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Everything posted by SH73

  1. SH73

    Guitar rebuild

    Not sure about red tortoise pickguard on surf green.Looks like Jimmy Hendrix had one.
  2. SH73

    Guitar rebuild

    Can't decide on colour. Thinking surf green with pearl white pickguard or white with pearl white pickguard. Marbeling painting might be harder than it looks. Any suggestions on colour?
  3. Have you reported it? I would start searching e bay, gumtree, schpock and local pawn shops.
  4. SH73

    Guitar rebuild

    [quote name='Norris' timestamp='1500128312' post='3335795'] Certainly leave the undercoat on if you're refinishing it anyway. I've seen someone recently finish a guitar using magic marble paint on another forum - however it did take him several attempts to get it right, and levelling it out afterwards wasn't easy. (Magic marble is a paint that you float on water and then dip the guitar body into - you'll need a big plastic bin, enough to submerge the whole body if you're going that route) I'm not sure if I'd use gorilla glue anywhere. Afaik it expands in contact with water, including natural humidity. As far as removing the existing finish, you shouldn't need to. Just sand it all to provide a decent key [/quote] Thanks for advice much appreciated. The gorilla glue is 100 % once dried so should be fine for that missing flake of polyurethane.
  5. SH73

    Guitar rebuild

    [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1500108305' post='3335637'] I've had that on a japans squier - it was kinda this awful mess of bad basswood, coated in a plastic type outer that made it hard. I picked the body up secondhand and someone had taken a chunk of the plastic type layer off already - I ended up buying a cheap replacement body. My 2p if you haven't already taken it off - leave it and use the existing base to put your paint on - there's no need to take it back to the wood [/quote] I only removed a small piece of outer coating. I filled the missing bit with a thin layer of Gorilla glue, so no major damage done. Thanks for advice
  6. SH73

