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police squad

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Everything posted by police squad

  1. sounds like something from Dr Who meats Ken Dodd. It's not something I've ever thought about. I'm not that anal with my sound, I know what I like and it's quite easily achieved but I like the idea of the cab being a little better protected, especially when I'm running the amp hard.
  2. So, anyone know anything about these. I have just bought a MarkBass cab on ebay and have been chatting with the seller. He says, if you put one in the FX loop it takes away all the sub 50Hz signal (Ok with a 4 string) and so cleans up your sound and makes the cab tighter. The speaker will do less work because all the sub 50Hz noises won't come through It sounds like a good idea. Has anyone any experience?
  3. I think it's more about attitude than actual songs. My old band played Every Rose by Poison. Every one sings along. Crazy Horses went down well too. My current band has 2 singers, which brings to life plenty of rock Duets. and some choreography. if you have the balls to play it and you play it well and with the right attitude, it's not cheese.
  4. [quote name='Norris' timestamp='1386764499' post='2304137'] I've not gigged any of my other basses since I got one:) It's a lovely, lovely thing and you have to buy one . Buy second hand - it's cheaper, and you won't be filling JH's coffers. If JH has p*ssed you off too, remove the TRC like I did - no-one knows if mine is genuine or not unless they ask me... [/quote] sounds like a good idea removing the truss rod cover
  5. I can find any copies, someone has put a stop to them
  6. my missus quite liked the only one she's played. I still want one lol
  7. I can't stand it. Don't like the way he runs his company and all that but I quite fancy one. I've owned several in the past, even a really good copy but I don't need one. I certainly couldn't use it in my Police tribute. I can even get one interest free AAAARRRGGHGHGH help
  8. I enjoyed the Status Quo one but currently reading Bob Daisley's 'for facts sake'. It's really interesting
  9. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1385318568' post='2286849'] What are you doing so far from home? [/quote] this is a proper tribute band. (apparently) and this 'pub' pays proper money. Next gig is a theatre somewhere in Surrey. We've got the closest thing to Copeland I've ever heard
  10. 1st gig. If anyone's about please pop in and say hi. I'll be the one singing and playing bass and looking like Sting
  11. I had a white Ric copy. Used it in a jam tribute band. It was excellent considering how cheap it was. There are some youtube clips of me using it with them. Should have kept it really
  12. I'm with Rick on this. I also play guitar and for a time designed and built valve guitar amps. Some guitars really do sing. They have a special 'something'. I have a Strat type guitar, custom made one piece body and warmoth neck. It sustains for ever, notes just hang in there and you can coax it into feeding back almost on cue. Every now and then I take it on a gig and just love it. (I don't gig it much because I've been into Les Pauls for a few years but it gets more use these days) It is the same with bass guitars too. Sometimes the components all hang together, the wood and the electronics, and bingo. The special one. Sure, I can play anything and often I do but sometimes an instrument really does speak to you.
  13. [quote name='cameltoe' timestamp='1383825742' post='2269567'] I think it says a lot that no one has really mentioned Custom Shop. I'm very, very tempted by Bravewood. I may need to get in touch with him. If it takes 9 months then I can get the order in now, and save up in that time. Does he require a deposit? [/quote] Yes, he takes £400 up front. He's in Redruth so not a million miles from you.
  14. Owen, Living the dream.....very nearly My brother has a Bravewood '68 strat replica (large headstock , maple board, black like Blackmore) and it's lovely. It's also got a nitro finish (it should be poly by '68) but John doesn't do Poly. John said it would be about 9 months, so the laquer can properly cure before relicing. It took 9 months and he sent me the odd update and even some photos before he started relicing it. He is a massive Sting/Police fan and he's also a great bass player and gigs a lot round his area. He let me collect the bass and we went out for a curry aswell. I'll check out Crinson guitars too
  15. owen, we are drowning in basses!! Between us there a 6 P basses alone, not to mention the other stuff. I did have a slight issue with my Bravewood Sting bass. It rattled a bit, so I took it to my local tech (who is a genius) and he gave a clean bill of health. He told me to change the strings and hey presto, problem solved. In fact I put the strings onto my JV-62 Squier and then the Squier exhibited the same problem. I used my Bravewood for a 5 hour rehearsal last Sunday. It's light and sounds just like Stings. Watch the Police DVD, 'Certifiable'. It sounds great
  16. It's lovely to play. Feels perfect. Pics of mine A shot of it in action
  17. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1383779493' post='2269173'] The bravewood was probably the most realistic looking relic that I've seen. More often than not they just don't look right. You think, well why would the paint be worn off there ? I mean who wears clothes with sleeves made out of sandpaper ? I think fender started using poly finish in about 1963, that just wouldn't wear on the top through the action of someone's sleeve. [/quote] I don't think fender started using Poly in 63. It was later. Finish wears off if you play a lot. I know because I have done it. Even the 70's fender paint rubs through to the sealer. Bravewood (as I've said before) are very good. He made my wife a '63 replica in Daphne blue, unreliced, with an 'A' width nut. Email him. You're looking at about £1500 for a build by him. I could post some pictures of my '57 but I've done it before but there is a picture on the Bravewood site. It's the bass owned by a certain ex policeman (Sting)
  18. [quote name='cameltoe' timestamp='1383590535' post='2266333'] Bravewood are local to me so I'd be interested, however i've read a few reports which concern me and he comes across really badly on his site. He also says he's not doing any more custom builds. [/quote] John at Bravewood is a lovely guy. He's done 2 builds for me in the past year and a '68 strat replica for my brother. Just contact him, you never know. That's what I did
  19. [quote name='drTStingray' timestamp='1383494858' post='2265015'] I'm with Dingus on this. These were entry level basses back in the 80s at a time when the demand for Fender basses had all but collapsed. Combination of shift to keyboards instead of guitars and basses in pop music plus a vast array of superb product from other manufacturers - eg Yamaha, Ibanez etc etc etc. I see the Fullerton RI 80s Fenders are selling in vintage shops for just short of a grand also!! In the 80s people would be paying about £1000 for things like a Steinburger. You really would have been in danger of being sectioned paying these prices......... What will happen when the bubble bursts?? You are surely safer buying a US standard or maybe a vintage reissue? [/quote] they just were not entry level basses. There were many cheaper bass guitars out there. This was Fender taking on Tokai. They needed too. The tokais were very good and cheap. Jap labour rates were low so Jap guitars were great value. I've had a lot of squiers over the years and they have all been good guitars. Currently my main gigging guitar is a 1984-87 maple necked strat. As good as any other strat I've played. I've also got a '62 JV bass which I picked up from it's original owner last year. It's very light and very resonant.
  20. my '75 P bass has the green and red system but it's so worn I can't read it.I think it's a '75 because the pickup is stamped '75 and the serial number is about '75 too not that the serial number is totally accurate. In 1991 I changed the pots but didn't check the dates on them, because no one was interested in a '75 Fender at the time
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