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Everything posted by Noisyjon

  1. A beauty! I love the grain spread you can see through the finish JB. I have one and love it - What a sound out of these things GLWTS.
  2. Sean, I got some rubber feet from Blue Aran here in the UK for my old SVT 2 Pro and they were perfect. [url="http://www.bluearan.co.uk/index.php?browsemode=category&category=Hardware&masthead=Cabinet_Feet&subheadnew=Rubber_Feet"]http://www.bluearan....new=Rubber_Feet[/url] In fact it was these ones I bought: [url="http://www.bluearan.co.uk/index.php?id=ADH4904&browsemode=category#"]http://www.bluearan.co.uk/index.php?id=ADH4904&browsemode=category#[/url]
  3. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1390915994' post='2351189'] Markbass Super Booster - you get a clean boost AND the legendary VPF and VLE filters. Yum. It also has a DI out for extra flexibility. [url="http://www.markbass.it/product_detail.php?id=117"]http://www.markbass....tail.php?id=117[/url] [/quote] I have one of these and a big +1 to what Discreet said.
  4. [quote name='Ancient Mariner' timestamp='1391172255' post='2354052'] A little late, but can I recommend [url="http://bg-pups.com/pure90/pure90/"]BG pickups Pure 90s[/url]. Bryan has a great reputation on Harmony Central among builders, modders and players. [/quote] Thanks for the link AM. I had a look at this site and what I found interesting is where he mentions about using plastic covers. Now, I know some guitars had/have P-90s with chrome covers but when I thought about it the sound I'm shooting for is that plastic covered vintage P90 sound. So with that in mind this pickup ticks all the boxes for me and at a reasonable price from a UK supplier: [url="http://www.wdmusic.co.uk/p90-pickup-humb-retrofit-black-plastic-1163-p.asp"]http://www.wdmusic.co.uk/p90-pickup-humb-retrofit-black-plastic-1163-p.asp[/url]
  5. [quote name='GarethFlatlands' timestamp='1391355864' post='2356107'] Right, sorry for the delay. Soundcloud wouldn't let me upload a track, saying I needed to confirm my email when I already did. It's now working. Hope it works this time. [url="https://soundcloud.com/garethflatlands/rebel-rider-p90"]https://soundcloud.c...rebel-rider-p90[/url] Edit:- sorry for the tuning issues. I think the neck is a little warped. [/quote] Thanks for that Gareth and nice sounds!
  6. [quote name='nick@ibassmag' timestamp='1391379373' post='2356595'] Hi guys, If you'd like to enter the competition outside of Facebook just email [email protected] with 'East UK Competition' in the subject line and you'll be entered into the sweepstake manually.. I hope that helps.. Nick [/quote] Thanks Nick and have emailed in now!
  7. Another Gorgomyte user here. So simple and easy to use. Thomann sell it if the website is too much of a faff: [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/ghs_gorgomyte.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/gb/ghs_gorgomyte.htm[/url]
  8. I'm not on Facebook, is there another way to enter please?
  9. [quote name='Sean' timestamp='1390849425' post='2350379'] My band were all, "Ooh, look he's got a new amp!" (I did not correct them on minor detail) and they reckoned it sounded better than the "old one" however said it was still unmistakably Mesa Boogie :-) [/quote] Ha ha, love it!
  10. [quote name='HotelEcho' timestamp='1391090581' post='2353130'] ...Is this a good small-cab solution for pairing up, or am I just being barking? I quite like the idea of having a lighter cab than head... [/quote] Of course you can! Just use your ears to tell if/when the cab is struggling by farty noises, etc. A good read up about it here: [url="http://barefacedbass.com/technical-information/mythbusters1.htm"]http://barefacedbass.com/technical-information/mythbusters1.htm[/url]
  11. Noisyjon

