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Marc S

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Status Updates posted by Marc S

  1. Really really pleased with a couple of purchases from fellow BC members in the last week or so. Got myself an amazing AI DoubleShot cab, and a Danelectro Longhorn bass. Both amazing. A good start to the new year for me :) 

    1. TheGreek


      So you won't be contributing to the Gear Abstinence thread?? 😜😜

    2. Marc S

      Marc S

      @TheGreek maybe next month / year (or maybe never!) lol :) 

  2. Great gig last night, supporting Merry Hell - they were brilliant. Also, the bassist let me pick up his Danelectro Longhorn bass..... wow! I now want one. Oh no, the return of GAS. Seriously though, didn't know what I was missing. Seriously lightweight and comfortable to play. Sounded great too :) 

    1. Marc S

      Marc S

      The more I see videos of the Danelectro Longhorn, the more I realise it's a bass that has suddenly grown on me....out of nowhere.

  3. I am now a veteran here on BassChat. Does that just mean I'm old? 😉  😀 

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Paul S

      Paul S

      Enjoy it while you can, Marc, as you still have something you can aspire to.  Once you have achieved the dizzy heights of Grandmaster there is nothing else ahead.  Just an incentive-free vacuum.  You can't be demoted so you might as well be grumpy and rude to everyone, like I am, without fear of repercussions. 

    3. Rich


      Yes. Yes, it does. :D 

    4. Marc S

      Marc S

      @Rich - I guessed as much :) 

  4. Sold my Squier CV Precision yesterday - I needed to thin the herd......
    But I still miss that lovely instrument. Will I be looking for another in the coming months? lol

    1. LewisK1975


      Every time I look at mine, I think maybe I should sell it, but it's so nice.  Can't bear to part with it, even if I only pick it up occasionally..

  5. Nadolig Llawen, my fellow bass people.

    Hope you all have a great time :)

    1. Reggaebass


      You too Marc ☝️

  6. Work and redundancy threats and woes continue. The latest "up to date" meeting is / was supposed to have taken place this month. But that's not going to happen now.
    Continuing to dangle me on a piece of string...... for over 4 and a half years, and counting :(

    1. SpondonBassed


      My sympathy.  How many employees in the same situation are there altogether?  If there is a significant number similarly suffering with prolonged anxiety it sounds like a class action case.

      You may well be better off out of it if you can jump ship.

      The best of luck to you.

    2. LewisK1975


      Absolutely sucks mate.  So unfair to you and all others affected.

    3. bassfan


      That really does suck 👎🏻

  7. Expecting redundancy news today..... with real trepidation..... :(

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Marc S

      Marc S

      "Stressed" is just an insufficient word for it.....

    3. LewisK1975


      Good grief!  Stay Strong Marc!

    4. Marc S

      Marc S

      Cheers Lewis - it's tough.... It's just impossible to make any future plans at all :(
      Ta mate. Hope you're OK

  8. Off to see Wilko Johnson tonight! With the superb Norman Watt-Roy on Bass & Dylan Howe on drums. Glenn Tilbrook supporting :)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Stub Mandrel

      Stub Mandrel

      And how did it go?

    3. Marc S

      Marc S

      It was OK thanks. I'd seen Wilko and the guys almost 2 years back, and they were absolutely amazing then
      Perhaps because it wasn't too long after his life-saving operation....
      Not quite as amazing the other night - but perhaps my expectations were a bit high? Perhaps also, the sound wasn't quite as top-notch as last time
      But that said, I was glad I went. Not least because I got myself a Norman T-shirt :) :)
      Glenn T was pretty good. He's a great guitarist - nice fella too
      He's doing a lot of work and donating CD profits to the Trussell Trust :)

    4. Marc S
  9. Fitted a Kiogon stack control loom to my Roadworn Jazz - Wow! It sounded great anyway, but now sounds even better. Just that bit more "bite" yet still very definitely "Jazz sounding". Simple fit for the loom, can't get over the difference it has made :)

    1. acidbass


      Is it solderless?

