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Everything posted by Hobbayne

  1. Who was the support? Is it still The Tuts?
  2. Although the SUBs are a good bass for the price, they are rather heavy and the active pre amp can be a bit 'hot'. I would stick to passive basses at this early stage in your bass playing career. Another vote for Yammies, good basses for little money.
  3. I follow Dave on Facebook and he always has the time to individually reply to everyone who asks him a question. Jolly nice bloke, he comes across as one.
  4. Have you seen a guitarist trying to play a bass? They all try a fast widdly lick up the neck and soon get bored and hand it back. 🤣
  5. The big London music stores in Denmark Street are still doing a good trade. I bought a Stingray 5 string and a Nate Mendel P bass from Wunjos and was more than impressed with the staff and stock. As you travel further out into the suburbs, you will be hard pressed to find a decent store.
  6. Blimey! Who would post a guitar like that? 😡 Nice though, bit of a Dee Dee, Sid vicious vibe to it. 👍
  7. When I first started out, I was listening to a lot of 2 Tone stuff, Blondie, The Jam and others as the mod revival was the big thing in the early 80's. A lot of these bands were using Fender Precisions apart from Bruce Foxton who used a R*******er but I didnt like the look of that, It looked ugly to me. (Although he later used a P bass) With the wide range of tones they got from the Precision = the deep bassy ska of Sir Horace and Bedders, the plectrummy twang of JJB and Lynott etc, I naturally gravitated towards a P Bass. However, these days there is a lot more choice of basses than there was then. But today, still mainly use a Precision.
  8. He wears the glove because he has focal dystonia and the glove helps.
  9. I would expect Stevie Nicks to personally scrub my shreddies for a whole year at that price!!
  10. This one arrived with some rattly red silk jobbies. Probably Rotos 105 -45 I am going to replace them with some D'Addarios before my next gig, but that isn't till the end of the month so I'm in no hurry.
  11. I tend to stand on the right facing forward. Not a conscious choice, but one made for me by the lack of space in a lot of the venues we play. It doesn't really bother me where I stand as I cant hear much anyway. 😂
  12. Looks just like the Limelight I bought recently. You would be hard pushed to tell them apart! Top job! 👍
  13. Didnt EVH give his kid the bass chair when the lad could hardly play the thing??
  14. Hmm. Beatles - White Album XTC - Black Sea REM - Document
  15. For some reason I'm playing the F# with my thumb! 🤔
  16. I had never heard of markbass before I joined basschat. When I saw the for sale section had a few being offered, I made a few inquires. Now I own a CMD 121 and the NY cab.
  17. George Harrison. I knew he was ill, but he was cremated even before the news of his death was released.
  18. I found my present one on join my band, but usually its networking (word of mouth) that gets me in bands.
  19. Whats going on with Bruces' P Bass jack socket? Looks like a stock late 70's Precision with the jack socket moved underneath a la Stingray. Did they do them like that or has Foxy modified it?? Best seen at 2:52 in this video.
  20. The Shaggs - Philosophy Of The World. Its very interesting music. 🤣
  21. Hmmm. https://heavy.com/news/2018/11/musicians-lost-homes-california-wildfires/
  22. Theres an American chap who is balding who has a youtube site called 'Real Bass Lessons' I quite like him. He always has a grin on his face. Reminds me of a favourite uncle when I was a kid. 😋
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