    The Hitmaker

    Slightly OT but on the 'Talks Music' show on Sky Arts, Nile reckons the Hitmaker is on something like $2 Billion (or was it 3, can't remember) of record sales
  12. I had one for a little while... Absolutely loved the sounds out of it but did not love the weight, what a monster! It's so deceiving - How can a 4u amp head weigh 32 odd KG Alex at the Gallery said they're fantastic amps if you can leave them set up somewhere and get someone else to hump it about for you when needs be ha ha ha!
  13. [quote name='GarethFlatlands' timestamp='1390759389' post='2349149'] Very late but I stuck one in a homebrew tele. Do you guys want a soundclip or something? [/quote] Go on then Gareth, that would be great please.
  14. Fantastic pickup! I've got one in my USA P and it is just great. GLWTS Sean.
  15. [quote name='alanbass1' timestamp='1389983008' post='2340299'] Here you go: [url="http://s104.photobucket.com/user/alanbass1/media/Guitars/Guitars016_zpse48da40d.jpg.html"][/url] Put some WB 67 PUPs in her and she sounds and plays fantastic [/quote] Oh yeah! Very nice.
  16. I believe Duff uses the MXR M80 Bass di+ to achieve that sound.
  17. [quote name='throwoff' timestamp='1390403854' post='2345031'] Had a good listen to people playing this at the bash after giving Jons Purple Chili a hammering (If you ever decide to sell that btw......!) great sounding and looking bass. [/quote] Thanks for the kind words throwoff. Here's hoping someone will go for it around payday Could be tempted to sell on the Purple Chili amp if you are serious throwoff? PM me if so.
  18. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1390398752' post='2344926'] BF Midget? [/quote] I think this is the answer too.
  19. [quote name='iiipopes' timestamp='1390255086' post='2343308'] I have done it in a variety of configurations. I prefer an end-to-end Jazz-style humbucking pickup for the bridge position to eliminate any noise issue when soloing the J, and since the P pickup is just a hair closer to the bridge than the neck position J pickup, I prefer the J bridge pickup in the "70's" bridge position to add that slightest bit more top end when added in to the P. Something like the new Fender S3 noiseless Jazz, DiMarzio Ultra Jazz, Fralin Split Jazz, or similar, is recommended. [/quote] Another here that's been around the block with this conundrum and can only recommend wholeheartedly iiipopes advice, but for the marginal sound change to the instrument I would advise thinking about it carefully as Chris_B has pointed out above. If nothing more than the cost implications for a slight change. Anyway, I have had a great sounding success with the Nordstrand NPJSE4 P/J set that has the split coil jazz pickup and installed it in the 70's position slightly nearer the bridge. I am reading into your post that it's a 5 string set you need so would have to buy the 5 string versions of what I mention but Bass Direct sell plenty of varieties
  20. [quote name='sblueplanet' timestamp='1390224597' post='2342740'] ...Any hoo....anyone else got a review, opinion on a Bravewood bass they have played? [/quote] I have one. The unknown element is that you are dealing with a one man band and things can go wrong. I got a bass that developed a truss rod failure. There was someone else on here that had Bravewood Jazz bass with out of line tuners/headstock. Where I'm going with this is that there [i]could [/i]be discrepancies that you only find out once you have the instrument in your hands and from personal experience he is not a nice man when it comes to after sales support and I cannot recommend him on the strength of it. Jon Shuker may be your man...
  21. I would not pay to try an instrument, but... I like the idea of dedicated demo guitars/basses available to try in a shop supplied by the manufacturers marketing departments. Then when your chosen model is selected it would be in a new/unused coming out for you to buy. You would of course be given a perfectly balanced & weighted, superbly playing, sounding and looking demo instrument and guess this could only be done for more mainstream models to be cost effective to manufacturers.
  22. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1390167230' post='2342293'] But there's the problem Jon, there are some very average FCS basses out there too. IMHO a good Bravewood is at least as good as a good FCS, and better than a poor FCS. If you're unfortunate enough to end up with a poor Bravewood (yes, I know) then a good FCS will beat it of course. Once you get out of the mass-produced market and into boutique stuff (and I reckon you know this better than me anyway ) it's not down to the name on the headstock or the value on the price tag, it's down to the individual instrument. [/quote] +1 to all of that Jack and sage advice for sblueplanet
  23. My 2p worth is go for a nice Fender CS bass. A good FCS bass blows a Bravewood away IMO.
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