    2. Marc S

      Marc S

      Yes, acidbass. Though I don't actually mind soldering - I'm reasonably OK at it
      The beauty of Kiogon's kits, is that you can fit them very quickly. And of course, being solderless - you can make changes very easily eg. swap it onto another bass to experiment etc

  10. After more than 4 years of messing around and uncertainty - it's now definite that my job is going. I've got 18 months tops :(
    But at least I've got my bass playing to enjoy - thank heavens I took up the bass again. It's my therapy :)

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Rich


      Damn. Sorry to hear that. Are there likely to be other opportunities, are your skills transferrable? Or are you young enough to contemplate a career change? Good luck with whatever you do.

    3. Marc S

      Marc S

      My area of work is incredibly specialist. Another role (if one came up) would likely mean a house-move, and to an area I wouldn't want to live, for family reasons....
      I'm actually thinking about a completely different direction in any case. The Voluntary package they're offering is quite frankly, a joke and even an insult. So I am sitting tight, until they improve it, or make me compulsorily redundant. I have 31 years service, and they're offering me the same as someone who has been in post for 2 years.
      So that's what it means to be a "valued member of staff" ;) 
      EDIT: A few years back, I got a long service award, and they told me they valued me - so that's how I know I'm "valued" lol

    4. Marc S

      Marc S

      Thanks for all your kind wishes too, fellow low-enders :)

  11. Really GASsing for a 5 string Wingbass, or similar very small / short scale bass

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. ped


      It’s because mini basses RULE!

    3. Marc S

      Marc S

      Yes, I saw the one for sale @Grantd - I had to sell a bass before buying another.... which is the usual story, I guess for many of us
      One of the basses I was selling sold..... just after the Wingbass had gone :(
      Ah well - I need to sell at least one more now anyway....

    4. ped
  12. Happy New year fellow BC members who are not gigging tonight, but enjoying a wee dram... Or two! :) :) :)

  13. Looking forward to seeing Wolfgang Fleur this Friday night :)

  14. "Sorry, you cannot add any more reactions today." - yes I can.... I'm frowning at my screen now ;)

  15. Really memorable gig last night. Went to see Skinny Lister, at the Globe in Cardiff. Amazing night, one of my favourite gigs in recent years :):) 

    1. alyctes


      Thanks for the review, I'll put them on my list :)

  16. Testing, testing.... can I now have multiple status updates?
    Hmmm, now I'll have to think more than once a day ;)

    1. Marc S

      Marc S

      Actually, you know what? Since the forum has been updated, I find I'm looking at more status updates

    2. KiOgon


      Me too - never used it before :|

    3. SpondonBassed


      If you spend a bit of time here you'll notice a bit of a culture has developed.  It's more than just a status box, it's a shout box.  There have been some great heads up type notices on it from time to time too.

      One thing however.  I think I speak for all of @Les's loyal readers of the Post Gig Kebab Hunter's Guide when I say we mourn the loss of the original chronicles but we look forward to the continuing adventures of Tex and the Hardcore Troubadours in their search for supper.

  17. Just thinking about the "Total Watts" rating on BC
    Is that old watts, or new watts? ;)

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. charic


      10 Reactions in a 24 hour period is the current setting :)

    3. SpondonBassed


      @charic I forget the details but didn't we ban 100 Watt light bulbs a while back?  Your bulbosity is approaching 75 Watts.  I would act as if I was a bit dim if I was you in case the authorities spot me and convert me to effervescent lighting.

      Your total Wattage is nearly as big as my daily twattage!

    4. charic


      xD I think it's just because I've been answering a lot of questions.  Once everyone has settled into the new software I expect I'll soon fall behind!

  18. Saw the Undertones last Friday night. They were brilliant! :)

    1. Rumple


      I saw them a few years ago in a Square in Barcelona, very good indeed.

    2. itsmedunc


      Saw Penetration last Friday night. They were great too. Bass player still using the same Jazz he has used on all their recordings. Great night. Pity the new "sub" bass sound that everyone bar bass players insist on was a tad overkill! 

    3. Marc S

      Marc S

      4 days later..... and I'm STILL humming Undertones tunes! :)

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