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Everything posted by LewisK1975

  1. This is also my biggest bug bear when it comes to rehearsals (I'm talking specifically for cover bands here) IMHO Everyone should have learned their individual parts at home, the rehearsal is for getting the song(s) tight and perfecting any changes to the original recorded versions arrangements.. YMMV!
  2. Indeed, the idea of a kickback combo has been in my thoughts lately too....I saw one of these in PMT Cardiff last weekend but didn't have chance to try it...
  3. So, is it not at all possible to somehow start/finish the rehearsals earlier?
  4. What's the tension like on Elixirs? I've been using the Dunlop Super Bright Nickels 45-105 for some time now, I love the lower tension they have and they do seem to last a while for me anyway... Always interested to try something new but dropping £43 quid to find out I don't like em due to high tension would boil my p1ss for sure!
  5. Hmm not strictly accurate, there are 3 types of distortion available on the Aftershock; tube, heavy and fuzz. On the standalone pedal, You can save your settings in each of the 3 types of distortion. So, actually available at point of use on the pedal itself are 3 presets. As I read it, you can also connect via midi to a separate 'neuro hub' which then lets you store up to 128 different presets (remotely I presume) for re-assigning to the pedal, at least that what I think it does....I could well be wrong, lol. Good luck to the op in his quest!
  6. There are certainly options out there to suit all budgets. I will retort though, that saying the SA aftershock 'probably has as many dirt options as the Helix', really couldn't be more incorrect.
  7. I really think anyone who's into distorted/overdriven Bass should try the Helix. If it's occasional dirt you're looking for, the Helix is a gold mine of things to try. You can split your signal inside the unit so you have an 'Always on' clean signal, then have some gnarly stuff on a separate signal which can be turned off/on or even up/down...honestly I've had one since December last year and I've still only scratched the surface of what you can do with it...
  8. Yeah I spotted these too. Prices seem really good. I have the BH250 and it's a really good, easy-to-get-a-good-sound-out-of type amp. Gassed for a BH550/800 for a while too, but then an RH750 came onto my radar and I've been using that ever since. BH250 is now the backup!
  9. Have been up to 11 Basses at one point, currently have 7: Fender '78 Precision Fender US Elite Precision (main gigging Bass) Fender bitsa PJ (Backup Gigging Bass) Fender Roadworn Precision Squier CV Precision Yamaha Attitude LTD3 LTD/ESP Fretless PJ4 Also have a Korean Squier S9 Strat & an EKO Ranger acoustic for demoing.
  10. Thanks Brendan, I haven't tried a G&L, but it's certainly another one to consider. Thanks!
  11. Whilst this is absolutely true, the main sound I'd be looking to get in the ball park of is the Wal sound, which do have the rear pickup further back. Here's a great vid of a Bass which Carey Nordstrand made for Justin Chancellor (I think Chancellor ultimately rejected it), but it shows that you can get pretty darn close to the Wal tone, without paying £5k+ for it..Be sure to listen with headphones / good speakers!
  12. Been considering a dual MM Pup bass for some time. I know I prefer the feel of precision shaped basses, but can find myself liking the sound of other types of Basses. A look through the limelight gallery on the Classic and cool website showed this! Whilst I would change a few things aesthetically and probably have a preamp onboard, it's about as close as I've seen to what's in my head... I wonder what clever sort got their hands on that!
  13. Been toying with the idea of a double MM Pup arrangement and then I see this on the Limelight gallery: Aside of some personal changes I'd do with the aesthetics, it's pretty much exactly what I had in mind. I wonder what clever sort got that one?
  14. Came across these on Facebook the other day and subsequently searched Youtube and there's plenty there too, absolutely awesome. Here's their version of Distant early warning:
  15. Definitely looks like a mod to me, one nearest the neck has been added...that bass is one of the 'longhorn' types Fender did for a short while too...nice basses.
  16. I was lucky enough to score one of the 60's Fiesta Red ones locally. Slapped some Thomastiks on it and you're in Jamerson heaven!
  17. LewisK1975


    I'm also in for this one, got a lovely LTD Fretless. Picked it up locally for £150 with a case.
  18. Twas a major selling point when I got my Elite Precision. Guess what, after my initial setup to my preferred strings, I've never touched it!
  19. There's nothing you can do to make the standalone combo louder than it currently is. The 'power amp in' socket is a direct input for the combo's power amp section, for connecting a separate preamp to the amp, which I'd think will disable the connection from the combo's internal preamp. If you like the sound of the amp and want it to be louder, you can connect the 'preamp out' to a separate louder power amp. That power amp will then need it's own speakers. Hope this helps.
  20. Did I beat the (albeit 'mild' / more 'carry on' than actual swear) swear filter?
  21. Billy Sheehan does seem to have an aversion to 5/6 string Basses. On the (drop tuned) Sons of Apollo record, he's used a 4-string tuned BEAD, and is actually touring using a double neck, which has BEAD on the lower neck, and EADG on the upper neck which is used for his solo spot.
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