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Everything posted by ubit

  1. [quote name='Twigman' timestamp='1443098713' post='2872181'] Will not do any harm whatsoever [/quote] WD40 is electrical windings friend!!!!
  2. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1442999932' post='2871224'] Remember the knife thread recently? I have a damascas steel hand-forged japanese kitchen knife. Why? Because they can get incredibly sharp, it cuts effortlessly, and I love the thought of how it was made, and how it looks. It's a pleasure to use. No-one has ever complimented me on how exquisitely chopped the carrots and onions are. That doesn't matter. [/quote] You should quote this statement in the Fenders thread. It's all about how you feel, end of story!
  3. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1442852502' post='2870012'] These threads always seem to get very polarised for some reason. I don't understand why people seem to get slightly irritated about the fact that other people really like Fender basses... and some don't. It's just one of those brands that seems to press that button. Like Barefaced... I don't understand the sometimes very vociferous opposition to those who prefer Alex's cabs. Oh well, stay tuned - I'm working on a very fine Behringer NAD thread at the moment, so that'll really bring the haters out of the woodwork! [/quote] See me? Ahm dead lucky. Ahve got Fenders and a Barefaced super twin ! Does that make me super hated/liked?
  4. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1440949893' post='2854920'] Seems from yesterday that 'Start' (by the Jam) is. Now normally it isn't, but I had a gig the day before yesterday and had really bad sound so I played too hard, and got blisters on my picking fingers, so had to play last nights gig with a pick, and it seems that I can't do it with a pick. After really messing up the beginning I dropped the pick to the ground and continued on my painful blistered fingers, but at least I didn't seem as useless that way! Oh well, off to tonights gig soon [/quote] I've seen me do this before. The show must go on and all that, eh?
  5. I must admit, I've never tried it, but the slappy bit in "call me Al" sounds well solid ! Maybe someone will tell me it's actually easy. I must look at the tab sometime.
  6. [quote name='Skybone' timestamp='1442848303' post='2869962'] Must admit, that after reading the first few pages, I went off looking at various P & P/J basses... [/quote] Good on ya, you have every right to !
  7. All valve that will stay clean? He doesn't ask much does he? Most all valve will give you the dirt when pushed ! I've got an SVT 2 pro, apart from the weight, it's got a lovely tone!
  8. That's a lovely piece of wood. I would take it but too close to Crimbo !
  9. Jeez, I wish it wasn't close to Crimbo !
  10. So some people like Fenders, some people don't like Fenders! There ya go, what a revelation!
  11. I think they look quite cool !
  12. [quote name='socrates' timestamp='1441889304' post='2862625'] Surely Herbie Flowers' "Granddad" must be a basschat favourite? No? OK I nominate Bennie Hill's "Ernie (the fastest milkman in the west)" -I actually think that is a good song and any time I hear it I am immediately transported back to my 70s childhood... [/quote] Damn, you beat me to Ernie ! Classic song !
  13. I had an old Westone bass years ago and the head was exactly that shape!
  14. I can't believe all the people who say Fenders are popular just because they are reassuringly expensive. As I have said, I own many different brands of basses, but I always choose the Fenders when we play. They just feel and sound right. I couldn't give two hoots how much they cost me, as I have other guitars that are more expensive !
  15. Missed it, couldn't record as don't have a recorder yet. On the other hand, Coast were awesome!
  16. I have 14 basses of different makes and models. At home I muck about with them all and find some better than others for differing types of music. When we play, I think, which two will I take ? More or less every time, I take the P and the J ! Why is this? I think it's just that they sound and feel just right especially for sitting in the mix. All I know is I like my Fenders!
  17. Excellent! It's back on. Trouble is, I cancelled my Sky, so I can't record it plus Coast are playing in our local town hall tonight and I want to go and see that. Oh, what to do?
  18. I will definitely have a listen to this when I get time. Thanks for the pointer
  19. + 1 for being a high fret maybe on the 18th. Easily remedied!
  20. I agree, this is a ridiculous price for one of these. Why has no one snapped this up?
  21. I remember the epiphany I had years ago when I realised happy face eq was not the way to go. Since then my band mates have loved hearing the bass nice and loud. It cuts through and fills without swamping. Glad you have come aboard mate. Rock on !
  22. [quote name='Wonky2' timestamp='1442434849' post='2867003'] Couldn't give two shits . I have it coz i likes it. [/quote] I hope you don't mind, I fixed it for you !
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