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Everything posted by stu_g

  1. yeah your right enough, it was just the truss rod that made me think that sattelites were probably plywood also
  2. satellite maybe they had that type of trussrod.
  3. Heres my O serial number silver series a great bass
  4. I bought a white/maple V4 cant believe how good it is for the money good fixtures and fittings and feels nice and solid without being overweight .
  5. Ive got the old fender rumble 100 with the red lights that flash and it seems pretty good so far at band practise,i also have a swr workingmans 12 which i havent had a chance to play at a rehearsal yet.
  6. yeah i had to find out for myself as i have a bass centre stadium bass guitar with these strings on dunno if they have been on it from new, but i love the strings and havent changed them in all the years ive owned the bass.
  7. i think there elites stadium strings
  8. i had to look up the headphones,a meter you cant see unless you take them off,seems a tad gimmicky.
  9. I think he means your bridge saddles,do they have a locking screw once adjusted?
  10. I think you are being more than reasonable, no one wants to hand over that sort of money without checking the goods.
  11. I remember these,I always remember seeing an advert hohner arbor basses I really wanted one ended up with a marlin sidewinder and I remember another fledgling bass player at school owned a columbus which in the right light looked a bit like steve harris's p bass and sounded much sweeter than my bow necked marlin.
  12. Also mine does have a narrow neck could be 38mm would have to check
  13. I have a four string pj active jaguar,is actually a really nice bass,the neck has some flame maple,i upgraded it with fender usa p pickup and a entwistle neodymium jazz pickup A vintage fender bridge and wilkinson machineheads i really should use it more often Might take it to practise next week.
  14. mine is the vintage white also couldnt resist it and im glad I bought it.
  15. i only just bought this live at the bbc album last week and was enjoying this gem RIP Eddie
  16. i have a few cheap basses and guitars and the quality seems really good my vintage V4 bass is a great bass good fit and finish and it has a lovely low action for what i paid for it i have to say it really suprised me ,ive owned alot of precision basses but i really like the V4 alnico pickup good machineheads, solid neck no gaps round the neck pocket frets well finished dont know if i got lucky or there all this good.
  17. I have a 1984 aria sb black n gold
  18. When you say aria sb black n gold sb1000 do you mean the reissue,or are you after an original black n gold sb?
  19. electro acoustic basses i had two at one time thought they would be good for noodling at home but they just seemed to get in the way 5 string basses have had a couple but nowadays i will just downtune a bass if i need it heavy cabs sound great but when i see an old trace cab on ebay i remember the weight of my old one and move along im with you on effects too i went through a time using them but i dont bother much nowadays
  20. i had a CV strat which was nice great feel and sound but i agree about the bodywood it felt a bit lightweight i also have a 1987 japanese squier strat which to me just feels a bit more solid for my liking so i sold the CV strat no complaints for what i paid for it was very good fit and finish
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