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Everything posted by ubit

  1. [quote name='scalpy' timestamp='1440574153' post='2851971'] We played a fashion festival where the compere was a middle aged, slightly overweight leather tanned bloke dressed in speedos, straw hat and shades. As we were struggling to get through the backstage area full of wannabe models and fussy mums the drummer couldn't get passed this guy, who backed his thinly clad arse right into him. The guy turns round surprised and it turns out to be Keith Allen! He was great, and promptly persuaded everybody to move out of our way. [/quote] Fashion and speedos in the same sentence ? Well done!
  2. 888, the number of the beast ???
  3. I've been the bass player/ lead singer of our band for 35 years!
  4. It's actually a high E it's played in 7th fret. Listen to it again.
  5. I just take care to make sure the E and A are secured low on the tuning peg. As I said, I have had issues with it buzzing in the past, but as soon as I realised what was happening, I have never had any problems
  6. The E and the A can get a good angle straight away, it's the D and G that need the tree. So basically, they only needed to put a small tree on. Hasn't caused me any problems since I realised what was happening.
  7. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1440410037' post='2850355'] Learn The Trooper. It is the definitive IM bass line IMO. [/quote] I always just learned the recognisable bits from Maiden songs cos I knew we would never be playing them and it was just for my own satisfaction. Mr Harris' triplets tended to put me off though. I have heard that he uses two fingers, not three, but I struggle to believe this as his fingers don't seem to be moving. I think he does play very lightly right enough because I heard an interview and Nicko said, " Steve just tickles the strings duntcha mate?"
  8. I worked it out by ear when it came out at first. It has to be the only IM song I can play apart from the intro to Wrathchild. Steve Harris is a machine!
  9. When you arrange to have a sensible, sober person carrying heavy, expensive musical equipment through a throng of drunken, lairy, revellers, it tends to rarely turn out the way you would want it to. I try to leave the packing up until the majority of folk have gone, although I remember one occasion when we were setting up and the pub was packed with students. We struggled like hell to erect our musical masterpiece with bodies everywhere. As soon as we finished, we got up to play and almost to a man, they left and we played the whole evening to about five people. The manager was raging because he had booked us to play for these students, he had put out a big pot of free chilli on for them and they all pissed off. Students, eh?
  10. +10 for the Peavy hy sis ! We used a pair of these for years in the 90's and right up till a couple of years ago. We had a powered desk and they never let us down. Superb sound!
  11. Next time you play, just stop mid song and pretend to twiddle with your settings or tune up. See what their reaction is then ! I wonder if they would miss your plodding bass ?
  12. The thing is, keeping time by feel is not necessarily the same as a machine keeping time, so if you are getting 700 or 800 odd, you are still pretty much in time to the human ear, so I am not going to worry too much about it. I kept trying and on my iPhone , the best I could get was 877. Tapping an iPhone screen is not really ideal. It's fun but I don't really think it is a measure of how you should give up playing cos you are useless!
  13. Free drink would suit us fine. We are all drinkers !
  14. I've found buzz before when the strings have not been at the right angle going onto the machine heads. If they are sitting ever so slightly high- buzz. Bring them down, it goes. Just in case anyone finds this and you're idea doesn't work
  15. [quote name='rOB' timestamp='1440265087' post='2849473'] Yes I really like his work. What's the new band like? [/quote] I don't want to knock him as , as I said earlier, I love his work, but the side project sounds just like the Black Keys. Not a bad thing, but if you are looking for a massive journey into different a different style, then you may be disappointed.
  16. When are they coming back to the UK to finish their tour?
  17. Totally love his work but not impressed when they cancelled most of their European tour because Patrick hurt his shoulder! Fair enough, but no rescheduled dates. Take a leaf out of Dave Grohls book guys!
  18. [quote name='miles'tone' timestamp='1440187760' post='2849013'] Well anyone can mime to their own perfect studio track with a few different takes punched together. I'm just not into miming. If they're going to stand/sit there and mime sing and play, they might as well just sing and play. I do like the track but I'll reserve my judgement of how talented they really are until I see them doing it live. [/quote] That's a fair point, but I would estimate that every performer who releases a music video of their single, is not playing live on it, unless stated.
  19. It's an awesome effect and looks great on your bass. I might have to look into this myself as I am interested in another build.
  20. If it's a "bowww " noise it's most likely your bass control that's too high. Try turning it down till you get a "badoing "noise which is much better. But be careful not to overdo it and get a " badiiiing" noise!
  21. Ok, I couldn't give a toss anyway
  22. So what if they are miming? It's not like they are miming to someone else singing !
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