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Everything posted by Higgie

  1. [quote name='cheddatom' post='121411' date='Jan 16 2008, 12:32 PM']Heh, yeh, obviously. I'd like ANOTHER one! I wonder what a 6 string precision would look like.[/quote] Ugly
  2. Also, the UniBass will do octave up without fuzz.
  3. Theo bought some cables off me. He paid quickly, and his communication has been excellent. I botched up his order and sent him a couple of extra patch leads by mistake, and he sent the extra's back to me free of charge the very next day!! Fantastic bloke to deal with, one of the best on this site without a doubt
  4. Quantities updated, all 6" cables sold, as well as the 15". Just got 5x12" cables left!!
  5. [quote name='cheddatom' post='116804' date='Jan 9 2008, 09:43 AM']I bought one off Higgie (i think) and it's great! The blend is very useful, and I have been using the feedback loads.[/quote] Yeah, twas me you bought it from. Must say I was VERY happy with it, and used it all the time when I had it, but it was time for a new board and an overhaul and I just didn't need it anymore, otherwise I would have kept it. May buy another in the future.
  6. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='116977' date='Jan 9 2008, 01:29 PM']Agreed but could be a DD-6[/quote] Yeah, I thought so too, but I thought it would most likely be a DD-5. [quote name='larrikin' post='117000' date='Jan 9 2008, 02:11 PM']wow thats some pretty f***in good info there!! what is the difference between a russian and american muff?[/quote] Apart from looking different, the American model is suppose to be more refined, and the Russian more wild. [quote name='larrikin' post='117008' date='Jan 9 2008, 02:19 PM']do you know where i can find one? also what is the difference between the boss dd-5 and dd-6? and what is the black stompbox next to the russian muff?[/quote] You can get them basically any music shop, and they're all over eBay. The DD-6 has more modes than the DD-5, and also has stereo ins and outs. The black box next to the muff looks to me like an fx loop pedal, or an Amp selector, as you can see he has 2 Ampeg rigs.
  7. Boss DD-5, Boss TR-2, Custom looper/Amp switch maybe? MXR micro amp is the white one that is upside down, and then a russian big muff at the end
  8. A re-arranging of my pedalboard means that I've got to change my cables to get some custom lengths made up, so these have got to go to fund the new ones! You can see what they look like [url="http://www.abcsounds.co.uk/venom-patch-cables/venom-adder-patch-cable.htm"]HERE[/url]. They are fantastic, and I've never had a problem with any Venom cables at all. I have 3x12" cables, price as follows: £2 per 6" cable (ALL SOLD - Thanks guys!) £3 per 12" cable £3.50 for the 15" cable (SOLD - Thanks WarPig) + postage If anyone wants all of them, I will sort out a deal inclusive of postage. Cheers.
  9. Unfortunately I can't have this anymore, as I've got to buy some new cables. Thanks anyway.
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  11. You absolute bastard. That bass is gorgeous. I wish I had the cash for this, so badly!! Good luck with the sale mate.
  12. Song 2 was recorded with a Marshall ShredMaster - Quite expensive nowadays owing to Jonny Greenwood of Radiohead using one. I had one for a while, but it had quite bad bass loss. BYOC have released a DIY kit of the ShredMaster, and I'm sure you could change a few component values to make up for the bass loss, if DIY is your thing.
  13. [quote name='BassManKev' post='113837' date='Jan 4 2008, 11:08 PM']as i said, im not sure if im selling yet, but your first refusal, pop me an email when you get paid if you still want it, n il decide then whether to sell it, okay?? cheers umcoo[/quote] Perfect. I'll let you know.
  14. Thanks for the offer, but I can't justify it. Good luck with the sale!!
  15. [quote name='umcoo' post='113566' date='Jan 4 2008, 02:58 PM']I'll chime in here cos the pickle pie used to be mine...no low-end loss at all. In fact it added low end into my sound if i needed it.[/quote] Sweet. Think I might pick this up then Kev when I get paid if your interested? Cheers.
  16. Any low end loss on the pickle pie? Am quite tempted. I don't get paid till next friday, but I might have it off you if it's still here.
  17. You are sorely tempting me with that Sadowsky Pre! Pity I don't get paid till next friday
  18. I'll trade for an OC-2... Jokes aside - great pedals, and great seller. Can't go wrong guys!!!
  19. If only I were rich!!! That is one of the most beautiful Jazz basses I have ever seen!!
  20. You never know when you might need them 5 notes above G!
  21. [quote name='Aussiephoenix' post='112192' date='Jan 2 2008, 11:55 AM']I'd actually put compression first so that all pedals get a nice clean level signal.[/quote] NEVER!!!! Compression after effects for taming peaks, and not killing dynamics
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