' timestamp='1496580340' post='3312407'] Those of you playing stadiums 30 feet from the audience with a ring of steel around you won't know what I'm on about but you weekend warriors in pubs certainly will. What do you do ? We had a bloke wanting to talk to me last night, between songs he was aking if we did any Garth Brookes, told him we didn't but he wouldn't let it go, then want's to know why ? We're reasonably slick with our programmng, patter, cues to start etc and it's quite a smooth show but this caused a slight hiccup and had me having to ask what the next song was before we set off in our usual slick style. No real damage but we skipped a beat and it certainly didn't entertain anyone in the audience. I have no idea why people would want to do this but they do and have done it would seem since the dawn of time. It prompted a bit of a band discussion and we decide there and then that it's now band policy to look the miscreant in the eye, shake your head in a negative and then turn away from them and ignore their attempts at nattering. How do you guys deal with this ? Les [/quote] Is there anyone here playing stadium size gigs? Not as a support band.
  23. All very creative, but would you run the washing machine via di straight into PA or would you mic it up. What strap would you wear and do you prefer it pure white or relic? Just askin...
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