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Everything posted by Maude

  1. I was turned the volume up on my LB-30 Drophead and the knob came off in my hand. I still have the knob but don't know where the rest of the rig went. I wonder if Ashdown could send me a free replacement?
  2. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1507595920' post='3386694'] I think some forget that were all in it for fun. Some of us are in it for fun & money. If your not having fun it's time to move on. Blue [/quote] I think that sums up a few of the discussions on here in one simple post.
  3. Ha ha. I got halfway to a venue one Friday before I realised I was supposed to be going somewhere else, the place I was heading to was Saturdays gig. D'oh
  4. Oh wow! If hats and waistcoats are out, pass me the razor and I'm rockin' this at the next gig.
  5. [quote name='mentalextra' timestamp='1507313781' post='3384756'] Just out of interest, have any decent Christmas songs been written in the last 20yrs? [/quote] The Darkness?
  6. [quote name='bertbass' timestamp='1507054012' post='3383079'] I searched for me and only found me! I must be unique! [/quote] I didn't even find me
  7. I really hope it isn't true, http://movieweb.com/tom-petty-dies-dead-66-years-old/
  8. [quote name='bazztard' timestamp='1506838005' post='3381368'] what makes you think speaker Ohms ratings are irrelevant? Hook up two 4 Ohm cabs to a 4 Ohm amp and tell me what happens [/quote] I was meaning folks worrying about showing a 4ohm output amp a 4ohm load rather than an 8ohm load to get the most out of it. With the amount of amp power cheaply available and the more efficient speakers available there is little point worrying about wringing the last drop of power out of an amp these days, that was all. Obviously nobody is going to plug two 4ohm speakers into a 4ohm amp unless they really don't know what they're doing, and again with the abundance of information at hand these days that's unlikely as well.
  9. Maude


    I have a friend called Rod, he doesn't like fishing though.
  10. And you try and tell the young people of today that, they wouldn't believe you!
  11. I did once ask of Mrs. Maude, "How can you need so so many pairs of shoes with only one pair of feet?" To which she replied, "How can you need so many basses with only one pair of hands?" She now buys whatever shoes she wants
  12. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1506503003' post='3379138'] Hugely talented, very unique and broke lots of new ground. Changed the entire meaning of 'bass playing' for many. [/quote] That's a quote I do agree with.
  13. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1506497350' post='3379081'] Sorry dude, No one deserves to be beaten to death, because a meat head decides he ain't letting an individual into his club. [/quote] Quite agree, and I didn't say he deserved it. From what I read, he would go to clubs and bars and provoke fights and allow himself to get beaten up. If this is true then you can only expect bad things to happen.
  14. [quote name='FDC484950' timestamp='1506493202' post='3379046'] As always on a forum, opinions tell us a lot more about the person giving them than the topic being discussed. From your background and interests it sounds unlikely that you would like or identify with the sort of music he produced. No-one has to like a given genre or artist/musician. Does it lessen or increase any musician's legacy whether they're popular or well-liked? Not sure. [/quote] You're quite correct that I don't identify with that given genre and it doesn't take away from him in the slightest. My opinion matters not a bit. That post, and the one before it, was questioning the whole 'must have been influenced by him'. Of course as time moves on, every new player is influenced by those that came before them, and they were influenced by those that came before them and so on. I have been influenced by the players that Jaco was influenced by, and they would've had influences before them, so why is it only Jaco that must have influenced everyone, not someone before? I'll add that I'm not rubbishing Jaco in any way.
  15. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1506478653' post='3379020'] This has to be a bit generational. I've been studying bass player styles for 50 years. So I get some younger guys, 55 and under not getting or understanding Jaco. Hell, I'll be 65 in a few months and I don't get the appeal of this guy named Pino. He's not someone I would consider one if the "masters". IMO he's a product of the "masters". Blue Blue [/quote] Blue, if it really was generational, why would I 'get' and be inspired and influenced by players that came before him? I'm out every week playing music that was written before Jaco was on the scene. It's not generational, it's just some people don't like his style of music or playing, therefore don't listen to him or that genre. I honestly can't think of any music I listen to, and it's wide ranging, that sounds anything like Jaco. I'm not knocking him at all, just saying that I don't feel I have been influenced by him in the slightest, therefore can't agree when you say that everyone has been influenced by him.
  16. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1506287545' post='3377689'] As a youth of the 80's/90's, the band Chicago was always synonymous with cheesy rock ballads. It's only in the last year that I've discovered how superb their earlier output was. [/quote] I have exactly the same problem with a lot of bands. It seems alot of bands changed their style in the eighties and had hits with terrible songs. This was my first encounter with these bands and turned me off immensely, only later finding out a lot of them were very good in the seventies.
