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Everything posted by dannybuoy

  1. I think these come tuned to E as standard, starting from the same low note as a standard bass, just like a Bass VI. Worth mentioning for those looking for something that can go a bit deeper than your average baritone!
  2. I've had pedals jumped on in under 5 minutes before but I'm amazed you sold all 3 in one go!
  3. Check out the new Epiphone Zenith: [url="http://www.epiphone.com/default.asp?ProductID=326&CollectionID=12"]http://www.epiphone.com/default.asp?Produc...CollectionID=12[/url] One thing is, I don't think the Ibanez AGB series are proper hollowbodies, they are solid in the middle with small hollow chambers. If you had loads of cash to spare, I'd look at a Gretsch White Falcon! I saw The Dead Weather play earlier this year and Jack Lawrence played one of these:
  4. I think the latest issue of Bass Player has a review of the 1x12.
  5. [quote name='AndyTravis' post='680315' date='Dec 10 2009, 02:54 PM']That Ginger Reyes lady is my new favourite thing...i'd like her for Christmas please...[/quote] Hands off, she's mine!
  6. I like the Tonefactor 442 Red / Mojo Hand 442 Red / Boomstick Bottom Feeder (all the same pedal, rebranded through the years) which is a DOD 440 clone tweaked for bass. It sounds more like a rock wah than a quacky funky filter.
  7. You should get one of these to go with it:
  8. There's a set up guide on the Fender website somewhere...
  9. I'd love one of these in green:
  10. I've got a couple of recent MIA Fenders and the pole pieces are all level. Even on the replacement pickups they sell. Never seen anything like yours apart from on a Darkstar pickup or a Strat!
  11. I'd love to hear some clips of the full on distortion of this vs the AD140 / AD200.
  12. If it's a passive EQ, I wonder where the flat tone lies? Doesn't setting all knobs at noon usually result in a mid scoop with these EQs?
  13. I was about to buy a 5-string set of these, if you know where I can get a single .130 low B then I'll have them off you!
  14. I realise the 'tone suck' issue is very minor, it's very noticeable to me through a clean hi-fi rig or through headphones even though nobody else in the audience would notice the difference anyway. But if I'm investing in a quality bass and an amp, why introduce degradation into the signal (however slight) when there are better alternatives available for around the same price?
  15. I'd stay away from the Boss personally, I've had a few Boss pedals and found them all to have a negative effect on my tone when in bypass. The Korg DT-10 also suffers from a crappy bypass so I'm led to believe. 4 great true bypass tuners are: Ibanez LU-20: Cheap, massive display, two outputs. I've owned this and I can't fault it, I only sold it because I fancied a tuner with a strobe mode. The best value option by miles. Korg Pitchblack: Looks awesome in a stealth kinda way, lots of different modes including strobe. My current tuner. Sonic Research Turbo Tuner: The most expensive of the three, but is the fastest most accurate tuner there is and has a great strobe mode. If I was buying a tuner I'd probably get this. Digitech Hardwire Tuner: Don't know much about this one but it's worth checking out.
  16. Just-bought-Clarky's-P5-need-to-raise-cash-bump. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=120502997060&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT"] Holy Fire[/url] now gone to eBay, the wah will be heading there soon too...
  17. Just bought Clarky's P5 in great condition for a nice price. I paid in advance with a bank transfer and he didn't do a runner! Also, the next day when mentioning I wanted to try some different strings he offered to post me a set of flats for free. Top bloke!
  18. The fattest bass I've ever heard is my Peavey T-40!
  19. Here's another great pic of a Precision. And Ginger Reyes from Smashing Pumpkins... :wub:
  20. It does indeed hate active basses, or having a buffered pedal before it (like a Boss OC-2 for example). Sounds thin and raspy. This will help though: [url="http://www.muzique.com/lab/pickups.htm"]http://www.muzique.com/lab/pickups.htm[/url]
  21. Hope you get a good price on that Maverick if it was worth £600. Tip - don't set your auctions to finish when the majority of people are at work and can't bid!
  22. Good thing about the smaller ones is that the wheels automatically fold inwards when folding the platform up which is handy for stashing it away! They're strong enough for your average cab, although I would certainly go for something beefier if transporting an Ampeg fridge or something!
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