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Everything posted by Jonse

  1. They're great! So easy to adjust.
  2. Looks like that 50s precision is just the classic series wearing a different shade of red.
  3. They went earlier this year some time. Consensus is that they were doing okay but the parent company folded and therefore so did they. Took a mate in there to try out some beginner acoustics and he ended up pranging the £150 Epiphone against a £3500 Taylor. Fortunately it was tuning peg against strings over the soundhole so no damage was done but I about had a heartattack. The shop assistants didn't seem too bothered, whether they noticed or not...
  4. I'm in Leicester, our guitar shops (apart from one sparsely stocked one) have all shut down so it's somewhat rare that I get to try anything in a shop. I'm always pretty nervous when trying out gear in shops, it always feels like an audition and I can never really spend enough time with a piece of gear before the shop assistants' gaze gets the better of me. A lot of the time I just browse now without trying anything.
  5. Some lookers in this thread. Here's my roadworn.
  6. Yes I totally am at the moment. I need to take a trip somewhere that stocks a wider range of amplification, thinking Bass Direct or Bass Gallery is on the cards.
  7. I'm in the same boat, two massive amps that I don't really want to lug about any more. I'm thinking of going class - D but I have an issue with how a lot of those amps look. Gotta have form and function! Markbass Casa looks pretty good though, features and looks-wise.
  8. Chunk Systems Brown Dog 😉
  9. Band released our first two singles, all recorded in our little practice space and engineered and produced by our dynamite drummer. Give it a listen if you feel like it; kinda 70s stuff mixed with QOTSA / Eagles of Death Metal. Cheers https://open.spotify.com/artist/70m87WafyDwHItyoWGwZ21?si=vDPve7RsQxqq-72Gwy9vPw
  10. Yeah, having said what I did about the stingray, I'm pretty much always plugged into a sansamp. So maybe stingray + sansamp was just a bit much, but it works with the P.
  11. Similar scenario here: liked the look and tone of the stingray, spent ages trying to get good sound out of it but nothing. Back to the P bass and there it is...
  12. Is there really a market for making fake bass strings?
  13. Sorry, link doesn't lead me anywhere!
  14. Lindy Fralin for me, the standard wind ones. Pair that with one of those pricey (but lovely) Emerson looms - fantastic!
  15. Does the type of cereal box affect the tone? I think Frosties boxes sound sweetest but I could be wrong.
  16. Damn, would have had this if it was the silver cloth...
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