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Dan Dare

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Everything posted by Dan Dare

  1. Not too good. Everyone bar me rates the drummer. He's from a jazz background, has excellent timing and is very competent around the top of the kit. BUT, he doesn't us the bass drum properly - no oomph and nothing to dial into. He's too busy doing twiddly bits on the cymbals. Feels as if he's playing along half the time. Could be time to hand in my notice.
  2. Lydon probably wanted to pay them all £50 a week...
  3. Ah, the old YouTube cute looking woman busking along to a track routine. You don't even know whether they're playing or miming (even if the fingers are landing in the right places).
  4. It depends on the aim or purpose of the band. If the idea is for a bunch of friends to enjoy themselves making music, a democracy is fine. However, if the aim is more business-like, then someone needs to have at least a casting vote of some sort or nothing gets done. Degree of input counts, too. If someone provides an expensive PA or gets bookings, in addition to the contributions they make to playing, arranging, etc that should count for something when decisions are made.
  5. Don't sell it unless you're desperate for the loot. It will only appreciate and, as you've found, a Jazz just works.
  6. Watford Valves helpful in my experience.
  7. Thanks for suggestions, folks. Done some experimenting (not cheap with bass strings). D'addario balanced only available in round wound, as far as I can find. Found a La Bella set I quite like - 43 to 104.
  8. My main instrument was the fiddle. Back in the late 60s/70s, wasn't considered cool so picked up the bass s I could play in bands with my mates.
  9. Still miss my old Bassman 135 head. Sold it in the 80s when we all went Trace Elliot crazy .
  10. Tell me about it. Really good drummers rarer than rocking horse poo.
  11. Of course there will. It just won't be like what went before. People always react against the mainstream thank Gawd.
  12. Ah, good old chart stuff. They don't write 'em like they used to, etc. Shouldn't grumble too much. They help pay the bills after all.
  13. Thanks for suggestions. Cab is an SVT15E. The existing speaker is very crude sounding (unlike my VT210HE, which has a smooth tone) and weighs a ton. Must be possible to improve on it. Kappalite the obvious choice - with some additional bracing for the cab. Any others worth considering?
  14. I want better sound and to lighten the cab. Don't want to sell the cab as it matches my other one and you never get much selling them - certainly not what they're worth. Speakers aren't really matched to specific cabs - as long as the volume/porting is OK, you have considerable leeway. Budget not an issue.
  15. Yep. I re-used the Fender screws as the Gotoh ones were too thin for the holes in the body.
  16. Looking to replace the basic Eminence 15" driver in an Ampeg cab. What would you chaps recommend? Thanks.
  17. You may not be driving the other amp hard enough via the FX send/return. Are there line out/ins you can try?
  18. If you can stretch to a little over the ton, the baby EBS is nice.
  19. Great basses. Sold my L2000 Trib - couldn't get on with the wide P style neck (long time - 40years - J bass user with small hands), but versatile, great range of tones and nicely made.
  20. Check out Orchid DI boxes. Made in Devon, delivered to your door for incredibly reasonable money (£35ish) and highly rated by Sound on Sound.
  21. I just paid a luthier £150, but that was for fine inlays to replace the frets - didn't want filler. Decent instrument, so worth paying a bit extra.
  22. Following on from Bill's point, why not use fewer drivers, say 2 proper bass 12s, place diagonally with the unused holes blocked off? That'll give you the volume you need. Port it (you can buy ready made port tubes I a variety of sizes) and could work well.
  23. Coming to this a little late, but +1 from me. Have 3 of their covers. Fit perfectly, swift delivery and very good value.
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