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Everything posted by dmccombe7

  1. Is that not a standard electrician type repair.
  2. [quote name='ROConnell' timestamp='1488388705' post='3248552'] Found it! [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFGPSx6cPN0"]https://www.youtube....h?v=GFGPSx6cPN0[/url] [/quote] Could have been worse [media]https://youtu.be/j9iVVdn2LN8[/media] Dave
  3. Mick Karn - liked his bass playing but music was a bit bland and samey. Just couldn't really get into Japan. John Myung - another very talented bassist but Dream Theater just bore the hell outa me. Probably more that will come back to me as i've bought many albus just to hear the bassist. MAYBE THAT COULD BE THE NEXT THREAD ON BC - Albums you've bought just to hear the bassist. Dave
  4. Load the VID onto youtube and copy and paste link to BC. Dave
  5. DON'T SELL ANY OF THEM. Just give them to me for safe keeping. I won't charge much to look after them Dave
  6. School gig circa 1976 with my Columbas Jazz and Selmer 50w head and Sound City 4x12 cab. Sure that was the amp i used but may have been my Carlsbro Stingray 100W 15" combo. Dave
  7. I'm of the opinion that if i enjoy it then great but i do prefer to see proper musicians playing a song. I don't think i would ever go to watch someone create music on stage with just a keyboard and a laptop kinda thing or modern DJ's. Being a bassist i specifically want to see a bass on stage as it adds to my interest. I do have albums done by solo artists that have covered all parts using keyboards or samples and i enjoy it. What i do find a bit of a pain is DJ's that take samples and make up "music" using samples from other peoples songs. Its just not to my taste either musically or ethically. All that said if people are enjoying it then whoever it is must be doing something right. Dave
  8. I use either Polytune or my Roland GT6B depending on what i decide to use on the night. Both tune my 6er no probs at all. Dave
  9. make up brush (courtesy of my wife i might add) Gibson guitar polish and soft polishing cloth on the painted or lacquered basses. Briwax on my Warwick Thumb. Dave
  10. Do majority of these pre-amps have a built in adjustable crossover for the outputs. ? Dave
  11. [quote name='danbowskill' timestamp='1488221769' post='3246967'] Obviously(as always) you should go with what sounds and fits best for you :- )........ but i just couldn't dial a great tone (for me) with that orange head , i found it far to bass heavy and too much low mids( thats with knowing flat is around quarter/full/quarter on the low mid high). I play Drop C in a loud band , i couldn't get that head to keep clean enough to cut through without distortion! and the head was properly biased without fault . I highly recommend you try the bassman out if you have the chance to before you buy as it is really in another league imo . it's a very versitile amp that most tones you could think of can be found with ease ,with a splendid weight behind each note. i find it easier to carry than the orange even if it is a touch heavier :-) [/quote] Thanks for that. Few people have suggested i look at it. Not a cheap amp tho. Dave
  12. Giving out your NI number could lead to it being used for identity fraud. Especially if its left lying around pub offices for anyone to see. If its proven you gave it out and it was used your bank might no cover any losses from your accounts. I'd be very wary of anyone asking for this. Dave
  13. [quote name='mr zed' timestamp='1488234793' post='3247173'] They need this for an online licence check code. This is fairly new since the paper part of a driving license became defunct. [/quote] You need to give permission to anyone checking your licence at DVLA. Garages can't access it unless written permission from the person. How it should work is you go on-line and check and provide the gargae with a code that lasts for few weeks (i think) and they use that code to check your licence. They should not be checking using your NI number. Only you should be doing that. Dave
