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Dan Dare

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Everything posted by Dan Dare

  1. The boost you get from an extra cab does rely on the fact that the amp can drive them adequately. I'd try before buying in case it isn't up to it.
  2. You'll have to give us some idea of a budget. Do you want powered or passive, how large/powerful do they need to be (do they need to make enough noise for you to hear vocals over massive backline), will you be putting just vox or instruments through them, etc, etc? I use 4 of these - http://hkaudio.com/products.php?id=131, but they are mainly for vox.
  3. Good advice. Gives you a scalable rig, which you can tailor to suit the size of the job.
  4. Hilarious. What next? Shoes and wallets made from the great man's skin? Can't wait...
  5. I'd bet Orange are playing the impress-them-in-the-showroom game and agree with Bill's opinion re. gain structure. It's a common trick. You design an amp to give pretty well all its power by the time the volume is at about 3 and people say "Wow. It must be staggeringly powerful if that's how loud it is at 3. I'll take it." Then they find it has no more to give.
  6. Re. "Is this the norm?", there isn't a "norm". He who pays the piper and all that. Accept the offer/contract and you abide by the terms. No point in arguing. They can find plenty of people who will be happy to accept the T&Cs.
  7. Maybe and maybe not. It's not so simple. If, for example, others are transporting/providing a PA or items of equipment you depend on to perform, then you are exploiting them, or depending on them, at any rate. If you're happy to pay them for their efforts, that's not so bad. However, if everyone decided that having a car was "too expensive, too much hassle, nowhere to park, traffic jams, unnecessary for daily life" and that they "have never really liked driving", where would you be then?
  8. Bar lines are punctuation. They tell you where the strong/on beat should happen. Tied notes are used when a note should be held beyond the end of a bar. What's wrong with that?
  9. This. Speakons should be the same diameter as XLRs.
  10. More generally, would anyone claim learning to read language "stifled their creativity"? It's the same with music. A lot of defensiveness around the topic in my experience.
  11. Wrong way round, surely? C = no sharps or flats, g = one sharp, F = one flat and so on.
  12. Old Peavey 4x10s and 8x10s are the same. Heavy, but seriously good sounding and can be picked up for peanuts.
  13. Never thought of that. I've just compared my Mex PJ with my Bitsa (which uses a Squier body, so I assume it uses the same spacing as a full fat Fender) and the p pickup is in the same place on both.
  14. Fusion rucksack. Being a tackle tart, I got it because it matches my gig bag.
  15. Before cutting holes in your Nate, would it be worth selling it as is and looking for a PJ? If you mod' it, it may well reduce the re-sale value (modification usually does). The Mexican Fender PJs can be picked up quite reasonably second hand.
  16. Check the power rating of Arctic cables, too.
  17. EBS Freak's recommendation is a good one. The RCF's are excellent and light for their size/power. The Yamaha DXRs are also very fine. Many shops stock both, so worth comparing them. A pal of mine uses a DXR as keyboard backline at quite high levels and it's very good/clean sounding. You will need a sub for significant bottom end, as mike257 says. No getting away from the fact that you need to shift air for bass and kick at higher levels.
  18. Seems comments on this issue are split between those who buy the occasional instrument, who don't mind travelling, and those who buy a lot/deal, who do mind. If you want to deal/buy and sell for a profit, that's your business, but you can't really complain if people won't help you by shipping stuff to you.
  19. I don't think a bass would fit on a pallet, even diagonally, due to its length.
  20. Why? If a seller doesn't wish to chance entrusting his instrument to a courier, that's his prerogative. "Fairness" doesn't come into it. You can always buy new. Shops will happily deliver because they are covered by their insurance (and because couriers know that they will lose a shop's entire business if they screw up, whereas they couldn't care less about a private individual).
  21. Could be worth trying the Aguilar AG700 with your cabs. More power/headroom and cleaner than your TH. A less old school sounding head (I'm assuming by "loose", you mean the sound dirties when you push it, which is something of a TH trademark).
  22. This. And this. I'd be willing to send an El Cheapo instrument by post/courier, but not anything decent. Collection only is a way of weeding out chancers and time wasters, too. If someone can't be bothered to collect a quality instrument, they aren't that interested.
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