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police squad

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Everything posted by police squad

  1. quick update on the 12 step set up. Nice and light yes. easy to trigger whilst playing bass and singing, not really. I sometimes muck it up and it needs to be turned off and on because I end up changing the settings on the 12 step. I must be hitting the programme change bit, It's cos I have size 11 feet, in boots. how does it sound, well it'll rattle your internal organs!! I can't work out if I can store any presets. I don't think I can (not without a PC). So I manually change the minitaur on stage. I use 2 sounds with my Police tribute. I photographed the settings with my phone and dial them in at the sound check stage.
  2. I have decided to insure, separately from my house insurance, some of my gigging gear as I know my house insurance won't cover it on gigs. Only the posh stuff needs doing. For instance, when I'm on a Police gig, I could have upto £5K in just bass guitars. Forget the PA or bass amps. I've got my non gigging guitars covered on my house policy. (PRS signature, Old SG jr, L/P jr, stuff like that that I don't gig with) I've had a quote from Allianz for about £400 per year, which includes European cover, (this is good as I have a Policed gig at the Matala Beach Festival in Crete) your thoughts please kind basschatters
  3. here's my SB-R150. According to serial number, starts with 1, it must be 1981. I've read they were only made 83/84. Anyhow, plays itself.
  4. Still haven't tried any out yet but I did pick up a black rockinbetter, locally, for £250. I've got a genuine rick 4003 hi gain neck pickup to go in it. Gigged it once, (so far) with a Jam tribute band. 'Love the Rik' said one punter!! It sounded ok I thought. Looks great too. Plays as good as anything else. No sharp fret ends, decent action, no crackles from the electrics and strung with DR Neons 45-105 (white ones) I'd post a picture but can't seem to anymore. Something has changed and I can't work it out
  5. I remember, one news years eve, my parents had a party and my elder brothers got me drunk by drinking capfuls of neat gin. 'Go on Mart', they'd say, 'this is rock star stuff' I think I was maybe 14 years old, maybe even 13. I'd have a capful (the cap that screwed onto the bottle) then I would disappear upstairs to my room and pick up my bass and play along with some Duran stuff. I remember being able to play 'my own way'. Because I was so relaxed (drunk) I learned to slap the part. I learned all the parts from the Duran stuff. (and the Jam and the Police)
  6. lovely, just like the one I use in my Police tribute bands. these really are amazing basses. They have more 'MWAH' than any fretless I've ever played free bump from a Sting!
  7. I saw that for sale. I've been after a white one for ages but they're custom order only. Spector did a ltd run of 30 in the USA last year. Looks lovely, you're a lucky chap, good score
  8. I have bought 2 bravewoods. A '57 P bass that is based on Stings and an un reliced '63 P bass in Daphne blue. The '57 is fast becoming my number 1. (the '63 is my wife's and it is her number 1) If I needed another Fender style guitar I would order another Bravewood without hesitation
  9. not in my world!! Maybe it's because I'm the singer too!!
  10. I swap guitars at gigs. Acoustic to electric and back again. It doesn;t take long, so don't worry about it. Basswise, I always carry a spare bass. One night about 10 years ago, one coil of my trusty old P bass died. That left me open circuit and with (almost) no sound at all. There was a very little faint sound with some hiss. So we went into the PA aswell. Turned evrything up , knocked off the treble to remove the hiss and battled to the end. The chances of that happening again are slim but I'm not prepared to take that chance. On Sunday I have a Police gig and will appear as a modern Sting which means my '57 Bravewood replica, but I'll take the 70's fretless re-issue just in case of any problems. When I do late 70's Sting I have the Ibanez Musician fretless as the back up to the fender!! (lovely)
  11. today, my new tribute will be making a video. It's quite exciting really. Playing live.I'll post it up when it's done
  12. it says on another thread that mark bass cabs are now being assembled in Indonesia and are heavier. mine is Italian and therefore a proper one!!
  13. @ Geoff which band? Last night I played with one of my Police tributes, but we also did some Jam stuff. It was a stand in gig as the already booked band were ill. This Police tribute gets down to Littlehampton and Hastings.
  14. but seeing as we're not allowed to talk about this kind of copy, I'll have to keep it to myself. But, I gigged it last night and it fooled at least 2 punters into thinking it was a real one. Looked and sounded great on The Jam stuff
  15. it's a great cab but I'm only using a CL115 as I DI into the PA every gig now.
  16. what Beedster said. The classifieds are good on here.
  17. I recently bought a fretted 150 for £440. It's lovely and is my 2nd 150 over the years. I reckon it's got to be worth at least £650. As Megallica says,with the right photos and the right info Ebay works very well.
  18. For sale is my bass cab. I'm just not using it, so it's time to move it on. It's in good condition, all plastic corners are good. Was originally bought as a pair but the cabs are so good only one gets used. If you need any more info just ask Price is [s]£350[/s] now £300 delivered by Interlink courier. thanks Martin
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