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Everything posted by redbandit599

  1. Somehow the concept of supplied backline has never filtered out to ANY of my venues, ever...only been gigging about 25 years though, so maybe I'll find one before my back gives out.... Is this more of a city centre/originals circuit thing in reality?
  2. Pulled our gig for next Friday in agreement with the landlady - The pub is staying open, but my wife works in A&E so the prospect of me getting something from a punter that subsequently took her out of role for 14 days made it a no-brainer.
  3. Source Audio Hot Hand - haven't quite managed to work out how to get Dubstep 'wub wub' sounds into our pub rock covers set. It will happen though....
  4. Corporate sales manager for a large financial institution/Empire. I can convey this better with a picture....
  5. Oasis sends our singer into an instant rage, in fact anything involving the Gallaghers - I have the same reaction to Mr Brightside - fortunately this merde is easily avoided 😎
  6. You've got to play stuff that people know for sure - the holy grail for us is if we can find a 'forgotten gem' - that is good, everyone knows it but not many play it. Or we can do a job on it and make it something fresh. Plus you always have to have some standard cheese up your sleeve....
  7. That's a personality thing and can be hard to fix - ultimately your set list has to give people a good night out ( of whatever flavour is appropriate) and if you have songs that don't cut it but they are someone's favourite then they need to find some new favourites 😉
  8. We all chip in and just decide what we fancy doing next every now and then at rehearsal - just happens when we realize we haven't got anything new to learn. Helps that we can get stuff to a 'jam it out' stage quickly and at that point we decide if it's worth gigging or not - all songs are liable to getting dropped if they don't deliver and no-one gets too precious about 'their songs.' Think it helps doing it at rehearsal so you can play the source material through a pa with all of you there - I'd been talking about doing a particular song for a bit and not getting much uptake recently, mentioned it at rehearsal then just played it over the PA and suddenly after hearing it loud it's declared a Banger and scheduled for the set. (Top Tip - play a live version!)
  9. Dropping you a PM as have a contender for sale - not far from you either 😉
  10. Blimey - a few messages on this - off to a new home!
  11. Hi all I have a set of these up for grabs - virtually unplayed, I didn't like the tension. The catch is that they are cut for my Warwick Corvette, so a 2 up 2 down headstock - the G definitely won't stretch to a normal Fender style headstock, D looks tight but probably OK when I line it up with my Yamaha BB as a guide. Cover postage (and maybe a beer to drown my sorrows 🤣) and they are yours! Cheers Jason
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  13. Thanks! That's the key bit - I want to be able to use the Post Eq sounds to output to the PA, but also change stage volume without altering the level of DI feed to the PA. I've had heads before were Post Eq DI volume is changed with master volume - so this sounds ideal.
  14. Cheers Lozz I'm wondering if it does the same 'post' too - the manual seems to suggest it would? Aha - I've worked out how to tag people 🙂 @Ashdown Engineering
  15. Dropped you a PM as just about to put one of the above up for sale 😁
  16. Hi all I have an ABM 600 iv EVO which, (having got to grips with the eq) I am enjoying! Quick question re the DI output - the manual states :- "DIRECT INJECT (D.I.) - A balanced D.I. is provided on a latching XLR socket. This has a push button placed below it that allows the user to choose either a Pre E.Q. signal (button pushed IN) or a Post E.Q. Post Sub and effects signal (button OUT). The output signal from this XLR socket is set to a level and impedance suitable for connecting directly into the Microphone input of a mixing desk for either Direct Injection into the PA system or for recording." If I'm reading this correctly then it sounds like the DI level is constant regardless of if I set it pre or post eq, and changes in stage volume won't effect the DI level. This would be a good thing 🙂 Anyone know if this is correct - I could test it live but that is something of a faff with a pub full of punters enduring me playing a one note solo in E whilst trying to work out if it's louder or not, for 10 mins... Cheers PS Just heading out to rehearsal so don't think I'm ignoring you...
  17. I'm waiting for the Ampeg Fairy.
  18. I had a Cobra 45w 12" combo as my second ever amp - a step up from whatever I had before I recall - never gigged it but it got me going and served it's purpose well. I replaced it with an Ampeg 410 combo, which I'm keeping to save the kids the expense of a coffin.
  19. Quite like this one - Tea Drinkers and Hell Raisers
  20. You can get baritone acoustic 6 string guitars strung with a low B. Might be worth a look
  21. Ok - this one is £50 because it has zero matches on Google etc. Nearly used this one once, but feared punters/pubs would never spell it right! Rokyasoxov Also works as Rokyasoxoff Only classic rock covers bands need apply 😁
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