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Everything posted by dub_junkie

  1. any chance on a price for the HH Ray and the two fenders? cheers
  2. [quote name='mike257' post='149373' date='Mar 1 2008, 11:00 AM']I'm absolutely gassing my head off for this bass, but I just can't afford it.....[/quote] me too.
  3. I really liked so many things about the American series Jazz and precision I owned in the past (the thru body stringing,fretwork and rolled fingerboard edges most of all) . I'll definetely be wanting another Am Series Jazz sometime I just sold on my Tribute L2000 to another forumite but I still have the same pickups/pre amp package in my Asat. I'm a bit biased towards the L2K/Asat electronics so it surprises me you couldnt get a warm,thumpin woody vibe off that bass. in passive mode its got some really nice tones without even switching the pre amp on but cool beans you found your sound with the Jazz
  4. [quote name='dlloyd' post='145747' date='Feb 23 2008, 09:15 PM']It looks even nicer in the flesh. This is an incredibly well-built guitar for the price, extremely tight joints, very solid feeling. I've yet to use it in anger, but what's the retail price on new instruments like this? (If it wasn't obvious, I did what must have looked like a shady deal on a Glasgow street this morning, and walked away with this bass.)[/quote] Dave,the premium ash ones have a msrp around £600 I believe though I think you can get them for around £450 new on the net I'm glad you like it, fantastically good bass for the money,I was gutted selling it before,during and afterwards I'll be getting another sometime
  5. I owned a black pre EB Stingray for 8 years. I've also owned a 1999 SR4 which i had a while too (always been more into sterlings since they first appeared) downsides to my pre EB was that it was heavy and ate batteries. my favourite of the two was my 2 band trans teal from '98. It was just under 9lbs and had some lovely flame in the neck.only one thing I didnt like about that bass were the rough polepieces which hadnt been bevelled.(not very nice when you dug in) from a playing perspective I'd rather have an EB one (from any era) and the cash but if cash was no object I'd have a brand new 2006> with the compensated nut (player)and a pre EB in inca silver (for the collection) edit: or just get a Sabre
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  7. that is amazing! Wal basses like this make me want to stop faffing about with MM/G&L etc and get rid of GAS forever
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  9. Wals,Orkneys,Aberdeen.....its all terribly familiar. not sure if it was the same guy a few months back but I mailed him through ebay twice regarding cash on collection from Aberdeen and didnt get a reply
  10. [quote name='Mr Cougar' post='143847' date='Feb 20 2008, 05:09 PM']cheers guys I'm starting to get the idea here, is a similar option available on the Musicman HH configurations or do they just have one setting??[/quote] just the one setting and I'm pretty sure both pickups are wired in series on the SR5 HH.
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  12. he had to have that big lop of hair on the one side cos he kept shaving off the eyebrow underneath it
  13. the model name was the Vester Clipper and they're great for the money they go for.a m8 of mine had one 10 years ago when warwick prices were through the roof. his was a great bass.I like the bubinga thumb(ish)one .some of them were a bit more streamer like in shape as well one was on basschat here ages and went for about the same money as the few I've seen on ebay (£180-250 depending on condition and how much someone wants one) I'm sure that german retailer on ebay has had a trans green maple one sitting for at least 3 years at £300
  14. If none of the fellas here who play G&L can help,I'd mooch about the G&L bass forum at Talkbass or badassbassplayers and ask questions there, I believe one of the guys from G&L posts at BABP. Failing that you could try the distributors here FCN Music or a retailer like peach ideas or Hartnoll guitars I'm pretty sure that if you're looking for another neck you'll have to return the old one cheers
  15. met Dave in Glasgow today when he bought my L-2000. another easy deal. I'm sure there will be more in the future thanks Keir
  16. thats a sweet looking streamer. the seller had a couple of Stingray EX basses (Japanese market non export SR4s with thru body stringing) for sale at the tail end of last year. I was for buying one till my white sparkle Sterling came up on ebay UK at the same time He was helpful enough to me. even offered to source one in the finish I wanted as the two he had weren't my first and second choices.
  17. just seen the pics - in the top and bottom ones the colour looks a bit like the MIM 5 string you had - and in the middle one more like chrome red or candy apple red,very nice with the maple board. I like it
  18. I get mine from here and ebay mostly. well the TB and EBMM boards too but I cant be ersed with the hassles of bringing a bass over and most of what I like is on here most days anyway. I've been a right gear glutton since the turn of the year so I'm abstaining from any more till about April/May
  19. welcome. the white streamer(s) are outrageously nice ......cetera's white spector yesterday,these today, feel GAS comin on....
  20. +1 for the Sterling in single coil mode with some mid boost one of(if not the)best necks on planet bass as well
  21. I really liked the rolled over fingerboard edges and neat fretwork on the 2 american series basses I owned.dead comfy, when they were set up properly they were both outstanding players
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