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Everything posted by LukeFRC

  1. [quote name='gub' timestamp='1334773582' post='1621106'] Well just fitted a new pots and wiring to my lovely old antoria jazz courtesy of kiogon(,cheers mate) as the tone control was a bit iffy and wow! i really can`t believe the difference in sound it has made overall , its not something i would of thought about changing if it hadnt been for the tone issue, but before i was thinking about changing pickups but now i dont think i will even bother doing that as its sounding lovely and warm and much fuller now . Anyone else done this and been suprised? [b]and how can it make such a difference[/b] ? [/quote] if you use different value pots
  2. [quote name='BassistAdamski' timestamp='1334660817' post='1619209'] Got myself a Volume Eleven bass through.... Playability is amazing! I've owned 3 mexican fenders and 1 US fender and the V11 plays better than any of them. The sound is incredible. I personally ordered the Hammer pick-ups which sound great for my personal style of pop rock but the drive these give could suit any rock genre. I have played for 10 years and I would recommend Volume Eleven every time! [/quote] Hello BassistAdamski thanks for the great, in-depth and insightful review, you do write like a PR man or untalented copywriter though, but seeing as it's your first ever post on here that you registered just to post this gushing review we'll let you off. Lets see some photos of it then!
  3. LukeFRC


    I have an electric that's a [i]bit[/i] like a Gibson and an acoustic that's a [i]bit[/i] like a Taylor...
  4. build one of the musicman/saber preamps yourself- buy whatever pots you want!
  5. [quote name='gub' timestamp='1334642125' post='1618888'] Am looking to fit some new jazz pickups and am looking at wizards which come in at £90 a pair then was looking at some wilkinson ones which are about £20 a pair and seem to have similar output . Can there be such a difference in sound which is worth spending over 3 times the amount or is alot of it just paying for the brand name ? Cheers in advance lovelies [/quote] look secondhand- you can get 'decent' pickups for not much.
  6. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1334605012' post='1618480'] Should add to this thread that I recently bought Donny's v63 and can highly recommend him as a guy to deal with. If I had the cash I'd have had the 4001 also, but even I can't justify two nearly identical basses (can I?). There's been a bit of Ric bashing on BC recently, possibly resulting from the absolutely daft prices a few guys on here seem to believe they can charge for a used still in production instrument, and perhaps that's knocked this thread a little? Either way you look at it though, this bass is a steal. C [/quote] you should just buy the other one too!
  7. It strikes me I don't need these anymore. I was going to keep all the gubbins from my Warwick... but I stuck some barts in which I prefer. I'll use them in a project in a few years if no one wants them. MEC P and J set. From a 1991 Streamer Stage one. Made in Germany Sound a lot like EMG's apparently. Nice. Bit of string wear on the tops from 20 years of use! I angled them in the pics to make this obvious- not actually that obvious in real life. dunno, if anyone can make use of them they are here, £50 including postage in UK , offers if you want, trades you can try me- i don't need any pups though. Luke SOLD
  8. [quote name='leftyhook' timestamp='1334245359' post='1613194'] I have been using a Warwick Corvette Standard as my main bass the past few months. We mix on stage. [i]I have noticed that the lad who does the sound never looks across to me when I sound check my bass.[/i] So this Saturday, I will plug in my Westfield Graffitti (Frankenstein'd by me) P bass. I bet that he won't notice. The warwick has a great sound. But I bet I can get the Westfield to sound convincing too. It plays brilliantly (great neck) and lets be honest, how many of us have expensive basses that, come live gigs, they might as well be £80 jobs in the crap acoustics of a hall/holiday camp. Thing is, he might notice it looks a bit different to the Warwick if he does happen to look over..Do you think?!! [i]Do you think he will do a double take as soon as I play the first few notes, or will he not notice? Only one way to find out![/i][attachment=104879:IMG_0897.jpg] [/quote] just ask him out for a coffee date or something. it would be simpler than this whole bass switching to get his attention schtick
  9. my guess is that for the sorrowspath band in your sig.... active EMG or MEC pups and the current preamp should sound quite good.
