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Everything posted by Thunderbird

  1. Use t cut and thin it down just a touch with water then lightly rub and gently buff another good product is made by a k3 can't remember it's exact name atm but it is on ebay and is a good product oh and farecla is great too lots of body shops swear by it
  2. Sunburst lol Joking aside great basses and a good price on this one though
  3. I have one of these they are great bridges and this is a great price as they are pretty expensive new glwts
  4. Sorry to hear of your playing problems and derailing the thread but I am going through the same thing as you and I've found the fender mustang to be the answer to my problem it's short scale nice and light and sounds great any way glwts mate 😊
  5. Tokai is my only thought and that's a guess
  6. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  7. Wow you have some amazing gear for sale glwts 👍
  8. You sir should be banned from the forum just because you have such nice stuff and I'm not jealous in any way honestly guv lol Seriously though what a lovely bass glwts
  9. TimAl Mate of scratchit pickguards
  10. Wow too heavy for me also but are you sure your scales are correct as 11 odd pounds seems rather heavy for one of these anyway glwts mate
  11. I have had no dealings with Mr Beedster or Mr caber so I have my own opinion I think the metal bracket and I'm going from the picture looks like a very poor quality piece of work and maybe design but I've never studied a barefaced cab so I'm just going by the picture but for and item that is so expensive to use such a shoddy looking bracket isn't great and I'm talking as a experienced engineer and fabricator sadly is the way of the world now use cheap shite and sell for top dollar Also I do see the point of both parties so hopefully they can sort it out
  12. Nice shame about the P pickup bet it sounds nice though glwts
  13. Really sorry its aw. awful news I hope he is OK considering and wish him a speedy recovery 👍
  14. Most of the black friday sales are poop this year for music related stuff imo good job I don't want anything lol
  15. You could put it in the for sale section mate as any items under 50 pounds are free to list
  16. They are not uk based so it's international shipping rates which are OK if your buying a lot of stuff but not cost effective on 1 thing
  17. I thought your advice was spot on imo 👍
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