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Everything posted by lonestar

  1. Ive just taken delivery of a lovely used mighty mite neck from Nick on here and the screw holes all line up with the ones in my sx body but leaving about 1/8 inch gap between the end of the neck heel and the neck pocket which is annoying. Presumably it a case of drilling and filling with dowels and drilling new holes ?
  2. [quote name='WhoNeedsYou' timestamp='1361832780' post='1991805'] So true, I said this to an ex band mate and kept getting told "well you can't please everyone can you!" [/quote] The response that I got from the singer was "well it's not about you it's what the audience would enjoy". He then in the same spate of email exchanges said that he wouldn't do a particular Wham song as that would be a step too far fror him. I rest my case
  3. I had a bit bit of a hissy fit when our keyboard player suggested the final countdown last year and refused to ever contemplate playing it. Life' s too short to play songs that one can't bare to listen too let alone learn and have to play.
  4. lonestar

    not sure

    Love everything about this song being a big fan of xtc and mr partridge.
  5. This looks a whole bunch of fun. I wish I was nearer and free on Wednesdays !
  6. Thanks Scott. these are really useful. I'm a subscriber too now.
  7. I really liked them when they were on the wireless too. Especially the running Tim Finn gag.
  8. I had one of the early harlequins. I wish that I'd kept it. Turn everything to "2o'clock" hit a chord and smile. I bet this sounds just as lovely
  9. I had a GL Tribute L2000 which I traded for an amp when I got my US Fender Jazz Standard in 2006. I liked the GL immensely and it was great value for money, I bought it new for about £400 I think. Great tone, really nice to play, and a good looking bass. I did have to replace the crappy far-Eastern pots for US ones which was not an unknown fault on these but I'm sorry that I didn't keep it. However the passive Jazz bass pips it at the post in nearly every way It just does the job better for me, without a battery to go flat. I have found this with precisions too. Both basses needed a proper set up when I bought them but the Fender would still be first grab for me with the GL as a backup if I still had it. A very nice pimped SX Precision now fulfils that role until I get a real fender one ! Never played a US GL but I bet that they're even better.
  10. I have a worm sandwich list. ie I'd rather eat one than play..... again. It's caused quite a few heated discussions over setlist choices in most bands I've been in and includes of a lot of the usual "Classic" rock covers that I played when I was 15 : Alright Now, Brown Sugar,Sweet home Alabama, Brown Eyed Girl, Summer of '69 etc etc yawn. However absence can sometimes make the heart grow fonder, as does the money : I now rarely play them except when depping, which I love, and it can be quite comfortably familiar/nostalgic when doing them with a new band for the first time. We have a pretty good setlist in my regular band although there are a few contenders edging their way up the oh not again chart I think that songs like Sex on Fire, Valerie,I Predict a Riot and Dakota will soon become the new Mustang Sallys for a lot of bands; already there for me. Are audiences really so keen to hear another cover of Come up and See me ? Mony Mony ? not 'alf mate ?
  11. That's why I like this forum. Nice people on it it's been a laugh but time to stop now.
  12. I'm going to stop adding to this thread now as the more I've read on his site I'm starting to find it all a little mad and sad.
  13. We only really do paid functions these days and reckon on £100-150 each depending on distance clients budget etc
  14. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1357583204' post='1924880'] I certainly don't agree with [i]all [/i]he's saying by any means, but the police [i]do[/i] kill without fear of prosecution (Ian Tomlinson, Mark Duggan and many others) and we [i]have [/i]invoked a 'super heavy control society' (DNA database, Draft Communications Data Bill and many other anti-privacy policies). So it's not [i]all [/i]drug-induced paranoia. [color=#ffffff].[/color] [/quote] Super heavy control certainly sounds very much like Mr Percy's bag concerning the underlings in his band.
  15. [quote name='Simon' timestamp='1357560615' post='1924389'] Just my 2cents, but this is how I play it: [url="http://www.thebassment.info/artists/stevie_wonder.html"]http://www.thebassme...vie_wonder.html[/url] [/quote] What a great site .Thanks Simon.
  16. Well i'm glad that I'm not worthy enough to stand in the prescence of such awsomeness. Especially as I only have a Markbass 2"x 10" and I'm partly of foreign extraction and an immigrant Father. I find myself revisiting his site from time to time and still not convinced that it's for real and not all a spoof. [i](insert conspracy theory here you other free thinkers. Ed).[/i]
  17. [quote name='Chris Horton' timestamp='1357566420' post='1924534'] wow , i'm not really sure how to reply to that [/quote] I'm not really a burgular. Honest guv ! just very envious of your great collection. But if I were...
  18. [quote name='Chris Horton' timestamp='1357253512' post='1920047'] Well I have been playing both these bass guitars this evening comparing tones. First off, the sadowsky is much lighter as the body is chambered. I would say that the core tone of the Sadowsky is throaty and creamy sounding a bit like an active jazz. The Sadowsky is super easy to play with every single string and every single note on the neck sounding even and equal. The B string is the best sounding that I have heard , tight and focused. The tone controls do vary the tone a little but the core Sadowsky remains (that's not a bad thing) You just plug the Sadowsky straight into an amp and your set The MTD is a much more tonally versatile bass. It naturally has a very mid range tone with great clarity. The MTD can do it all ........super zingey hi-fi treble to low end fat dub to an old skool P bass tone to incredible mid range punch.......anything you want to throw at it really. The MTD is very responsive to your personal playing style. How you are feeling comes out in your tone. You can dramatically change your bass tone with your fingers , it's a wicked bass The downside is that you can spend a lot of time trying to find"your tone" but when you do it is well worth the fiddling. I hope that helps a little. [/quote] Wow! Do you ever go out and leave a key under the doormat and if so can you pm your address and whether I can reverse straight onto your driveway please ? What a very nice collection and backline Chris thanks for sharing.
  19. Playing the bridge is easy enough. Playing it in time all together with keys brass guitar etc; that's the tricky bit !
  20. "They're not - One is like a cross between Paul Kossoff (who incidentally this lad didn't know even though his bad pub band play some free) and Robbie Robertson and the other is some sort of musical genius who sings like Sam Cooke, plays guitar like Hendrix and plays keys like Dr John! Both though play with style, taste and are musical!" I'd want to play with your band too. Good for you in not telling him to F off I would.
  21. I wish it was nearer to where I live I'd be there like a shot. Thanks for the invitation. It's great to have you on our forum Jerry. You've played on some of my favourite music
  22. [quote name='chardbass' timestamp='1355772216' post='1902595'] Same here. Ditto. +1. etc... [/quote] Sorry but it was all played by Carol Kaye
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