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Everything posted by Maude

  1. Most Line6 multi effects units have all the amp/cab/effect sims for both guitar and bass in them including pre amp sims for guitar, bass and vocals.
  2. I bought three last time and put one on each head when gigging just to annoy the people that don't like them. One on my bass, and two on me, although one of them is hidden behind the bass when playing
  3. Mine arrived today, no charges
  4. In one of my bands, equipment wise I could easily use public transport,the problem is the lack of any kind of public transport in my area. It's kind of a vicious circle, because being up on Bodmin Moor I need a car, therefore even if public transport was available for gigs, it would just be cheaper and easier to drive myself. If more public transport existed to the extent that I could rely on it for work and weekend/evening jollies then it would more than likely be prohibitively expensive as there just aren't enough people to fund a regular, round the clock service to all areas.
  5. Down here in the south west, if you don't have a car then you don't gig.
  6. Import duties are so hit and miss that I really don't worry about it. The amount of stuff I've imported and not been charged will more than make up for if and when I do get a charge.
  7. I've always bought LaBella strings direct from LaBella. Even with the postage it's worked out cheaper than buying from retailers.
  8. [quote name='Luulox' timestamp='1504115566' post='3362817'] Turns out her dad was the drummer in saxon [/quote] Our drummer buys and sells to make money since his early retirement. He bought a 1983 Premier Projector kit on eBay for a bargain price. When he picked it up the seller said it was one half of custom kit that had to be recovered when resold so as not to break endorsement rules. The original white and red barbed wire design is still underneath the vinyl which our drummer has now removed. Turns out it's Saxons drum kit that was used on the 'Rock the Nations' tour. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gxWnZ0cO1Y
  9. I really wasn't sure what I was clicking on when I quickly read the title as "The joy of a sponge bath". I've got a cheap precision with some grey packaging foam under the bridge cover and flats, I love playing first generation Ska with it, real old thump.
  10. John Entwistle comes to me in my dreams. Contrary to the serious, aloof character he portrayed on stage he is actually quite the prankster as he taught my how to play 'The Real Me' wrong.
  11. Our band has PLI but I don't bother with insuring my own gear. I think someone quoted £50 a year earlier in the thread, at that rate I've saved myself £1250 so far. I have some quite nice gear now but worst I've had was lately when a pisshead fell over my monitor and emptied a full pint over my Line6 X3, pedal still works but if it had frazzled then £150 would buy a second hand one. People are adding up the value of everything they gig with but what's got to happen for it all to get destroyed? I don't know what excess is applied to this type of insurance but if it was £50 for the insurance and £50 excess then my Line6 pedal wouldn't be worth claiming for anyway really. I gig with good gear in sh*t pubs, I'm not precious about my gear but I'm don't take unnecessary risks with it and that outlook has been fine for 25 years. By not having insurance I've got £1250 in the kitty if anything happens, and every year it doesn't happen I can add another £50 to the pot. It's all been paid for by gigs so doesn't owe me anything anyway
  12. [quote name='chrisanthony1211' timestamp='1503997691' post='3361964'] Never used them before but just ordered these to give them a go, thanks for the heads up. [/quote] Same here, I'm usually a nickel type but got to be worth a go at that price
  13. What is he using to do the artwork? If it's solvent based ink pens and you use a solvent based lacquer then the artwork could bleed into the fresh lacquer before it's dry. Test the artwork medium with your intended lacquer before all his hard work is ruined.
  14. Album #1 Joy Division - Substance Album #2 Joy Division - Substance Album #3 Joy Division - Substance Album #4 Joy Division - Substance Album #5 Joy Division - Substance
  15. I once purchased a copy of a Ricky, Whose neck it transpired was quite sticky, It had oodles of charm, But it dug in my arm, I'm not sure why I bought that fake Ricky. I guess you could call me too picky, But I fell out of love with that Ricky, I thought to be bold, I should get that thing sold, But to shift it turned out rather tricky. I'd quite like to purchase a real one, I even pop in shops just to feel one, But thanks to John Hall, I can't sell mine at all, And the only choice left is to steal one. Don't worry I don't condone theft, But there aren't many avenues left, Whilst travelling home, I bought a Sousaphone, At least it's got plenty of heft.
  16. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1502785689' post='3353446'] BBC at it's best... [/size][/font][/color] No sh*t Sherlock! [/quote] I'm outraged! Why have they not banned people from bringing in nuclear reactors, do they not realise how dangerous they can be?
  17. Nobody ever seems to mention them in this sort of discussion, but I always think a Danelectro Longhorn would be good for youngsters. Short scale, very lightweight, cool funky looks and generally lovely to play.
  18. They are fantastic basses. I have a tobacco burst one and it'll never leave me.
  19. I think smell has a lot to do with it, if it smells good then it probably is. Appearance has to be fairly high on the list but I feel not as important as smell. Sorry, what's that? Oh, I thought you said "How food is appealing"
  20. Not about your exact pedal but I use an X3 Live and used a compressor sim with the compression off but the gain turned up to get a boost. Does that make sense? I haven't explained it that well have I?
  21. [quote name='bazztard' timestamp='1498713365' post='3326462'] Noel tapped into Britain's nostalgia for proper music like what the Beatles made. Like, exactly what the Beatles made hehe T [/quote] I always thought they were far more Slade than Beatles, but I suppose Slade weren't as cool a band to associate yourself with as The Beatles.
  22. Yep, used it for a couple of rehearsals and a couple of gigs. I did away with the volume control as I've got one of them on my amp already, the HPF control seems to work backwards in that fully clockwise seems to be the least affected, and I leave it there, fullest sound and my speakers have stopped leaping around. If I turn the HPF control fully anti-clockwise the sound is very thin so I assume that's the most affected. It has really cleaned up the subsonic rumbles and made the whole band sound clearer although it seems to add almost a compressed sound to my bass, like a very sharp attack to the front of a note but that could be the sound of my playing but was disguised by all the low frequencies that are now gone.
  23. Monsters of Rock 1995 Line-up Metallica, Slayer, Skid Row, Machine Head, Corrosion of Conformity, Therapy? Slash's Snakepit White Zombie Warrior Soul. I used to like the fact it was one day, one stage. You didn't have to rush from one stage to another trying to catch the bands you wanted to see. Not really fussed about festivals now, too much money, too much going on, not enough time to see it all, and far too mainstream of I'm honest.
  24. Just watching it now. Whilst I can see the point of drum screens, and if it helps on stage sound levels, mic bleed, etc and makes for a better sound then fair play, I really think it looks odd, like the drummer is in the shower or something. Really good performance so far though
  25. I've tried lots and jeep coming back to D'Addario, for the last couple of years I've had their half rounds (ENR72 50-105) on my two gigging basses. I can't get on with a light tension (bicker about that tension/compliance thing amongst yourselves please) and love the heavier feel and slightly dead round sound these have. I like played in rounds and these have that sound straight out the packet and stay that way for as long as you're happy to keep them on the bass.
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