  10. (if you are after a set of active MEC's rather than the passive ones you may have I have some spare)
  11. i have two.... one sounds like the basses you hear on records.... and the other just fits in my hands
  12. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1334445636' post='1616392'] Never have the money when they're around I WILL have one! [/quote] great basses.
  13. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1334364180' post='1615362'] The necks, the passive electronics, the punchy mids, the price, and the fact that I'm a bit of a Peavey fanboy [/quote] slightly OT but no T40 yet? Get that sorted!
  14. [quote name='jenzuwin' timestamp='1334419675' post='1616017'] Getting on well with it! The string spacing may be a bit weird but I'm not too sure, maybe I'm being fussy. Just got new strings delivered today and it sounds even better now! Loving the through neck. [/quote] you know you can change the string spacing with that bridge?
  15. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1334313815' post='1614244'] We did some live studio recording with Ash Evans at his studio a couple of weeks ago [i](He was first to record Noah & the Whale, and Mumford & Sons, and has since worked with Emmy the Great, Sparkadia, and ASH to name a few. He is 1/3 of the band [url="http://http//soundcloud.com/emperoryes"]Emperor Yes[/url], does live sound for Three Trapped Tigers and CLARK and was responsible for setting up the [url="http://houseofstrange.wordpress.com/"]House of Strange[/url].). [/i]His approach is very quick and dirty. Hardly gives a sh*t about equipment (he has so good stuff though) and mic placement (as long as everything is phased properly). His philosphy is that the performance is everything, and that sound is a bit of an illusion, you can make a good performance sound great with reasonable sound quality, but the best sound quality can't make up for a poor or under-energised performance. On his desk he had an original Roland Space Echo. I said 'WOW! Those are very sought after' He said it's a piece of sh*t that takes 15 minutes after powering up to make remotely usable, and thinks free digital plug ins for delays are way better. He didn't care what amps our guitarist used as long as they were reasonably quiet - tried an old Vox (too noisy) went with a little Fender combo that was newish and just threw a mic in front of it. No pissing about. Told the four violinists to use their pickups, the mics only recording was poor, the pickups and a mic sounded so much better. He really liked the POD sounds I had so he just got me a big monitor and a tiny 4 channel mixer to play through in the room but the signal went strainght to the desk from the POD. Dums miced very simply (bass and snare miced with two Coles for overheads. Set them up and left them, no messing.) All this straight onto Logic Pro. I've heard the recording completely unmixed and the sounds are lovely. We are all delighted. Can't wait for the mixed versions. [/quote] sounds cool- I have the early mumford and sons stuff- and compared to the dull flatness of the album it's amazing. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1334330738' post='1614743'] But also how many bassists (or guitarists) have no idea what a standby does for a valve amp. and how to use it, or understand the resistance of cabinets to heads, or that resistance is needed to stop a valve amp self destructing ? Give almost all musicians a 4 way parametric with Q to play with and they will look at you like you've just asked them to sh*t in their grandma's eye. [/quote] I would actually get quite excited by that. I used to do PA before I played anything, learnt at church and the like growing up. Well for various reasons I avoid PA stuff now (never have so many grown men got so territorial about some sound gear before- and in many cases so wrong) but looking at the new desk they have (digital btw) and it has 4 way parametric with Q to play with... and shows you what it looks like on a wee graph. pretty cool. Be a pain/different to work that desk quickly mind you have to change each channel one at a time. anyway. yes please, I would like you to give me a 4 way parametric with variable Q please, shall I PM you my address? [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1334402458' post='1615683'] I had a valve Fender Twin, and a bunch of expensive effects. The POD is way more versatile and reliable, portable, powerful, etc. But the fact is, I LOVE the sounds I get from from it. It really is that simple. I don't need to justify anything other than that. You are clutching at straws Pete. I do understand why people are distrustful of new technology, however. [/quote] I think POD stuff is great- if you can get it to work for you. When I tried it I seemed to spend the whole time fiddling to make it sound great and getting annoyed at the interface- out of the FOH I sounded great but without good stage sound I couldn't stand it. my current amp does one sound and I run it flat most the time. But you compare the pod to all that gear you had to lug around... I know what I wouldn't mind fiddling as much for saving that hassle. I would say that for bass it would make more sense to me if they went away and listened to a load of folk- and maybe collaborated with people and came up with a digital amp that did one or two original sounds and did them well.... actually as I write this I realise it's already been done.... and a lot of people seemed to like the TC Rebel Head.... that overdrive knob to me sounded like it was a better implemented version of the SVT model on my old POD. That kemper thing looks great... in my opinion it's things like the TC Rebel Head that manage to take the technology and make it into something that people want and buy.
