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Everything posted by ped

  1. ped

    HoTone Multis

    Great - because the pink one is going for a song, do you know what the difference is between the Ampero and the Ampero II? It sound like you might have had the older one at some stage or are you comparing to the HX? I'm always a bit wary of new improved DSP and so forth - my main home rig is a fairly old Roland VB99 which I'm sure isn't as 'good' as the newer Roland stuff, but to my ears it's perfect...
  2. ped

    HoTone Multis

    Hi guys I'm looking for a relatively cheap multi fx for using live. I don't want to talk emy expensive single pedals very often, but it would be nice to have the option of using one or two through an fx loop or just in front of a multi fx. My friend is selling the HoTone Ampero (in pink) which looks pretty good - my needs are fairly minimal, basically I need a tuner, DI, amp/cab setting generally 'super flat' (which is what I tend to use on my Roland stuff), decent comp generally set for limiting and some passable effects. I don't feel like I need a wah rocker pedal (what's it called) on the unit, but most have them. It seems like some of the HoTone pedals are more guitar friendly, but will the Ampero be OK for my use or would you recommend a different model in their range, or something from a similar sort of company like Valeton, mooer or Flamma etc?
  3. Yeah new to me too - I'll get it and see!
  4. I've just seen this Celinder for sale at The Gallery. £5k! Not sure about the colour (OK I hate it) but it's the first one I've seen for a while so maybe worth flagging. https://thebassgallery.com/collections/bass/products/celinder-jazz-bass
  5. This is brand new, never been stepped on. Only removed from he box and wrapper to find it doesn't support the bass version of the Waza Air headphones but it works with the guitar versions and Katana amplifiers. For more info please see the website https://xsonicaudio.com/pages/airstepbwedition
  6. I have to admit that from my point of view, Brexit has had very little effect on the numbers of instruments being posted and the revenue generated from ads. I suppose it’s created a stronger domestic market in some ways although personally I think paying import duty for used basses from somewhere else is absolute BS.
  7. Yeah I know, I just know the feeling of launching something then everyone weighing in, even if it's useful and well meaning it can be a bit of a deluge! 😆
  8. Looks good on desktop, but the items are a bit too big on mobile, 1 per line. Anyway, it's better - and I don't envy them having to do it and deal with all the experts who come out of the woodwork with an opinion lol.
  9. Yeah! It's tricky to tell from the photo but it looks like they're black plastic ones sprayed gold. They'd be coming straight off!
  10. I guess you guys have seen this BB3000 with Jaydee electronics? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/256167928925?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=DZLcTZKpS6a&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=om7uGMI4RRi&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  11. Maybe, from a historical perspective. But I think resto-modding basses which have been hacked up in the past is a noble cause. The result is probably just as, if not more playable than the original, it just loses its historic value which is basically nonsense anyway IMO.
  12. I have found that when using long scale strings on a short/medium scale bass that you have to very deliberately bend the string over the nut and towards the post so that the string runs as straight as possible, where naturally it wants to run in a slight curve to the post. Same with the break angle over the bridge (on any bass)
  13. They don't but they fit OK - at least the light gauge ones bend around a tuner without any problem. It would be neat if they did make them though, but the parent company seem preoccupied with other things so for now I'm just glad they make them at all, because I love Elixirs!
  14. What you need IMO is something like Osiris suggests, or my previous mention of 'fret clank' to give a defined brick walling of the note in order to accentuate the attack. If you think of a soft played note as going 'buhhh' then a more piercing attack needs something to make it stop simply getting louder and too bassy. Fret clank is often mistaken for rattle/choking, but really it's the initial attack of the string, akin to slap bass, which produces a clear fundamental which helps deliver the note and cut through the mix. A limiter or a compressor can definitely help give the instrument a shelf where everything sits and anything over that limit no longer detracts from the rest of the mix. I prefer a limiter with a high threshold which I can adjust until I feel the sound sits in the mix. This way, when you get energetic and play harder than normal, you don't need to worry about being too loud or the rest of your baseline getting lost.
  15. Doh sorry I was thinking you said iOS. But yeah always worth a go!
  16. Yeah I had that a few times, and found that restarting my phone worked; however upon restarting I suddenly had four BC 'apps' on my screen... but the notifications worked and only came through once.
  17. Alright BCers I have recently bought a Backbeat G2 which I absolutely love. I even like the special cable that's designed for the unit, unlike everyone else on the planet (so it seems!) The cable is just a little bit long for me; I've bunched it up with a cable tie but I wondered if anyone here would be able to shorten the cable for me if I buy one from Bass Direct and send it to you?
  18. Super low action and play 'into' the string. I use a super light touch and with low action and little relief, even a tiny change in finger energy can yield a totally different sound. I think that to get a more defined sound, fret clank is essential.
  19. Have you considered a supporting membership? It’s the least we can do to help you through this 😀
  20. Tripped over his own pedalboard 😵‍💫
  21. I have their Degenerate TB pickup and Surfrider single coil in my Mustang bass. I went for Gemini because I had a chat with the owner on Facebook and he was helpful in advising me which combo to go for. They came really nicely packaged and the pickups themselves are great quality - @Andyjr1515 who fitted them mentioned that they were very nicely made. I'm really REALLY happy with the sound of them both. Even right up agains the bridge the Surfrider is really high output and thick sounding. They blend together really well and I couldn't be happier. The lead time for the pickups to be made is (or was) quite short and I believe they were delivered earlier than expected.
  22. I’ve had a few of these (they’re standard on series 3 Vigier basses). I wasn’t a fan to be honest - the main issue being that to adjust the action you needed to screw up/down the string saddle which in effect was a big grub screw with a slot in the top. That meant that if your preferred height happened to be when the slot was aligned, great - otherwise you couldn’t adjust it very finely. As a fan of super low action, the lowest setting was only just enough because the bridge itself was quite high.
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