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Everything posted by Thunderbird

  1. Korg GA-1 for a cheap small tuner or if it is a pedal tuner you want Boss TU-2 or Korg pitchblack
  2. [quote name='Horizontalste' timestamp='1388308419' post='2320529'] I'm so jealous of the space you guy's have, I'm currently waiting for the drains on my resources to become of age so they can move into a place of their own and give me a room back. They are fifteen, twelve and two so I'm not holding my breath though. [/quote] I feel your pain lol I need a little hiding hole bass den kinda place but alas a long wait mine are 19 10 and 2 mind you the 19 year old is at uni yay
  3. [quote name='winterfire666' timestamp='1388936349' post='2327793'] just stumbled across this, its gotta be worth the asking price, if i was closer......... [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Vester-bass-guitar-coloured-snakeskin-body-slightly-marked-on-back-from-use-/171209871028?pt=UK_Guitar_Accessories&hash=item27dce74eb4"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item27dce74eb4[/url] [/quote]He will deliver it for £25
  4. I had a cable like this it was fine with my G+L bass but noisy and "poppy" with my Yamaha it is weird took me a while to figure out the lead was my problem
  5. This looks promising [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/f18/my-truss-rod-repair-841172/"]http://www.talkbass.com/forum/f18/my-truss-rod-repair-841172/[/url]
  6. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1388934776' post='2327768'] In any case he needs to take it back and make it Fender's problem. He should demand a good replacement bass. When making a bass Fender have a massive stack of necks and an equally massive supply of bodies. All should be virtually identical. I can't believe they can't find a body and neck that work well together without bodging it. If one neck doesn't work, they should change the neck. It's shockingly bad they should let a bass go out needing a shim from day 1. [/quote] All the shop will say is that an unauthorised repair person worked on the bass and broke it which I think would be a bog standard reply I really am trying not to be negative but I just cant see the shop paying out for it and the bass is not new if it is a JV it must be about 25-30 years old anyway hopefully Will can get his luthier to fix it
  7. Oh dear whoops hope you get it sorted but I think the neck is now mullered
  8. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1388859521' post='2327034'] Or indeed looking through the forum? [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/178616-cabronita-cs-pbass-grease-bucket-circuit/page__p__1687179__hl__greasebucket__fromsearch__1#entry1687179"]http://basschat.co.u..._1#entry1687179[/url] I had KiOgon make me one for my build, and I like it very much. No mud [/quote] Thanks
  9. [quote name='Stealth' timestamp='1387907236' post='2317132'] Hi there do you still have the highway one for sale [/quote] Am thinking it has gone to a new home judging by the post above
  10. Apart from the tacky pictures I bet they are pretty decent guitars for the price that Harley Benton gear aint half bad
  11. I have never heard of the band I saw the thread and thought it was going to be a gag about salad derrr me
  12. Well I have played Fenders in the past and never really been blown away thought they were nice though but recently I had an itch for a Fender this is because I was playing my Vintage V4 P bass and loving it so it gave me a Fender itch so I bought a Fender from the forum and it has really blown me away I like everything about it I have been through about 10 basses in the past year and`never really found I could get on with for various reasons but the Fender just fits like a glove so I am well chuffed and am actually enjoying playing again and my knackered hands are not in too much pain with the Fender so I am thinking I have become a Fender fan boy lol am now gonna sell some more stuff and save for another as a back up lol
  13. [quote name='ead' timestamp='1388793160' post='2326272'] Pardon my ignorance, but what's a greasebucket? [/quote] I would like to know also
  14. I think the mods do a great job I recently had a post removed by a mod as it was deemed a bit stereotypical and I was then sent a PM by another mod who explained to me that the post had been removed and why which I appreciated and understood as to be honest I did not see anything wrong with my post as I wrote it but when I was told why it was removed I understood why I so yeah I think the mods do a great job and I agree that some people really have been taking the pee and think as it is the new year we should all be kind and respectful to each other and also respect the forum and the mods and keep it the great place iit is
  15. And not being funny it would be a shedload cheaper just to buy a bass like this in good condition you can pick them up complete on ebay for about £100 and it will cost a lot more to buy the parts to do your bass up even if you can source 2nd hand parts
  16. Bought a tuner off of John for my son he delivered it very speedily and all seems well and his communication was great
  17. Could it be some kind of saddle lock?
  18. I Think Marcus Bell is looking for one of these might be worth shooting a PM his way?
  19. [quote name='andydye' timestamp='1388760692' post='2325727'] the pickguard colour needs to incorporate the binding colour somehow...to visually tie it all together...black, white & ivory/beige? [/quote]+1 think that is a great idea
  20. If the [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] B/W/Black Pearl scratchplate is the 13 hole one can I take it please ? if you PM me your details I can pay [/font][/color]
  21. [quote name='geofio' timestamp='1388744370' post='2325424'] NOW SOLD [/quote] Nice one mate I am shocked it did not go within 5 minutes of you listing it...it is a bargain
  22. I voted Hyperdrive as I have one and think it is awesome I cant comment on any of the other pedals as I have never used them
  23. [quote name='dazza14' timestamp='1386001775' post='2294495'] What mod's have you done to your bass? I own one of these and as much as I like it, it's always interesting to know what others have done to improve it... [/quote] Hi Daz sorry for the late reply I only just checked back on the thread My Mods are neck inserts Ki0gon wiring CTS pots/Switchcraft jack and upgraded tone cap I and Picato strings I am really thinking about putting some Tonerider PUPs in it to make it a bit more aggresive and I also rubbed down the glossy finish on the back of the neck plays and sounds fantastic
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