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Everything posted by Higgie

  1. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='168298' date='Apr 2 2008, 11:03 AM']This would be a perfect partner for my identical DJ4 but you know what I'm like with 5s Dave [/quote] +1....My DJ4 is white, but I have no problem with inter-racial couples
  2. Yes actually, I think it was Thanks lol.
  3. [quote name='Alien' post='166658' date='Mar 31 2008, 12:11 AM']I had one for a while, but didn't use it enough to justify keeping it. Sounds good with a bass though - perfect for that Julee Cruze/Twin Peaks sound (I'm showing my age now...) No loss of low end that I could hear anyway. Andy[/quote] +1. I had a TR-2 for a little while too, and agree with everything said here
  4. Higgie

    Its phaser Time!

    [quote name='cheddatom' post='160835' date='Mar 20 2008, 02:20 PM']You wrotter! I might sound massively cheap though, it's only my opinion.[/quote] I'm sure your tone fits what you play. If you enjoy your tone, that's all that matters!
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  6. Higgie

    Its phaser Time!

    [quote name='cheddatom' post='160644' date='Mar 20 2008, 09:29 AM']Cheap stuff doesn't have to sound cheap. It depends what you do with it. I gig with 20 odd cheap pedals and I don't sound cheap, I sound f*ckin' massive! (IMHO)[/quote] Massively cheap.... Just kidding
  7. Ah right. I don't think I can take it after all now (awesome deal on some vintage pedals), so good luck with the sale
  8. I'm really seriously considering this...Not sure I've got the cash to splash though!
  9. I've got one, and in a word, it is quite simply: AWESOME.
  10. Hmm, I probably should have used a smiley at some point to convey my sarcasm hehe! Was just shocked at the amount of 9v Battery holders Looks like a great bass, good luck with the sale!
  11. I have Aero's in my DJ4, and I love them. I have the J-Retro Pre, but I've been using the bass in Passive mode quite alot recently, and I think the pickups sound awesome - Not sure about the differences between the 4 and 5 models as you say, but just thought I'd throw my opinion on the 4's out there Good luck finding out what they are!
  12. Blimey....You'll probably spend £1850 in 9v Batteries!! I take it the Pre is 18V, a 9V for the LEDs....And what's the last one for?
  13. Ian - Do you know how much Postage will likely be? Cheers
  14. [quote name='bigjohn' post='155159' date='Mar 11 2008, 10:54 AM']WD40 is good. Spray some into a small jar, put your nuts in. As with the vodka - don't drink it after.[/quote] My nuts will be well away from the WD40!
  15. Oooh I don't have a feedback loop at present. I'll check my balance at lunchtime today and see if I can afford it. Pop it on hold for me till then
  16. I want this but have no cash, and not sure I have anything to trade. Anything in particular you are after?
  17. [quote name='matt_citizenbass' post='152741' date='Mar 6 2008, 10:11 PM']i desperatly need to make on for this saturday and can't remember how i did it/ can't find schematics for just a DPDT switch. can this person take a picture or tell me how its wired with a little diagram. or can someone sort me out with a schematic or picture of their own pedal. thanks, matt[/quote] I sold it to BassManKev, so you might want to PM him.
  18. I have this exact same bass, but with 4 strings (same colour and everything) and it is awesome. You cannot get better for the money! I've also had the 5 string version and it is awesome. I would love to take this 5er, but I have no cash! Good luck with the sale/trade!
  19. I believe they were around the £80 to £100 mark.
  20. [quote name='pete.young' post='148355' date='Feb 28 2008, 12:33 PM']+1 for that. Our drummer uses sticks called 'Hot Rods' or 'Lightning Rods' or somesuch, they look like a bundle of very think sticks. Apparently they give the same feel but a lot less volume.[/quote] Yeah, they're called brushes. The drummer I played with when we did "Fame" had to use them because he was drowing out the singers, let alone the rest of the band!
  21. While it would be nice to own a Bass Whammy, I already have a WH-1, so I don't think it's worth it. You'll definitely get £300+ if you ebay'd it.
  22. I was going to say the FX25 too - It's got a setting on it where the filter doesn't open and you get this huge dubby bass tone, awesome for DnB.
  23. Higgie

    Lakland DJ4

    Guys, just to let you know, Dragan is a great guy, and if you want a Lakland this is THE bass, and THE guy to buy it from!! Free bump
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