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Everything posted by Maude

  1. I love the varied influences and styles in the Beastie Boys music, and my musical tastes being predominantly on the rockier side of things, I obviously love Sabotage. Whilst have a little YouTube browse this morning I came across this live version and was blown away by the power and energy of this recording, the studio version seems positively laid back in comparison. According to the comments it was Glasgow 1999. Enjoy http://youtu.be/Z6xsKsJqVyg
  2. I use a Snark on the bridge, copes well apart from the E when the rest of the band can't shut up, harmonics work well then though. Would leaving it in place if amplified using bridge wing pickups still cause damping? Can't say I've noticed any difference, no rattling or buzzing either.
  3. I'd say it totally depends on your location. Where I live there is no public transport so a car is a must. If you go through PA with monitors all you need is your bass, DI pedal, lead and a tuner. Which will all fit in a gig bag.
  4. I had to use my daughter's Seat Arosa for a gig once. I had my doublebass, PJB Suitcase, PJB 4b cab, aluminium 'hop up' bench, and a case full of leads and stuff. No problem. You'd be surprised what you can fit a doublebass into when you have to.
  5. The decision has been made for me, it's sold. I'd have restored it including a refin, but being one of only eight made and a couple of those being known to have been properly hacked up to the point of being unrecognisable, almost makes you feel responsible to preserve its originality. Doesn't matter now anyway
  6. [quote name='markstuk' timestamp='1488719148' post='3251230'] http://www.ebay.com/itm/vintage-1965-marshall-jtm-45-jtm45-mk-ii-plexi-electric-guitar-head-amplifier-/321066955200 [/quote] Holy bidding wars Batman! That's quite a final price. Amazing find. Fingers crossed it needs relatively little doing to make it usable. Please keep this thread updated as it's really interesting (yes I'm a nosey git ). And yes if you zoom in it clearly says JTM 45 at one end and MKII at the other.
  7. What about the opposite of relicing? I'm very interested in an instrument for sale on this site, I won't say what as I haven't posted on the for sale ad yet. It's a sixties instrument, pretty much all original bar for one part, quite rare but would need a complete restoration to be made playable again. I would love to buy, restore and gig this instrument but I really don't like the look of the body as it's badly chipped all round the bottom and has been poorly touched up, I would want to refinish the body so this instrument would end up looking practically new, albeit with a very vintage vibe. My question is, is making an old instrument look like new going to get the same reaction as making a new instrument look old? This is a genuine dilemma as I really don't know if I should refinish this sixties instrument, but I don't think I want it if it stays in its beaten up state.
  8. I really like the Fender black nylon ones. They feel like a roundwound with a nylon wrap, very bright and very slick.
  9. I'd say take as many as you really need, as long as they don't detract from the bands performance. In other words, only you knows.
  10. As long as they've got heft you'll be fine Seriously though, for £150 I'd let someone else do it, you can still be involved but if it packs up on the day you don't want to be running around trying to fix it, or more to the point, your new wife won't want you to be.
  11. I don't like purple on a bass and really dislike pearloid scratchplates. . . . . So why do I like that so much? And I mean really really like it
  12. I've forgotten what this thread is actually about but I recall it's something about gigging tips. My tip would be to exaggerate your movements. What you think are sensible moves on stage are barely noticeable from an audience perspective, so be larger than life to get the moves noticed, unless your thing is standing still. On the watch front, I never wear a watch but as one of my bands is a mod band, I can't see accessorising sharp suits, shirts and stylish shoes with a nice watch could hurt, surely no different than adding a silk scarf, tie pin or any other accessory. Like everything, what works for some won't work for others, no hard and fast rules, even on Basschat.
  13. [quote name='el borracho' timestamp='1486586141' post='3233089'] There's nobody to me more cheesy than Barry Manilow, but I think the arrangement of Could It Be Magic is perfection. [/quote] I absolutely adore Copacabana.
  14. I have offered to the risk away from landlords by playing for the evening and they can then pay me what they see fit. If he hates it, don't pay us. If he loves it, pay us the going rate for bands in his venue. Somewhere inbetween, pay us somewhere in between. Just make sure you tell him you're prepared to do it this way as you're confident he'll love you, all you ask is he's fair in any payment. If you don't mention that bit you could come across as desperate. There's a risk they'll say you were sh*t and not pay you, but in my experience if you were good he'll want to book you again so will have to pay you. I've never not been payed this way and a couple of places have given us extra above their normal rate. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
  15. Bear crates are massive and tricky to coax the bear out of
  16. I use one of type of things. Useful for putting the backdrop up and the putting my cab and amp on. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/351955808450 I don't think mine is as long as this one, more square than rectangle.
  17. If I'd been playing a Yamaha happily for a long time and I had to choose a high end bass I'd get a Yammy 2024x in a heartbeat.
  18. We always just tell them, "We'll do it at the end". It keeps them there all night and we then just apologise and say the Landlord says we have to finish.
  19. [quote name='pete.young' timestamp='1485616126' post='3225339'] There's some good news - his car wasn't written off! [/quote] The line in Solid Gold Easy Action, "Easy as picking foxes from a tree", makes no sense. The registration of his Mini that hit that fateful tree? FOX 661L
  20. I'll start the ball rolling then and say anything by Oasis. One of my bands is a Mod/Northern Soul/Ska band and I've lost count of the times some dickhead has asked if we do any Oasis.
  21. I've got a feeling I'm going to dislike most of the suggestions.
  22. Further to the young kids old bands discussion, my son (16) has just got back from a weekend of seeing Avenged Sevenfold in London and A Day To Remember in Cardiff and announced the band he really wants to see is Black Sabbath.
  23. I seem to remember that anyone can carry out PAT testing, the only 'qualificaton' being that they are deemed competent. I don't mind paying if I'm getting something for it but the guy testing it could be less competent than me to do it.
  24. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1485015068' post='3220432'] a badly run pub stands out a mile when posters advertising gigs that have gone are still up, amateurs, same with out of date facebook pages, it's not rocket science is it? [/quote] I might start a band called Rocket Science, at least when a punter ask the landlord "Who's playing in here on Saturday?" they can rightly follow with "It's not Rocket Science is it?"
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