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Dan Dare

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Everything posted by Dan Dare

  1. In response to the original question, Rumbles are good for the money. If you have deep pockets, look at AER.
  2. I disagree. I have 2 PJB C4s, plus a 4B, which I use with an AG700 (the number depends on the size of the job). A single C4 struggles to keep up with anything but the gentlest drummer and won't project far into the room, so a Double Four simply won't cut it.
  3. So true. There's nothing new under the sun and one born every minute. When I was young and the top of my head didn't get sunburnt, several bands I was in were approached by people promising the earth, in exchange for our hard-earned up front, which would pay for all the hard work they were going to do for us, the demo record (I'm that old) they were going to produce/promote, etc, etc. I'm afraid that if people are taken in by this nonsense, they only have themselves to blame.
  4. Won't cope with a drummist, even a well-behaved one.
  5. You'd have to empty it about 500 times, though...
  6. I have 2 PJB C4s (the same drivers/cab as the combo above, minus the amp). They definitely would not suffice in a rock band (I drive them properly - AG700). They have clarity and tone in spades, but just not enough h*ft. You need to use a lot of those small PJB drivers to generate that.
  7. +1. It can be difficult to say no to a friend. I will lend anything I'm not bothered about (such as a practice amp, which the OP refers to), but the borrower has to collect and return it to me and make good any damage.
  8. A little nervousness can be helpful, imho - keeps you on your toes, stops you becoming blasé. It can be disabling in extremes (see Stew's post above), but a little is a good thing.
  9. You will have to experiment a little to find whether the issue is caused by neck relief, fret height, action, etc. You could have a high fret or two (I have just addressed this issue on one of my basses). To find out if that's the case, you need to remove the strings, set the neck straight - take out any curvature with the truss rod - and check them with a straight edge. It is true that a low string tends to flap a bit more than others and the fact that we often play a bit harder on thicker strings adds to the issue.
  10. I have a couple of C4s. You need a few of them to develop any weight to the sound - I use my two with a 4B and it's fine for most situations. Handy for me at my advanced age to carry several small cabs rather than one big one. They like plenty of power - efficiency is low, but don't like to be pushed really hard. You have to find the sweet spot. Very crisp and hi-fi sounding and better, imho, with a warmer sounding amp. When I bought my C4s, I actually tried them with a MB LM3 in the shop and thought it was a good foil to the cabs, for me at any rate. When I bought a new head recently, I tried the LM, but preferred the AG700, which I subsequently bought.
  11. Someone should respond, inviting him to join an Adge Cutler and the Wurzels tribute band, just to confirm his prejudices.
  12. You defo need a lid on it. Without one, the case will be less rigid and more prone to bending, which could break a circuit board.
  13. Bill, do you think it worth lining a cab with those shaped foam acoustic tiles? They're expensive, but is it worth the cost?
  14. I'm sure he'll be inundated (there's another "posh word" for you) with replies from people eager to get him to a nice quiet out of the way rehearsal room where they can give him a good kicking . What a tosser.
  15. I agree with lemmywinks. Studio monitors or similar will not handle uncompressed music at anything like sensible levels in a noisier environment and anything decent won't be cheap. If you want something that will reproduce DI'd bass at any kind of level, you're going to have to spend some money. Don't, repeat, don't buy anything without trying it for its intended purpose first. That's a sure-fire route to throwing money away.
  16. You might be seen (so many CCTV cameras around these days) Dog turd in an envelope through the letterbox?
  17. It's often the case that a band will have a combination of those who stare at their fingers/shoes but who are great players and those who are at home engaging with an audience. That seems to be a good balance. I don't think you need any more than 2 who front up/chat or it can get a bit wearing.
  18. Good point. T Cut also leaves a residue, which you should ideally wipe off with something like white spirit.
  19. I saw an interview with Bryan Beller, in which he spoke somewhat disparagingly about "coffee table basses". Sums up a lot of the preceding pic's rather well, I think.
  20. Very nice they look, too.
  21. Have a look at the Consumer Rights Act (Google will find it). Like the Sale of Goods Act before it, it specifies things such as your rights to refunds, repair and replacement of faulty goods.
  22. It depends. If I'm playing a function, such as a wedding, where I'm playing what people want, then of course not. However, If I'm doing something for my own sake (perhaps in a situation where I play in an "originals band" and we want to try to create awareness, gain audience, etc, then, if we think the gig may be useful in that regard, yes. Also, I play in another band that made up of experienced players, who are well past the first flush of youth (all 60+). We like to get together once in a while and play for fun. We are fortunate in that we don't need to earn money at every possible opportunity. So if something that looks as if it will be enjoyable comes along (and it isn't going to make a lot of money for the event organiser or anyone involved), we'll do it for the hell of it if they ask nicely and buy us a drink or two. See my comment above. There is little "original music" in the world. There may be stuff that someone has written recently, but that often isn't "original". "Derivative music" might be a better term for much of it. As for "hearing something new", at the age of 64 and having been playing since my teens (including stints where I made a living out of it), that doesn't happen all that often and certainly not at these venues that put on "new bands", singer/songwriters et al.
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