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Everything posted by Higgie

  1. [quote name='Kubickiboy' post='171813' date='Apr 7 2008, 10:05 PM']My band's doing a cover of this. I'm thinking it's an Octaver -1 finger style double tracked with a plectrum. Heavily compressed. I'm wrong...because I've tried it. Any takers for this one please?[/quote] I would agree on the octaver, and the compression, though maybe a hint of fuzz would help thicken the sound a bit? Ps. The Kubicki in your avatar is gorgeous....
  2. On the contrary - introducing both at the same time will save confusion later on IMO. Being able to read treble too is just as important as reading bass in the long run, so I'd keep it where it is.
  3. [quote name='dlloyd' post='169272' date='Apr 3 2008, 04:51 PM'][size=2][b]Interval inversions[/b][/size] 1. The “quantity” of an interval and its inversion always add to nine: [list] [*]3 + 6 = 9 [*]2 + 7 = 9 [/list] 2. If the “quality” of an interval is major, its [b]interval[/b] is minor. If the “quality” of an interval is minor, its inversion is major[/quote] Hey, great work on the theory posts, a great little refresher for me!! I think I spotted a mistake, which I have marked in bold. Should it say inversion? Again, great work - Really easy to read, and should help out beginners immensely. Good job. Cheers, James.
  4. Had one fitted to my DJ4 a little while ago. Absolutely love it! Comes in handy for dropping your tuning mid song as others have said. Even if you don't use it that much, it's nice to be able to use it when you do need it!
  5. Thanks guys! One potential buyer has backed out, meaning that as soon as I get the verdict from my mate (he is seeing how he likes it at band practice tonight) it will either be for sale with no waiting list, or sold. Cheers
  6. Yeah, as Kev says, I have decided to keep this - But I also bring good news. I am selling a licensed Mutron clone instead. It's under the brand name of Monacor, but there were a few made under different brand names (Melos, UniVox etc). It is my belief that not too many of them were made, but they are basically just VERY accurate clones of the Mutron III, made in the same time period, just in a different box. Would be looking for £160 including next day postage. TaySte can vouch for the sound compared to the Mutron - They are almost identical. So save yourself £150 and pick this up - It's slightly smaller than the Mutron too!! Cheers
  7. It feels great to be reunited with my (Hell)Baby!! Hehehe
  8. Unless your offer has changed, then yeah I'm sure
  9. Will accept offers. Not really looking for trades as I need cash, but it could be something I'm interested in, so don't hesitate to ask!!!
  10. Yeah it's fantastic. The Virtual Battery can be found at [url="http://www.thegigrig.com"]www.thegigrig.com[/url] for anyone who's interested - They work like a Normal battery, except you feed 9v into them from a supply, therefore allowing you to power pedals that don't have DC jacks, or ones like the Mutron, with funny power requirements. Also, just realised from reading the GigRig site - The virtual battery effectively ISOLATES your power. So running your pedals on one of these allows pedals that need an isolated output to run on a daisy chain! The guys at the GigRig really do make excellent products, and they will do everything in their power to make sure your happy! Couldn't recommend them more highly!
  11. [quote name='BassManKev' post='168976' date='Apr 3 2008, 10:42 AM']ye but i mean you get the anal foke who want everything as it was originally i guess how much did that mod cost?? and how does it work :S[/quote] Well if someone wants to waste money on batteries for this pedal, then that's down to them, as finding a power supply for this that works in England is impossible. Being able to daisy chain a Mutron beats batteries every time. Well I had mine repaired at the same time cos it had something wrong with it, and all together it cost me £85 including return postage. It works by having 2 of these virtual Batteries installed. You plug the 9v supply into them and they generate 9v each, and you have that wired to the circuit board. It's a reversible mod that helps you power the Mutron easily, therefore all of the pro's, none of the cons Also, Price Drop!!
  12. [quote name='BassManKev' post='168970' date='Apr 3 2008, 10:38 AM']wouldn't that be a value killer though, or am i missing something??[/quote] Converting the Mutron to work on 9v standard DC? If anything I'd say it ADDS to the value!
  13. [quote name='NoirBass' post='168901' date='Apr 3 2008, 09:21 AM']The GigRig lads have it - the only people I would trust with such matters. and yes the Virtual Battery is the way to go according to Dan. I look forward to its return. Cheers for the heads up tho[/quote] That's cool my friend. It seriously is the best thing to have done. No more batteries, and no weird adaptor. I couldn't be happier with the work he's done to mine!
  14. [quote name='kevin_lindsay' post='168844' date='Apr 3 2008, 06:46 AM']No problem matey!!! Incidentally - it's "Dan" at the GigRig sweetie!!!! hahahaha[/quote] Hi Kevin, it is actually Dave who did all the work with repairing and such - he is the engineer. Dan is one of the designers I think! Cheers
  15. [quote name='NoirBass' post='168456' date='Apr 2 2008, 02:40 PM']Cant believe it - I've been after one of these for ages and then 3 come up in the same week. I bought the first one I saw on here, unfortunately its not working! - However, I have the best engineers in the land currently working on it to restore it to its former glory I wish you two had posted last week, could have saved me alot of bother. Good luck with the sale Noir[/quote] Who might that be mate? I had my other one into Dave at The GigRig, and he resurrected the thing and got it working perfectly on a 9V Boss DC Jack, using a product The GigRig now sell called the Virtual Battery. I was the first customer/tester, the ones in mine are the finished prototypes before they went into production I think! It's just the way of the world mate. It's a scientifically proven fact that as soon as you buy something you want, loads of them pop up straight away! And cheers kev
  16. Any simple true bypass loop could be modded/made on request to have a volume knob. Most builders could do this for you. I hear DHA makes top quality stuff as Cheddatom recommended, so I would give him a try first and foremost
  17. [quote name='TimmyC' post='168354' date='Apr 2 2008, 12:58 PM']Thanks but I'm going to pass[/quote] No problem mate.
  18. [quote name='TimmyC' post='168347' date='Apr 2 2008, 12:53 PM']Ha, nice timing [/quote] I'm a bassist, after all Didn't mean to steal your thunder though mate! Any thoughts on that Monacor? [quote name='Toasted' post='168348' date='Apr 2 2008, 12:54 PM']Great filter, fair price. I'm sore tempted. I did promise Mrs Toasted no more pedals in April tho... I'll have to bow out and let someone else steal this brilliant deal.[/quote] Thanks Joe, I bet you could persuade Mrs Toasted...It IS a Mu-Tron after all
  19. The Monacor MA-10 Effectmatic is a clone of the Mutron III made in the late 70's, under license from Musitronics. They share all the same controls, and almost identical components and circuitry. The sound is VERY close. It's slightly smaller than a Mutron too. Here is a link to [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=3900&hl=monacor+effectmatic"]Tayste's thread[/url] where you can get some more info, and hear some soundclips! I am offering it at a price of £160 including next day delivery to your door. I have a couple of mates interested, so if you would like it, PM me, and I will put you next in line, should the deals fall through. Cheers. [b]Price Drop: £150 delivered [/b] As you can see, it's in pretty much MINT condition, which is rare for a pedal of it's age!! I should also mention, like the original Mutron III, this unit takes 2 9v Batteries, it looks like 1 in the Pic, but they are actually stacked one on top of the other
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