  14. [quote name='Handwired' timestamp='1487791175' post='3243003'] If it's 70's prog tones your after then Markbass may not be the way to go (as good as they are, before I get ripped), look for something where you have the option for some grind. My vote goes to the Genz Benz Streamliner. Don't forget that your cab choice is just as critical. [/quote] +1 for the GB Streamliner. Had one and sorry i sold it. Tube pre-amp and class D power. Used in Deep Purple tribute band and couple of Prog bands altho slightly more modern Prog ie Steve Wilson style and it sounded great thru whatever cab i used including Bergantino 12" Neo cabs, Ampeg 8x10 it was just a nice warm tube sound that was able to cut the mix very well. Dave
  15. The guy i bought my Orange OBC115 just went for the 800 version and swears by it altho i think its a transistor power section in his. I heard one of these at the Fender roadshow few yrs back and it was a thunderous tone with clear mids and highs. Nice one. Maybe i should look at that instead of the AD200b head altho i've tried the Orange and liked it a lot. Dave
  16. i had the Ashdown 1x15 combo and added the 2x10 Low cab which seemed to be a nice pairing. The 2x10 Low has more depth than the standard 2x10 and makes it sound a little deeper in tone. Didn't keep it long as just couldn't get into the Ashdown sound at all. Dave
  17. Only official Government departments should require it. That sounds a bit dodgy to me. Dave
  18. My Epi Thunderbird is by far the worst and so bad i took advice from fellow BC'ers and moved the strap buttons and it made a huge difference. My Warwick Thumb is quite neck heavy but i tend to use a good quality strap with a felt like material on the inside that stops the strap from moving on my shoulder. That seems to be just enough to prevent neck dive. Dave
  19. Fantastic little pocket amp. Keep one in my gig bag as a back up amp. Great sound and pretty lud for its tiny size. Good range of tones from it so have a wee bump on me. Dave
  20. Most of my gear is listed in my signature so gonna keep this to minimum that i currently use. Band is new and still at reherasal stage. Fender Deluxe Precision (PJ) or Fender Jazz Roland GT-6B mainly for the different amp or bass sounds i might need. One clean channel with just some compression and others set up as req'd ie Rik with overdriven Ampeg and 8x10 cab sound. Some set up with clean sound with various effects that i can select as and when req'd ie chorus, echo, reverb or occasionally flanged sound. GK 1001RBii with Orange 0BC115 (hope to get another before gigging starts) Normally i would use my Ampeg SVT 4 with these but its knackered at moment Also a Korg rack tuner with the amp rack. Aim is to have a full Orange rig with AD200b head and 2off OBC115 cabs but that's just GAS talking Current band is playing blues based funk / rock covers like Tony Joe White, Doobies, Allmans, John Mayall kind of material. Dave
  21. [quote name='MWH' timestamp='1488102890' post='3245768'] Yes, yes, Yes ! your so right, two 15" Orange cabs is the way, I have a 2x10" orange cab if I need some highs, run it with one of the 15's. [/quote] That looks like an impressive set up. Like that 2x15 rig. It just loks so damne impressive. Out of curiosity how do you find the 210 cab on its own or with the 115. I'm keeping my eye out for 210 but after seeing your 2x15 rig i think i might just stick with the 15's. Dave
  22. Put on my facebook and who knows you might get to be a millionaire this time next year. Dave
  23. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1487946635' post='3244452'] Why yes, I made nearly £8 from book sales last month, Its a start. Like putting your money in a "good" bank. It's an investment that can only grow. On the plus side that's more than i made from any books that i've never written (Please tell your friends you enjoyed it - otherwise I'll have to keep playing Mustang Sally to idiots forever) Wait a minute i've been in the audience for Mustang Sally. ........DAMN !!!!! i'm stupid [/quote]
  24. If you are in habit of depping for them then i would expect you to know them a bit. Are they in the habit of changing there plans. If not then i'd just be happy to do the one gig and just let it go at that. If they are in habit of changing minds then worth saying that in future if you put in the diary then you expet to do it as its a paid job and you could be turning down other work by agreeing to it in first place. Dave
  25. [quote name='JellyKnees' timestamp='1487946224' post='3244444'] I have a big one which frequently makes the earth move... at least that's what my girlfriend tells me! I'm here all week.... [/quote]
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