  16. [quote name='ShergoldSnickers' timestamp='1334439570' post='1616325'] Oh at last.... it's been hundreds of years since the last civil war and I was despairing of ever seeing one. [/quote] Wayne doesn't like old fenders like this since getting bitten by the dingwall bug. It's all wonky frets and checks or NOTHING.
  17. I remember being surprised when it disappeared from your gear list after using your youtube clips to help me find my perfect amp. and that Jazz is stunning
  18. it's 4 knobs aye? and currently a 2 band? do you have active or passive MEC pups? and at that age it probably looks like a little black lego brick with a white bottom? or does it look more like a circuit board? If it's the brick type then it possibly has a output micro pot on it in the white bit. try turning this up if it does. what do you mean by 'low output'? I'm going to guess you mean what it says, that the output is low and you are having to crank the gain on your amp to compensate. A few problem solving measures.... Is the battery reasonably new? first pull the volume- does the signal improve? do you have active/passive inputs on your amp? try it in the passive one- this might be enough- expect a louder signal and a slight difference in the mids. I tried the 2 band glock in my streamer... and thought the warwick 2 band suited the bass for better. IMO of course [quote name='Bassmachine' timestamp='1334419521' post='1616013'] Yes I have heard fir Glockenklang Preamps ....I ll check them ...the MEC I don't know but it have very low output and I believe it's the preamp but also I want To put and middle eq on Warwick without to make any more holes on the instrument [/quote]
  19. someone buy this so I stop looking at it (oh and have a bump on me)
  20. [quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1334403726' post='1615704'] Fixed Not long ago it was all jazz this and super jazz that. [/quote] Maybe theres a trend here? Bout 2000 and warwicks and all these modern basses were in fashion, then they went out of fashion and for a while stingrays were 'it' and then it went all jazz and super jazz all over the place and now precisions seem to be in... now maybe thats just things being in fashion at different times, but there is a trend here, we are getting more and more retro! So next year you'll be swapping your allivia coppelo and wal and rioters for double basses... and the rest of us will swap our squiers for tea chest basses.
  21. Here's some interesting things I've observed.... The recession hasn't affected everyone yet- some folk are still doing the same jobs and getting the same income. And some sectors are still growing so won't be affected. As it started to bite on Basschat you saw basses taking longer to sell. It became a buyers market and prices would creep down slightly. The strong euro at one point made it better to sell to europe as our secondhand prices were pretty cheap. (obviously this didn't last) Some brands didn't see prices secondhand drop. A rush of folk wanting precisions and jazzes meant fender, along with musicman and rickenbacker's prices rose or stayed about the same. At the same time and for probably good reason many large producers put their prices up. This resulted in the relative secondhand price going up too- observe how a MIM fender would cost £200-250 secondhand a few years back is now offered £300-450. However prices are still all over the place secondhand. For some reason folk stop buying stingrays so the secondhand 'market price' almost halfs. Fender puts their prices up again- for the first time in a while a UK built custom bass will be less than some of their USA models. so what happens now? if costs new keep going up then prices secondhand can't keep falling. i can imagine it's not a good time at all to be a music shop. I can just see less basses being bought and sold- more trades on here. I should also add that I've ignored the very bottom of the market (and yes you can get a perfectly good giggable chinese bass for 50 quid these days) and the very high end too. A good bass with some kind of special appeal will always command a good price.
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