    Guitar rebuild

    New pick ups arrived from Iron Gear.
  7. SH73

    Guitar rebuild

    I started sanding the top guitar surface. It appears it is polyurethane. So I got the heat gun out and removed a small part but noticed there is some more plastic like underneath.The guitar body is apparently, according to internet search, made of basswood, but the body material seems to be something else. Could it be made of some hard plastic? This might make it difficult when it comes to routing the body to fit the floyd rose. I have sanded of the guitar logo and sanded off the neck thickness. The neck felt comfortable as it was so I only gave a little sanding.
  8. Hi B-chatters, This is my first, hopefully thorough guitar rebuild. I have attempted one decades ago, which turned out decent ish. This time, I decided to re build my electric guitar, namely Cruzer ST-220/3TS Sunburst. I`ve had this guitar for about 5 years from new but I thought I `ll give it a complete make over. I`m not a fan of sunburst...... The plan is to insert a floating tremolo with lock nut, and new hardware. Also set of new pick ups with similar characteristics to dimarzio super distortion and samarium noiseless. All hardware will be black including pick ups.Initially, I wanted the guitar white but I`m thinking of marbleling painting method. Have yet to decide on the colour. White/blue with black hardware would look nice. BTW, any suggestions on new colour are welcome.
  9. Age is only a number. Some people get married and have kids after they turned 40. I got back to bass playing when I was nearly 40 and now that I'm 40 I take on new hobbies. Enjoy and don't start buying too many basses too soon.😊
  10. Most of my songs are composed by accident. For example when I'm tweaking the guitar tone or messing with effects. I then guick record them on my phone. Often when I go to sleep I've got ideas going through my head. I even dreamt about a song but when I woke up I couldn't remember the tune. I'm crap with lyrics.... Maybe taking a break coukd help you to clear your mind.
  11. [quote name='adamg67' timestamp='1499959351' post='3334853'] What about a PRS HFS? I've got one in an S2 Custom 24 and I really like it, especially with coil tap for more options. [/quote] Nah i ordered some from irongear
  12. I've been looking at bare knuckles and oil city. They look expensive. In fact you can get dimarzio or seymour duncan for less than that. Toneriders are better vslue pickups but they were unable to answer my questions.
  13. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1499780932' post='3333555'] That sounds like a ground loop hum.....which usually only rears it's ugly head when monitoring over speakers (with unbalanced cables) as opposed to being recorded and also heard on Headphones. But hey, computers can be weird! If it's a cheap laptop, then the internal power supplies are often a bit crap, sometimes once they're engaged (by plugging in the power), they can cause the USB ports to act strangely. We saw this with a number of laptops simply dropping peripheral devices on some USB ports when connecting to power, perhaps in your case it's just adding some noise if struggling to power it properly.....maybe. Would be interesting to test the 2i2 on other computers that perhaps fall above yours in the budget/specs etc. Anyway, I know it's not idea, but at least you've found the culprit. If you still want some advice, do contact Tech Support, as they will be more on top of any recent known issues with laptop brands than I am. Cheers Si [/quote] Cheers Si
  14. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1499725104' post='3333224'] Talk to Tech Support, there may be a fault but they'll help trouble shoot it. Si [/quote] I think i located the main culprit. It's the laptop charger! On batteries it soundd decent. As soon as I connect the charger, there it is: his his, buz buz, hum hum etc
  15. Humming is still there. I tweaked the gate and humming noise only comes back when I play.Yhis is really frustrating.
  16. They both look aesthetically appealing and sure they sound great. But very dear.Suppose they have to compensate being a small company.
  17. https://youtu.be/47cDZCLJfFM £250 from Thomamn
  18. [quote name='the boy' timestamp='1499100781' post='3329174'] You could set up your guitar amp the way you want it to sound and simply mic the amp. I use this method a lot. [/quote] I've done it loads but at the moment I have to set it up each time I record so opted for di until I get a music room.
  19. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1498993602' post='3328390'] If the issue remains, then call our Tech Support team next week (open Mon-Fri 9:30am-6pm), if anyone can solve it, they can +44 01494 462246 Si [/quote] Problem solved. Re installed Ableton live on windows 10. Bought Amplitube 4 and added as Vst to Ableton plug ins. Highly addictive now. The issue with humming is minimal as good old youtube search suggested use of Gate so it's not too bad once I cut the silence parts. Thanks for advice.
  20. Cheers chaps. Had heard a lot about Ibanez Rg.
  21. I'm looking for a budget Floyd Rose guitar. I like these two being IM fan but read mixed reviews. I need a guitar with a Floyd Rose with a lock to record songs. Can anyone advise? https://www.andertons.co.uk/p/2913052576/solid-body-electric-guitars/jackson-adrian-smith-sdx-maple-neck-snow-white https://www.andertons.co.uk/p/2913051576/solid-body-electric-guitars/jackson-adrian-smith-sdx-rosewood-neck-snow-white?LGWCODE=2913051576;56375;6335&gclid=CKTplsCW79QCFeYp0wodFtcNjw
  22. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1498917717' post='3327975'] You shouldn't be getting any high-pitched noise at all (obviously), so adding a DI box isn't really solving the issue long term. Is the high pitch being recorded? Or just from your speakers? If the latter, how are you monitoring yourself? Through speakers connected to the rear of the 2i2? If so, are younusing balanced cables? (Two black bands around each 1/4" plug?). Does the same sound happen when monitoring using headphones from the 2i2? Si [/quote] I'm using headphones and the dound remains post recording. I've just reluctantly upgraded to Windows 10 and will buy Amplitube 4 so need to test it again.
  23. I voted 10 mins after midnight hope it counts.
  24. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1498743861' post='3326768'] Gen 1 2i2s certainly have lower headroom than the Gen 2s. Just to be clear, it's not the 2i2 that is 'sounding shocking', it's just that the input is clipping, any interface would sound bad if you clip the input. If you lower your pickups, or turn the volume down on your guitar, you'll get as good a tone into your DAW as if you used any DI box. Obviously this isn't ideal for most guitarists, and so that's why we addressed this on the Gen2 2i2s and increased the input gain level. Unless you have other uses for a DI, I'd save yourself desk space and just upgrade your Gen 1 to a Gen 2. For transparency, I work for Focusrite. Cheers Si [/quote] Cheers, I lowered the volume to make sure it's in green not clipping etc. But the high pitched noise is there even when I don't play which is frustrating. I turned away from laptop, extended the ethernal and nothing.
  25. I have downloaded the free version of amplitube but getting a high pitched sound. Moved the wires etc but it's still there. Any suggestions?
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