  17. I use hotmail and don't really have problems.
  18. [quote name='louisthebass' timestamp='1506283782' post='3377642'] Jaco was heavily influenced (initially) by a lot of Soul & R&B music (has cited the likes of Bootsy, Donald "Duck" Dunn, James Jamerson, Jerry Jemmott and Tommy Cogbill) - don't know if you like that type of music, but if you do, some of it will have rubbed off on you? Bass as an instrument didn't stop when Jaco died in 1987 - there are loads of great bass players out there (insert name of your bass hero here) who have taken it to another level since then. He was an outstanding bassist of his time and (along with Stanley Clarke) helped put electric bass on the map in the Jazz / Rock / Fusion world. [/quote] I play in a Mod/Northern Soul/Ska band who play covers and originals. Obviously a few of those names you mentioned are big influences, other influences come from the original Jamaican ska bands and the likes of The Who, The Jam, etc. I never realised I was so influenced by John Entwistle until a fair few people have commented after various gigs. I also play doublebass and am very influenced by early rock'n'roll and rockabilly bands. I grew up on post punk, goth, industrial and metal so have influences from there as well. As you can see I have a wide and varied taste but still can't see any influence by Jaco. You mentioned Stanley Clarke, I bought an album of his years ago thinking it would further my bass knowledge but I just cannot listen to it, I revisited it a while ago thinking I might have changed my view, nope cannot stomach it. The same us true of Jaco, I have tried listening to every track posted in this thread but can't get past thirty seconds or so, it really makes me cringe. Yes he can play but it makes me recoil. Edit to add, I didn't mean "why did it stop at Jaco" moving forwards in time but rather going back in time. I am much more influenced by people before him that influenced him, therefore I am influenced by them not Jaco. I also read up on him today to try and understand more but all that achieved was making me realise that as well as not liking his music I don't think I'd have liked him as a person either. Not that that takes away from his talent or his untimely death, although it seems he partially brought that on himself.
  19. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1506279267' post='3377569'] [/quote] It's not meant as a dig at Blue, but a genuine question. It seems to me that the bands that I'm always told are my influences are from the sixties or seventies, as if music began then. But what about all the rock'n'roll before that, and the Jazz and blues before that? My personal musical radar only goes back to around the 1920's delta blues, really got into Robert Johnson for a while, but wasn't the early blues music that the African slaves brought with them into America? How come folks seem to only consider 60's/70's music worthy of being an influence to everyone today?
  20. The Stone Roses, at the time I really wasn't into that Madchester thing, only years later I've realised that they were a cut above the rest, Ian Brown is still an absolute dick though.
  21. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1506239396' post='3377182'] I disagree. IMO Jaco has made a contribution to anyone playing bass today, whether they know it or not. Blue [/quote] I can understand why you say this Blue. I have only learnt of Jaco through Basschat, before that I'd never heard of him, not through ignorance, just really not into that style of music so he's never cropped up, but I do like 'Rhythmstick' so inadvertently I have been exposed to his style of playing. But why does it stop at Jaco? Surely he didn't grow up devoid of any musical influence, so why am I not influenced by his influences rather than him? Same with the Beatles, you claim everyone in a band today has been influenced by them, yet they were influenced by Lonnie Donnegan, and he would have been influenced by others, and so on. So are we all influenced by the first caveman to bang two sticks together?
  22. I didn't think it a viable option or it would have been done and marketed in such a way that it would've sold. It was just my mind wandering following the post in this section where someone wanted a single speaker with a 4ohm load but could only find 8ohm ones. Wondered about the option of an 8ohm single speaker cab that you could flick a switch on that would put an 8ohm resister in giving a 4ohm load to the amp to get the most from the amp. I know it's pointless, but many pointless things have been made and sold. You can all ignore my idle ramblings now
  23. I keep seeing posts about the concerns with speaker cab ohms ratings, and although with more efficient speakers and higher powered amps this is mainly irrelevant these days it got me thinking. With the old valve amps I believe you could plug a dummy resister in to simulate having a speaker plugged in so as not to damage the amp if powering up with no cab connected. Could a variable resister to used in cabs to allow you to alter the ohms rating of a cab, allowing for greater versatility and mixing and optimal matching of cabs? Like I say, probably redundant these days with the more efficient equipment easily available but I was just wondering. Waddya think
  24. The reason we all now hear about heft is due to the fashion of vertically stacked speakers, for girth you need horizontal alignment.
  25. I use a PJB Suitcase on top of the 4b extension cab, this is always placed on top of an aluminium 'hop up' platform which brings the top of the amp to about 5 1/2 feet off the floor. No loss of bass and and so much easier to hear. There is nothing about this set up that I can see me changing in a long time. It's also useful for putting the backdrop up Something like this https://www.screwfix.com/p/work-platform-aluminium-600mm/5892P?tc=EB9&ds_rl=1245250&gclid=CjwKCAjw6ZLOBRALEiwAxzyCWxlKnB_X5G2Xe9SqO3nJU8PiBfsRRpn64prJ1jiOCh19kMNwVIlrJBoCgJMQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds&dclid=CPbH6sHaudYCFcqxUQodoesIqg
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