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Everything posted by Stingray5

  1. If you're playing to a mixed age group... Waltzes: The Beatles - Norwegian Wood Debbie Boone - You Light Up My Life Commodores - Three Times A Lady Doris Day - Que Sera Sera Leo Sayer - When I Need You Simply Red - If You Don't Know Me By Now -- and there's always -- Brand X - Euthanasia Waltz Quicksteps: The Cure - The Lovecats Bobby Darin - Mack The Knife Nancy Sinatra - These Boots Are Made For Walkin' Billie Jo Spears - Blanket On The Ground (segue's nicely into 'Hello Mary Lou')
  2. Doc, I have to ask -- any chance of a pic of the new 'Ray? The Vigier does look cool too, btw.
  3. [quote name='cd_david' post='640723' date='Oct 30 2009, 08:24 AM']Thanks for the offer Steve, its a lovely bass, i think i would prefer a colour as opposed to natural atm. Thanks for the offer Cheers Dave[/quote] No worries, Dave. Hope you find what you're looking for soon. Cheers, Steve
  4. I'd intended going to this, provided nothing came up.... Curses -- something has come up! Got a band rehearsal (pffft, what do they know about Bass Days?! ) Oh well, maybe next time? To those who are going, have a great day and I look forward to seeing any photos here after the event.
  5. [quote name='cd_david' post='639300' date='Oct 28 2009, 06:02 PM']Would still swap for the right Fretless Ray [/quote] Ok, I've been toying with this for a while as I've been thinking of also going for a fretted 4-string Ray. But I do love my fretless Ray too! However, it's not getting quite as much use at the moment, so maybe...?? The pic in my sig shows it without the tort guard (click to see larger) so I've added a couple here too. Only problem might be the distance between us as I'm always very nervous with couriers etc. If it's not quite what you're after, no worries. Steve.
  6. Redundancy and illness actually led to my going full-time as a musician about 18 years ago. It's been a real rollercoaster ride with many ups and downs, but I love music (mine and others) and am grateful for the opportunity to do something I love -- and even get paid for it! I would also echo many of the sentiments that have been previously mentioned. To me, being 'professional' has always been as much an attitude and state of mind regardless of whether someone is a full-time musician or playing for fun at the weekend. In that regard, I've certainly worked with so-called 'amateur' and 'semi-pro' musicians who were definitely more 'pro' than some so-called 'professionals' I've worked with!
  7. [quote name='tauzero' post='637890' date='Oct 27 2009, 02:46 PM']... by someone who was keen to sell you a new wireless unit and wouldn't mind lying to do so? [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=10362"]Thread on wireless licensing issues[/url][/quote] Hmmm, looks that way. Still, I ended up buying a replacement unit elsewhere anyway. Thanks for the link to the 'Licensing' thread.
  8. I realize I'm just slightly too late but would still like to register my interest just in case by chance another sub turns up or becomes available. [Just noticed the time for my post. Did someone forget to put the BassChat clock back? ]
  9. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='636880' date='Oct 26 2009, 02:38 PM'][url="http://theband.hiof.no/albums/rco_all_stars_live_lhs.html"]Here's the live CD[/url]... it's a magnificent Duck-fest...[/quote] Thanks WoT - one to add to the collection!
  10. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='636662' date='Oct 26 2009, 08:10 AM']What? It's fantastic! That line-up is the nucleus of the Blues Brothers Band.. great record. Have you heard the Live CD that came out a few years ago? Brilliant...[/quote] You know what, WoT, you're absolutely right! The passage of time is such that I hadn't actually played the album for some time. Listening back now, I will humbly retract my "far from the best..." comment! If anything it has improved with age (...wish I could say the same!! ).
  11. Band fan here, too. I still have my original vinyl set of "The Last Waltz" (plus the DVD of course). While on the subject, I have a pretty rare US import 3-LP set which I wonder if anyone else might own or have seen. I bought this around 1972/73 and it includes The Bands' own "Music From Big Pink" plus the first album by Quicksilver Messenger Service together with the Steve Miller Band (1st album). Also another original piece of vinyl in the collection is "Levon Helm and The RCO All-Stars": Far from the best of Band-related albums, though not too bad, I had to have it for the line-up alone: (image from the Edsel CD re-issue)
  12. Yep, that's one seriously nice looking bass. The matching pickup covers really set it off. Your patience has definitely been well rewarded!
  13. [quote name='alexclaber' post='634775' date='Oct 23 2009, 07:21 PM']Website has been swapped, just lots of editing and expanding for me to do now. Good idea about the press area, will put one of those together! Alex[/quote] Ah, that's more like it, Alex! Good job, bmd...
