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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. Not a problem, this style was used briefly from 1975-1977. See [url="http://www.flyguitars.com/gibson/bass/1976gibsonG3-10.php"]http://www.flyguitars.com/gibson/bass/1976gibsonG3-10.php[/url]
  2. [quote name='Bloodaxe' post='881866' date='Jun 30 2010, 01:04 PM']Hartke Mediums 45-105 are my current roundwounds of choice, triple packs off the 'bay for very reasonable money - handy if you're on a budget.[/quote] +1 for those Hartke strings - very bright for nickels, feel nice and seem to perform way above their price point. I used to hate flats until I tried some TI Jazz flats - I'm converted!
  3. I think I'll get this moved into Build Diaries, it's not a build per se, but a full blown restoration so I suppose it counts. Anyway, I was doing some polishing, and found that a shiny headstock was possible! So, one eye on the football, one eye on the headstock: [i]Et voila![/i] Victory is mine!
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  5. [quote name='ahpook' post='879762' date='Jun 28 2010, 12:23 PM']nice. what's the push button for ?[/quote] Someone thought it would be a good idea to have a separate button which disconnects the battery. Fine in theory but I kept pushing it while I play, which delivers a nice thump to the amp. Got rid of it pretty quick. I will have to make a new battery cover now, there's a big hole in it
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  7. I've been keeping this quiet, as I'm a superstitious sort of person, yes, I believe in things that I don't understand It's here, arrived on Friday having survived the flight, the clutches of HM Customs and Excise and Parcelforce. Gave it the once over and found non-corroded chrome and working electronics. I've managed to snag (for relatively cheap until Customs got involved ) a rather sad looking 1981 Gibson Victory Artist in the States. I've been after one of these bad boys for months. She's not pretty - been refinished badly in dark blue, pickguard etc. painted with something like silver Hammerite and someone had the great idea of taking a blowtorch to the back of the neck. No, I don't understand it either. It will be refinished, but structurally and electronically it's remarkably sound. A wire had popped out of the preamp circuit, an easy fix. Also the D tuner was broken - the screw which attaches the capstan to the pinion had snapped. It would tighten up to a degree but once the string tension got too much it would jump out of position, like the string snapped. Thankfully, to get going I found that the capstan/pinion from a Grover Titan fits in the body of a Schaller M4S damn near perfectly I'm still trying to find a single Schaller M4S (not only do I want this as original as possible - I want my Grover Titan back, that's for a project on the back burner). So, my question is - what colour to refinish? It was originally Candy Apple Red (gold base coat). According to flyguitars (the Gibson Bass Online Bible) the only colours that the Artist came in in 1981 were CAR and Antique Fireburst. Although they say that Ebony (that's black to you and me) was introduced in 1982, I've seen pictures of a 1981 Standard in Ebony top to toe. I'm not going to try and recreate an Antique Fireburst. Should I remain true to history, or if it's being refinished anyway then do it any damn colour I like?
  8. The EMG-HB is a split rail humbucker in a P-like configuration. Can't speak specifically about the HZ/Select passive versions, but I have the active HBs in my Epiphone Les Paul bass, just slotted right in. I think the Schaller Bassbucker is guitar humbucker sized, check the excellent techy info on the Schaller site: [url="http://bass-pickups.com/hp135071/Bass-Humbucker.htm"]http://bass-pickups.com/hp135071/Bass-Humbucker.htm[/url]
  9. It seems someone was thinking along similar lines to me. Can't say I approve of the maple fingerboard though.
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  11. Having played all three of Gibson's family of thin but rotund basses I'd say the G-3's better than both the Grabber and the Ripper.
  12. I wouldn't call it a re-issue, it's more a re-imagining. Different neck joint, different bridge, and waaaaay different price point
  13. Walk away. The guy is dreaming. I wouldn't pay more than £300 for a refinished Grabber, particularly one which has been refinished in a colour they were never made available in. I'm not precious about these things personally but I've just got my collector's hat on. You don't say whether or not a case is included.
  14. Hi folks I've only had this a month, but I've gone and snagged a bass I've been lusting after for some time so financially something has to give! For sale is an Italia Maranello Z semi acoustic bass in cream. It has a single piezo pickup through a 2 band EQ. It is in excellent condition, no dings or scuffs. It has been restrung with TI Jazz flatwound strings, best flatwounds I have ever played, much lower tension/more compliant. If you like your flatwounds tense like suspension bridge cables and as compliant as a petulant teenager, I can throw in a set of Fender flats. In fact, have them anyway, I hate them It comes with an (admittedly rather flimsy) Italia gigbag. I have shimmed the neck so that there's a bit more room to adjust the action - beforehand I had the bridge on the deck and it still wasn't quite low enough for me. Now that there's a shim I've got it to my liking and there's still a few millimetres left to go. I would like £195 + postage for it (which is what I paid for it a month ago). Some pics: (Last two pictures lifted from old for sale thread, hope that's OK)
  15. neepheid

    How do

    Welcome to the forum It's a good feeling when you get something right. Multiply that by 1000 when you're getting it right when playing with other musicians. Multiply that by a further 1000 when you're getting it right when playing with other musicians on stage in front of an audience.
  16. +1 for OBBM, excellent quality cables.
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  18. I am not the world's best bass player. So considering they could find someone with greater playing skill than me I can only assume my presence in my band is tolerated for my affable nature, my IT skills (myspace page etc.), my production of set list sheets for the gig, ability to provide a rig should the gig require it, own transport, turn up (on time) for rehearsals etc. A secretary who happens to play a bit of bass, then
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  20. +1 for cheap cola (diet) before: after:
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