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Everything posted by njr911

  1. What's the best way to approach this ? Trip to the GP? I notice the local ACS place is in the Leeds General Infirmary Boots
  2. I've just been asked this question by a village hall last night! Anyone know anywhere in Leeds for quick PAT testing ?
  3. There's a Mi550 and Mi12 in the classifieds apparently
  4. I use the little blue xmas trees and have been for a couple of years. I'm totally used to them now and can't play / go to gigs without them. Will the ACS 15 improve the sound I hear over my current protection ?
  5. [quote name='steve-soar' timestamp='1388610443' post='2324068'] The Lumineers? Get lost, and get your dirge to a new smartphone add, you bellends. [/quote] lol. Bellend is a much underused and underrated adjective !
  6. For sale: My MiBass 550 Light use for 5 or 6 gigs. I have a Ashdown 220 combo that I use for practice so the MiBass doesn't get out as much as it should. Despite the small size and portability it's a very loud pairing and great tonal variation with the funky EQ. As far as Trades go... Orange Bass Terror [b]Ashdown MiBass 550 - £240[/b] Here's the write up form the Ashdown website - [url="http://ashdownmusic.com/products/1/Bass-Amplification/18/Legacy/98/MiBass-550-/"]http://ashdownmusic....98/MiBass-550-/[/url] I think these are discontinued now but are still on the usual websites for £400. In great condition, still boxed with manuals. I'll put some better pics up but you can just make it out hanging around in the back of this pic Collection from Leeds area or happy to courier at cost.
  7. I had a silverface Twin Reverb (1976) in the early 90's. Was a wonderful thing until it got dropped out of the back of a truck by a courier. To be fair to him it was F£$%&ing heavy
  8. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]For sale, a Boss [/font][/color][color=red][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]BCB[/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]-3 Pedal case – In good condition.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I only have one boss pedal these days.[/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] [/font][/color] <a class="resized_img" rel="lightbox[1007068]" id="ipb-attach-url-62647-0-89221200-1388415633" data-cke-saved-href="http://basschat.co.uk/uploads/monthly_10_2010/post-3499-1288520120.jpg" href="http://basschat.co.uk/uploads/monthly_10_2010/post-3499-1288520120.jpg" base="public" }"="" title="monthly_10_2010/post-3499-1288520120.jpg - Size: 389.71K, Downloads: 31" style="color: rgb(40, 40, 40); font-family: helvetica, arial, sans-serif; line-height: 22px;">
  9. I have a mono after searching for a decent strap for ages. I've gone for a short at it's it's longest setting. Great stuff...I love most things that mono make.
  10. [quote name='munkonthehill' timestamp='1387826990' post='2316233'] I have a 500watt obt and a sp212 for sale [/quote] Swapsies for a Ashdown MiBass or Squier CV Jazz. I'll stick them on ebay this week and be in touch
  11. [quote name='Meddle' timestamp='1387753774' post='2315371'] The cheapest option is to mod a guitar pedal. Basically, you can increase the input and output cap values to 1uF, or thereabouts, to allow bass frequencies to pass through the pedal. In practice this opens up the circuit to frequencies it wasn't designed to handle, so various pedals will get muddy, farty, flubby and unmusical pretty quickly. the Digitech Bad Monkey is one of the best pedals I've found that can be modded simply to work with bass. The Boss OBD-3 sounds pretty good once you do the Wampler mods. Stock, the pedal basically dials some white noise and bass flub into the signal. The clean blend is thoughtful, but the OBD-3 appears to be designed to add a hint of grit around the edges of your tone, not spice up the whole deal. Big Muff circuits tend to sound mid-scooped and can rob bass frequencies easily. My problem is that I don't like clean-blends in pedals. Bassists always claim you need a 40% clean blend or similar, but I cannot abide by this. You end up sounding like you are running two amps, or have a guitarist running in parallel. Maybe if you aggressively LPF the clean tone you could get a better tone, but bone-clean zingy uncompressed bass tone and treble fizz,blended 40% - 60% is one of my least favorite tones. [/quote] I've had a Bad Monkey for a while, can you give me a clue how to mod it ? I've just been using it as is.
  12. I've decided to change my set up from Ashdown to a OBT and SP210 or SP212. If anyone has one for sale let me know
  13. I think we're all missing the point here. With a Terror head and SP cab it looks the bollox! I'm a bit OCD when it comes to non matching heads and cabs
  14. Is this like the fake watch sites? ie they take the money and no product will ever arrive
  15. [quote name='petergales' timestamp='1383246480' post='2262161'] Hi okusman I'm based in Guiseley, just west of Leeds. For a sale I'd be prepared to meet up within 100 miles of Leeds for the cost of the fuel. Kind regards, Pete [/quote] Hi from Otley! I fancy a Lakland next but need to sell my Squier CV P and J first.
  16. I love mine - the soundguy at a gig a few months ago thought it was a real 62 Jazz. I set him straight...after a while
  17. hollow body and chunky headstocks. Its giving neck neckdiveaphobia just looking at it.
  18. I have a CV P and a CV J. Just working out which to gig tonight ?
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