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Everything posted by chaypup

  1. [quote name='mrdreadful' timestamp='1318337040' post='1400726'] Yeah. Does the person who didn't learn the tunes have children? Or a job that necessitates working lots of overtime? Or a sick relative? Or a sleep disorder? Or any number of other possible factors? Sometimes when someone says they didn't have time to do something they actually didn't... don't assume they're just being lazy unless you have good reason to. [/quote] Yes but when they've told you the week before that they will learn them..... My time is precious too but if I've said I'll learn something for the band I'll move/put aside other commitments to do ot OR just say "can't this week sorry I'm super busy/on holiday/going to Jupiter to collect ice samples or whatever.
  2. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1318285313' post='1400198'] (Warning: a tad of sarcasm may have crept in to this post. Apologies to those not targeted...) Surely not a touch of jealousy here..? [i]I shoulda learned to play the guitar[/i] [i]I shoulda learned to play them drums[/i] [i]Look at that mama, she got it stickin' in the camera[/i] [i]Man we could have some[/i] [i]And he's up there, what's that? Hawaiian noises?[/i] [i]Bangin' on the bongoes like a chimpanzee[/i] [i]That ain't workin' that's the way you do it[/i] [i]Get your money for nothin' get your chicks for free[/i] Most..? Don't really know, but I have met a fair number of percussionists that play a mean 4-hammer vibrophone. Yes, I suppose [i]some[/i] drummers aren't musicians. Not like them bass fellers; now there's symphonic harmony for you. Such erudition.Makes me wish I'd gone to school, instead of clouting these bits of wood together. Oh, well... [/quote] This drummer's on the wrong forum!
  3. [quote name='Tradfusion' timestamp='1318105696' post='1398228'] I'll be able to give you an opinion on this next week... I own an LMII and its been my main gigging amp for about 2 years... great head, tons of poke etc... however i got bitten by the TC bug and I have just aquired an RS210 and RS112 (thanks Smash)... I also bought an RH450 head last week on TB, got a great deal... so I'll be trying the TC cabs with both heads on a couple of gigs... I'll let you know how I get on.. [/quote] Did you get the head from America? What charges did you have to pay? and thanks!
  4. Pm'd Fumps a couple of days ago - no reply yet.....
  5. I'm after a new bass head to go with the RS212 I bought a few weeks back. I've been offered an RH450 for £550 and I've played through these and love the sound and the features it has. However, I played through a little Mark II the other day and the tone was great! I already have a tuner and a really good compressor in my Boss ME-50b but I guess if I got the RH450 I could sell that and get individual effects. Also, the Little Mark II's are available for around £300 at the moment.... hmmmmmm...what should I get?
  6. ...Although this shows it as starting in A... http://www.musicnotes.com/sheetmusic/mtdVPE.asp?ppn=MN0064793 and this video as Ab. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkoEVKPyAlM
  7. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1317971080' post='1396710'] "You Just Keep Me Hanging On" by The Supremes. A James Jamerson classic. Just cannot get my head round it. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3bjMtqpGBw[/media] [/quote] Sounds like Ab Gb Eb E to me.
  8. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1317904564' post='1395981'] That would most probably have been Dave Dearnley. [/quote] Ah yeah! Cheers Rhys!
  9. I have a problem with the electrics in my Thunder III. Can anyone recommend me someone in Cardiff who can fix it? I tried Cardiff guitars but they refused to give me a ball park figure and basically said I could only bring it in on a Wednesday morning(!). I have used someone in Splott before but can't remember the name or number..... Thanks for any help!
  10. We'll be playing at The Rocking Chair this Friday. The sell the best rum & ginger beer available to man :-)
  11. I may be being daft but I can't see a price anywhere here...?
  12. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1317192370' post='1387746'] I had a Delta rig for a while -- the 600w head with the 1x18(?) and 2x8 cabs. The sound was brilliant but oh god that big cab was sooo heavy... This is a bargain. [/quote] Hear that? It's a bargain bump!
  13. I bought this RS212 a couple of weeks ago and while it sounds amazing it's actually 14.2cm deeper thatn the RS210 which is bigger than I wanted. Anyone got a RS210 they want to swap? My RS212 is in excellent condition and comes with the cover. Cheers!
  14. Played as part of the Oxjam Cardiff event last night, ace gig! really good crowd and some good jamming before and after with live MC's and a breakdance crew. Used another bassplayers Markbass head - I'm getting one, it sounded amazing!
  15. There were some great Maceo tunes featured on this weeks 'Big Band Special' on Radio 2!
  16. Free Fre Free Free BUMP!
  17. Taken out of a skip, guessing by the seller ID.....
  18. [quote name='Tradfusion' timestamp='1317044777' post='1385856'] Let me know if you do decide to sell the RS212... ... Mmmmm that Staccacto is tasty... pity its not a hundred quid cheaper.. [/quote] Find me an RS210 and I'll be selling the 212!
  19. !983 Ibanez Musician you say? Very nice! I do wish he wouldn't take photos against that busy carpet and wallpaper though.
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