  14. Well, sorry if this goes against the trend here, but for the most part I've had pretty good experience of these clip-on tuners. I've used them mostly for my acoustic instruments (classical guitar, acoustic bass guitar, etc) as the direct connection is a whole lot better, but they've worked just as well with electric instruments including low B on the bass. For any tuner, make sure you 'clear' the previous tuned note before going on to the next one. I will say that there are some cheaper bits of crap out there but there's some pretty decent stuff too. Check out the Intelli-Touch brand. For the best of both worlds, I bought one of these off ebay which will work with any tuner (in my case, a little Boss TU-80) -- job done! [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=400001966735"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=400001966735[/url]
  15. In your original post, there's one positive element -- the metalhead drummer in your main band. I'm just wondering if you are able to contact him and see if he might be up for doing something different -- perhaps form a new band with you, or the two of you maybe go out as 'rhythm section for hire'. If he's not been around for 5 weeks, could be he's pee'd off with things too and looking elsewhere. Just a thought. Failing that, I'd say that it sounds like you certainly need a change because your current situation seems like it will just perpetuate negativity and resentment. I really do wish you well and hope you find what you're looking for.
  16. It does seem a mite high-priced. Here's an all-original '72 Jazz at Guitar Avenue priced at £2995.
  17. Might be better to say which titles/tabs in particular you're after. Any BC'ers that do happen to have the required tabs could reply/PM accordingly. Or a BC'er with the time and ability may take it on...?
  18. Top marks and congrats to Mrs ezbass on an excellent job! Actually looks like a lined fretless. Now can I get in line if you start taking orders?
  19. All the best for your next venture.
  20. [quote name='skankdelvar' post='627509' date='Oct 16 2009, 01:05 AM']...This isn't a band - it's a clown car... In the spirit of 'Tough Love' here are all your possible choices: * Tell them what the problems are. Propose a new approach. Your continued involvement is conditional on rigid adherence to your demands. 99% likelihood of failure. * Continue to enjoy the amazing music while being everyone else's bitch * Select the most promising musician from the sorry sack of fish-heads, fire everyone else, keep the name and the songs. F*** 'em over and laugh like a maniac. * Audition for other bands and leave this one when you're sorted. On departure, tell the 'drummer' that if he actually [i]had [/i]a bass drum, you'd piss in it. Move on to stardom and riches. * Leave this band and sit at home in the bedroom practising scales. Mournfully. Minor scales are good for this. * Give up playing and take up knitting.[/quote] Love that 'clown car' comment! As far as the options go, I choose door no. 4
  21. [quote name='Sonic_Groove' post='627242' date='Oct 15 2009, 07:21 PM']Them were the day hey? Looking at your avatar I guess you like me also love the sound of the Melotron? I would love to work in a band with someone with one of those, but would hate to help them carry it!! B[/quote] I've worked with a couple of keyboard players that had a Mellotron. Long gone now (...the Mellotrons I mean! ) The worst thing, aside from the weight, was replacing tape loops. Tuning was also a right pain in the A#...!
  22. Maybe you should put your original post into an email to the rest of your band as you have outlined your anger and frustration quite clearly. If after reading that, they still don't get the message, then leave them to it. Best of luck for whatever you do.
  23. [quote name='Sonic_Groove' post='626699' date='Oct 15 2009, 09:42 AM']Most of the sounds were generated with one of these [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clavinet"]Clavinet[/url] Probably the bass line is tic/tak of Clav & real bass? (I can't hear it properly at moment I am on laptop speakers). Brendan[/quote] Haha, beat me to it, but +1 to the above. In one of the bands I was in, back in the 70's, our keyboard player had one of the staple combination set-ups of the time: a Wurlitzer electric piano (later a Fender Rhodes) plus a Hohner D6 Clavinet. (I loved that sound). He then added one of the (then) new Korg synths. Can't remember the model but it was only monophonic. Not bad for solo's anyway. He 'upgraded' to a Moog.
  24. Happy birthday, peds' bass - here's to the next 21!
  25. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='626093' date='Oct 14 2009, 03:24 PM']"... the fact that I've always got a mic now makes me worry about earthing sh*t through my sh*t..."[/quote] Yep - witness Stone The Crows guitarist Les Harvey (R.I.P.) [quote name='alexclaber' post='626161' date='Oct 14 2009, 04:38 PM']I believe analogue wireless units use compression and expansion, like the dbx noise reduction on cassette 4-tracks. I think some of them also have highpass filtering (and possibly corrective EQ afterwards as on an RIAA curve preamp). Fortunately most bass rigs have sufficient colouration to hide the deficiencies of wireless, especially once the band is playing! Considering how static most bass players seem to be, I'd have thought a 30' lead would be a better solution to walk the floor during soundcheck (something I regularly do). The only times I have problems with being tethered is if I dance predominantly in a clockwise or anticlockwise direction... RCDs are probably a wise bet if you're a singing bassist - better take my own advice and get one! Alex[/quote] Guess it depends on the size of the 'room'. With some of my gigs, a 30' lead is not long enough as, where possible, I like to REALLY walk around during sound-checks and see how things sound from all angles! Even from the loo!! Plus I like to move around on stage. Nothing worse than running back and forth with a guitarist and finding you've plaited your leads nicely together! As an extra precaution, wireless or not, I still use an RCD of some sort.
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