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Evil Undead

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Everything posted by Evil Undead

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  2. Makes me feel like a wimp for moaning about long scale basses! Cracking job on both
  3. Big_Stu that's really interesting. I might print your reply off and take it to a chiropractor, with your permission.
  4. [quote name='Horizontalste' timestamp='1387917422' post='2317261'] Have you looked into why you're hand goes numb? I'd be more worried about circulation issues me thinks. [/quote] My GP says it's an ulnar nerve issue but doesn't seem willing to offer a solution
  5. [quote name='BigAlonBass' timestamp='1387914621' post='2317234'] It was good enough for Andy Fraser, and apparently, he's a "real" Bassist! [/quote] Is it really bad that I have no idea who he is?! I know they're real basses etc, but I guess I don't relish the thought of being judged. I know I shouldn't give a cack what anyone thinks of me, but I do... [quote name='White Cloud' timestamp='1387914918' post='2317237'] Why are you resisting? Give in and enjoy the experience. [/quote] You just asked me my own question haha! I don't know why I'm resisting so much. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1387914952' post='2317238'] I'll offer my tuppence-worth, but, be warned, you might not like it. Personally, I play medium scale (Hofner Verithin...), mostly; although I have others, she's the bass I'm the most comfortable with by far. Does it 'suit' me..? I've no idea, and the notion is foreign to me. If you have an instrument that you like to play, and doesn't affect your health, that's it. Be it a Thunderbird or a ukulele, an EBO or a mandolin. What do 'girls' (or 'boys'...) play..? Any and all of these, and all in between. You find your best fit; end of story. Does it 'suit' you..? You, and you alone are judge of that. No-one else (of any worth, imo...) gives a toss. Hope this helps; no malice intended. [/quote] None taken! I am happy to consider all views offered
  6. A while ago I decided to go short scale due to issues with my hands - main issue being that I'm losing the feeling in my left hand pinky, which is worsened by playing 34" scale bass, even my Ibby. But playing shorties doesn't worsen it. But I keep resisting the short scales and don't know why. It's got to be one or more of these reasons - but I can't decide if they're valid reasons or just my lame excuses. Not feeling/looking like a "real" bassist - besides, other girls play long scale so I should too! My Ibanez sounds freaking amazing and I love it soooo much - don't want to part with it but I can't afford to keep it and get the Mustang I'm craving Short scales aren't so easy to find so narrowing my choice of instruments - the end of GAS? I recently took a shortie to a jam with some people I used to be in a band with, and got no end of compliments on my playing (I was kinda embarrassed haha), which I can only attribute to being able to get around the bass more easily, as I admittedly don't practice often enough. What to do, what to do... Anyone care to chime in? Anyone occasionally or even exclusively play the short scale basses? Ever felt this way?
  7. Happy with my bass playing? No, I suck. But that's ok, I just enjoy flailing away.
  8. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1386792165' post='2304701'] That is really quite uprising, I cannot imagine how it could be slippery at all! Was it faulty? [/quote] I don't know, I hadn't really considered that! Maybe I should try another. I do love the look
  9. The short one is just about the right size for me. But, I may be alone here, I found the back of the strap too slippery and it made neck dive worse. So I sent it back.
  10. Yup I can vouch for this bass, it's an absolute cracker. Low action, light weight (8.4lbs IIRC) well balanced, amazing fretwork, sounds great, you get the picture. And totally the best colour scheme for a P I'd still have it if my knackered up hands could still cope with a P neck! And Karl is a pleasure to deal with. GLWTS dude
  11. Welcome Ed. I've seen a lot of your videos, great for fuelling my never ending GAS
  12. Nice. I've always fancied one of these - alas, I've no money and nothing to trade! GLWTS
  13. Absolute bargain, this! I love mine to death.
  14. [quote name='madshadows' timestamp='1384118509' post='2273030'] This might be good for your problem, think they are cheap to run [url="http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/partNumber/4153733.htm#pdpFullProductInformation"]http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/partNumber/4153733.htm#pdpFullProductInformation[/url] John [/quote] Not so much. One of those on constantly, 24/7, for... say 4 months of winter, is gonna cost you over £500. That's using an approximate price per kWh of 15p... depends on your tariff/supplier of course.
  15. Bought a wiring kit from John, he's been very friendly, extremely helpful, perfect transaction. Thanks dude Oh, I'd also like to say, he posted the kit out the day after I ordered it, and it arrived the day after that - super speedy!
  16. I had a bass shipped to me from the USA once, and it took 10 days to get from the sender to the USPS depot half an hour down the road from him. That was on a Global Priority service... I think you don't need to worry yet
  17. Win. I've wanted an acoustic bass for ages, but haven't bought one - the only one that's grabbed my attention is a Kinal - too expensive for playing at home!
  18. If you have an iPhone or iPad, you could even get amplitube free - you need an irig adapter (I may know one for sale for a tenner ) and headphones. Bass-wise, you can't go wrong with a squier precision. The cv and vm series are excellent value and come up for sale often on here, but there's nothing wrong with the affinity series either, IMHO.
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