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Everything posted by LewisK1975

  1. I think it works really well, love the shape of the headstock too. For me, matching headstocks only work on necks with Rosewood / other dark fingerboards, like this one! Well done, excellent work.!
  2. If your going to do a replacement nut yourself, my advice is to buy 2 or 3. And go file/sand a little / check / repeat when shaping the overall nut size & cutting the slots. And yes, nut files can be very expensive. It's actually quite rewarding when you get it right though!
  3. I have the Helix, so tune through that mostly. But on occasions where I'm not using it, I also have the TC Clipon and I'll never buy a pedal or rack tuner again. It works perfectly. Even in some very noisy rooms.
  4. No, sorry that's not correct. Your amp has a minimum load of 4ohms. If you connect an 8ohm cab and a 4ohm cab in parallel (the normal way) you get a total load of 2.7ohms presented to the amp. Not OK for your Orange OB1. You could get a series cable which will add the ohm's together and present a total load of 12ohms to the amp. This would send 66% of the amp power to the 8ohm cab and 33% to the 4ohm cab. I haven't checked but I guess the Orange is 500w at 4ohm. That power will be reduced at 12ohms. The best advice in this situation is to get another 8ohm cab to go with your 8ohm Orange 4x10. That will present a total load of 4ohms to the amp and give you max. power.
  5. Bloody Ell I think you're right BW. What to do?!?!
  6. Saw this on Bass Direct and it's taken my fancy: http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/Ellio_Martina_BT4.html The web certainly isn't awash with info/demos on them but I did see Mark Vanderkley playing one here, whilst demoing the aurora amp, listen to that E string! Anyone know any more about them??
  7. Beat me to it! Also the Attitude Bass is made in Japan. I always thought his original decision to stop using Ampeg was due to him observing quality issues with them after production moved to the far east. He's certainly very friendly and helpful on the Facebook page dedicated to the Attitude Bass. As well as his political views, I've never been sure what to make of the scientology thing either. I've always been a kind of 'each to their own' type of person. Although I can feel that changing as I get older......
  8. Noticed this a couple of times lately - folks take the time to put the post up and then disappear and don't respond to any of the advice/help...
  9. Interesting, I didn't realise these were made with thinner bodies, what's the actual difference in thickness between these and the usual thickness then?
  10. Whoa, Yamaha making great strides in the last few years. First Line 6, now Ampeg. Impressive. Can only be good news. I also now expect Billy Sheehan to be back using Ampegs in the near future!
  11. Not right now (using a BF two10 atm), but I did use 2 Ashdown mini ABM 15s for about 8 years. Folks were always surprised at the amount of top end you could get from those cabs.
  12. Yep - Ashdown are a fantastic company to deal with.
  13. TBH @dannybuoy Simple pitch was the first one I found when setting up my main patch and I've stuck with it so far, I'll certainly be trying the other octavers on there, probably tonight actually!
  14. Haven't read this whole thread (so this may have already been said).. I think to a certain extent we all need to remember when we're out gigging that (assuming it's a PAID gig) we're actually working. Hold that thought and think about your day job, how many of us feel we get the appreciation we deserve every time we go to work in our day jobs? Why should gigging be so different? As always, YMMV!
  15. Same here, never had an OC-2, but i'll swap my 'simple pitch' for it and give it a go..
  16. Awesome Basses. I've owned 3 of these over the years. Rare to see one which still has all of the 'F' logo knobs still present/correct. If it's all original electrically, it'll also have the TBX tone circuit, which is a great feature. GLWTS.
  17. I actually had an un-modded PB50, one of the 'older' ones with wilkinson hardware. Sold it just before xmas.
  18. And this is where the turning wheels led me: So I'm thinking basically a Fender/Wal crossover. Multi-coil pickups and filter preamp, but with P-Bass looks. So now I'm Gassing for a Bass which doesn't exist, Great!
  19. +1, but I do also like the idea of having a black detail on the headstock, tying in with the body. This thread is getting my wheels turning!
  20. Also I seem to recall on one of the documentary films (I forget which one) Steve Harris saying something along the line of the original idea was to have 3 guitarists anyway...
  21. Definitely. I am biased though, see my 78 Precision :-
  22. I'm a Big fan of Black pickguards against cream/off white bodies!
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