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Everything posted by Noisyjon

  1. A post '57 shaped/spec Fender Precision bass would be my suggestion. Look at and try some 2nd hand ones and buy the one that 'talks' to you. You will know when that happens
  2. I once turned a band down a long time ago because of distance/travel issues [i]before[/i] an audition and got this back: " Don't worry about sending the demo back,it's only a cheap sh*tty tape copy anyway,I don't need it. Can't say I'm too surprised that you're not up for it, I didn't think you really would be after the first e-mail I got from you when you were fretting about travelling arrangements - too concerned with trivial matters for my liking (sorry, but I have to be honest). At the end of the day we need someone who lives,eats, shits, sleeps and breathes Rock'n'Roll as opposed to it just being a "weekend" distraction,this comes before everything else in our lives! Good luck in your search for a band but, just a word of advice, think carefully how you approach people in the future, I think you're really looking for something to fit in round your life for fun and maybe you should state that in your ad. Hope you don't take that the wrong way, just being honest..."
  3. [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1389814166' post='2338257'] True, my timing is not perfect. Just like my bass playing [/quote] Clarky, that's a big +1 from me and well worth a bump GLWTS and all that.
  4. [quote name='cocco' timestamp='1389827547' post='2338506'] 7.5 inch finger board radius?!?!?! This is beautiful though. [/quote] Ad amended.
  5. [quote name='BigBassBob' timestamp='1389816183' post='2338306'] I'm a big fan of Bare Knuckle Pickups (the guitar pickups at least.) I've heard nothing but good things about the Mississippi Queens although I've not used them. Currently have a set of Rebel Yells which I'm trading in for some lower gain Mules. [/quote] Thanks for the info Bob. I have a Les Paul with a set of Stormy Monday humbuckers in it and they are just great sounding units. They are the lowest gain 'buckers BKP do and with a high gain amp that guitar is something else! Once payday rolls around I will be ordering a Black covered bridge position MQ I think
  6. Very nice! That gets my 70's P bass juices flowing
  7. The moment I 'got it' was hearing an old P-90 loaded Gibson LP Junior plugged straight into a Vox AC-30 and just turned up.... Stunning sound for a Rock band!
  8. [quote name='rapscallion' timestamp='1389212499' post='2331526'] I'm looking at a Tonerider Rebel 90 for my Telemaster build. Will let you know how it sounds, the demos sound good, and cheap too [/quote] Please do keep us updated Rapscallion. Thanks, NJ
  9. I bought some valves off Geoff and it was a quick, smooth transaction. Many thanks, Jon
  10. Thanks for the info Guys. After a think I am going to convert my SG Jr to have a single P-90 in it, not the LP. I think the BKP MQ will be the winner but the suitably expensive Lindy Fralin P-92 has also caught my eye for something a bit more obscure
  11. I have 2 Fender CS basses and they are just sublime to play and hear. They are also immaculately made from the best woods, etc. My perspective and opinion on them is try and buy a good used one and you won't lose out financially if you happen to not like it and want to shift it on. They're quite rare in terms of coming up for sale 2nd hand but that to me is a testament to how good they are! Good luck and I know you're dilemma well. Look where it got me
  12. Just sold an amp to Flex/Pete in a classic BassChat clandestine meet up in a car park just off the M1 All went well and it was a pleasure dealing with Pete. Cheers, Jon
  13. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1387547261' post='2313219'] ... and to be honest the prices aren't that different for new vs used anyway... [/quote] +1 [url="http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/Wal_MKI_Fretted_1990.html"]http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/Wal_MKI_Fretted_1990.html[/url]
  14. [quote name='Clarky72' timestamp='1387393226' post='2311538'] Thanks for the offer but I'm only after a GK MB800 or Aguilar TH500 for trades. [/quote] No problem and thanks for the reply. GLWTS
  15. The Ampeg SVT2-Pro does great grit/grind/distortion sounds really well and fabulous deep cleans too. They are 32Kg's in weight and can be picked up for a good price second hand
  16. Long shot but fancy a trade for an Ampeg SVT2 Pro?
  17. Another wannabe Wal owner here! I'm hankering after a fretted Mk.1 real bad
  18. There was also Sky's 'Must Be The Music' which was based on original acts. That had one series in 2010 but that was it. It consisted of audition rounds done at Theatres around the country and then a few live studio finals weeks with the 4th week final live at Wembley Arena (which was the 1st time an arena final was done on this type of show) [url="https://www.youtube.com/user/mustbethemusic/videos"]https://www.youtube.com/user/mustbethemusic/videos[/url]
  19. I love what LC does with the Jaco stuff. Some time ago I had the pleasure of volunteering my time to help make a vid for LC: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8Q4O7Jok5E
  20. Hi Roon, I once lent a Mate my cab and he blew one of the speakers on the gig. He was kind enough to pay for the re-cone and was very apologetic and we lived happily ever after! One point that was made to me was - what if you were on after them and that had happened? I'd be stuffed is the answer. From that point on a polite but firm 'no' is given to any gear share requests to me at gigs/events. As others have said it's going to have to be a case of putting it down to bad experience and moving on I think. All the best, Jon
  21. [quote name='RandomBass' timestamp='1386074549' post='2295273'] I think the market place is slow at the moment, what with Christmas approaching and everyone seems skint at the moment. Stick with it, I'm sure this great amp will find a new owner some point soon. [/quote] That was my other thought!
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