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Everything posted by ped

  1. Ah right well that’s a bit annoying. I’ve never got the fascination with Thomann though, they always take ages to deliver IME and I’d gladly pay more for a UK source.
  2. Really? For the sake of £20 and getting the stuff much more quickly?
  3. Hi Dave the amp is a Blackstar U500 (500w 2x10 combo) and the matching 15” powered extension. Really happy with them, the limiter built into the combo is particularly good.
  4. Yey I can join in again! I had my first gig with my originals band Genius the Fool last night. I’ve only rehearsed with the full band once, so luckily this was a small gig for a charity event and more like a live rehearsal really. It went really well. Pleased with the bass sound through my rig, we didn’t bother with DI from my board or amp as it was plenty big enough and we have all sorts of sequencers and samplers going into the PA so I don’t even think there was room on the desk! Allegedly this band play pretty big venues normally so it was nice to have an easy one first and we raised about £400 for charidee.
  5. I've always thought as value as being held by the owner - i.e they value it at the price they offer it for. (Edit) I understand this is different to the market value, but in some ways it can dictate the perceived value in a given market. Look at 70s Fenders - they haven't changed, but the price has gone up because sellers are asking for more, people buy them and feel they have done well, perception of the 70s period changes somewhat because it's driven by new enthusiasts who have literally invested in it...
  6. Ahem, I was 997 and you're a bot
  7. We’ll colour me surprised 🙄
  8. https://www.basschat.co.uk/settings/links/ By default, clicking the blob to the left of the thread title takes you to ‘last read’ and clicking the title yet itself takes you to the start of the thread.
  9. Great - I'll message you. Should be around tomorrow and Sunday... I assume the switch to 6550 power means it's outputting 200w now, still more than enough
  10. Yeah, thanks - the filter responds really well and mimics the Mutron really well especially in the higher range. The settings I changed were more to suit my attack and the range really, so I think I changed the range/sensitivity and the mixer a bit, nothing much. I will be trying to sort an octaver, chorus and phaser patch next, before loading up some of the synths I made when I last had the pedal. Fortunately because I had already configured everything and I'm using the Roland UM-ONE again, it all worked fine when I reinstalled the software. I was expecting problems!
  11. I got a FI again today courtesy of @martthebass (it might have been yours originally @Quatschmacher? I have been A/B testing your Micro-Tron presets with my Mutrons and I have to say number 8 was sooo close - I played with it a tiny bit and it’s really good. Thanks!
  12. ped

    Orba 2

    Interesting, thanks. It looks like it’s got twice as many ‘keys’ as the Orba but I’d be interested to see how it feels and sounds. The downfall of these devices can be in how it responds and how good the accompanying app is, so there’s a lot of unknowns at this point but I’ll wait and see. I still love my Orba, it’s just great for messing about with and my son plays it a lot. Maybe some competition will be good but Artiphon who make the Orba have shifted focus into their new ‘Chorda’ instrument https://artiphon.com Let’s hope they keep up development and updates for the Orba.
  13. I think as long as the player is happy, they'll derive more enjoyment from playing and that's good for everyone. I have tried most envelope filters out there and comparing many of them is splitting hairs in the extreme, but that's why we love what we do.
  14. Hi folks I sold my FI a while ago but now the band I'm in might give me more opportunity to use some synth sounds. I can't for the life of me remember how well the FI does standard effects like chorus, octave and phaser? I think the octave was pretty good but don't remember trying the others, which would make it more likely to find acceptance within my setup. Thoughts?
  15. WWYD? Since starting in a new band recently we’re looking at around one gig a month. The venues tend to be dedicated music venues as opposed to pubs, and festivals in the summer. If nothing else, this strikes me as a good excuse to buy a backup bass for my Mustang which I could worry less about at gigs. I feel the best thing would be for me to take my bass and see @Willfunk at BassBros and compare (they have two of the potential winners below) but failing that I’m not sure what to go for out of the following: JMJ Mustang (Blue) Vintera II Mustang (Orange) Pawn Shop Mustang (White) Given that my #1 has a thunderbird pickup I’m leaning towards the Pawn Shop. Less keen on white though and the other options for the pawn shop series are either too similar to my 66 or sunburst which doesn’t suit a Mustang imo. I like the slab body. Can’t find any decent videos to demonstrate the sound though. The JMJ seems like it would be the closest in looks and general feel although the neck sounds like it might be beefier, not that I mind that much. The relicing looks ok apart from the upper horn where it looks like it’s been shot at with a BB gun (assuming they’re all identical?) The Vintera looks cool in orange but not sure how well the pickup compares with the JMJ. Body is contoured which will feel quite different. All are around £1000 used and the Vintera is about that new. I wonder if anyone has tried them all?
  16. I don’t think so, you’d be doing pretty well to bend it. I’ve only had the tres models which aren’t as deep. Perhaps the quad has slightly more flex due to the size, but I doubt the bracket helps much. Another option is to add taller feet and then you can have more options for mounting the supply.
  17. Option 2. The centre brackets are pointless and waste loads of space IME
  18. Slightly smaller board than previously. I changed my vintage Mutron (which necessitated a loop switch due to leaky bypass) with the Mutron III+ which I prefer in many ways. It was a challenge to fit everything underneath but it all fits (after lots of mucking about). There's a Broughton HPF (you can adjust the knob through a hole in the side of the board), Warm Audio DI, MXR comp, power supply and junction box...
  19. @obbm made a version attached to a drum stool IIRC... think it worked well.
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