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Everything posted by chuck_stones

  1. Hi guys, sorry it's taken me a while to respond, it's been a busy week. Thanks heaps for all the suggestions, I'm in the process of working through a load. I'm also hoping to purchase a USB soundcard soon so I can start recording on my computer - when I do, I'll record some samples or something - some constructive criticism is always welcomed I'm currently trying to suss out the main riff in 'I should have loved ya' by Narada Michael Walden (seriously awesome bassline) but I'm really struggling to get the timing of the 16th notes on the G and Octave right. No matter how many times I listen to it, I can't seem to get it - any pointers? Another work in progress is the main riff to 'Aint' no stopping us now' by McFadden and Whitehead, but again I'm struggling with the 16th notes in it, I guess the only remedy there is practice, practice, practice? @Conan - hell yeah, Bernard Edwards is THE man!!
  2. Sweet chocolate jesus, that is one tasty bass!! Sadly, it's waahaaay out of my price range. Best of luck with the sale!
  3. Well in there Tony! You got a super sweet deal on this little beauty. I'm still choking down the bitter pill of flaky internet from yesterday. If you ever decide to move the bass on.... give me a shout
  4. Any interest in a trade for a Yamaha RBX5A2, and/or (plus cash your way) a Cort C4H ?
  5. I'm soooo gutted. I was bidding on this and got outbid. A few minutes before the end of the auction I go to stick a higher bid on it (higher than the actual winning bid) and my f&*king internet connection dies for 5 minutes (it does this frequently, just can't believe it happened at THE most inopportune moment. I'm literally about to explode. If the buyer turns out to be a timewaster....dibs on second chance!
  6. Hi all, Recently I realised that to be the bassist I'd like to be, I've got to nail playing funk and disco basslines. So, as my knowledge of these areas is a little shaky (I know loads of tunes by ear, but no idea what they're called or who they're by), I'm wondering whether you guys could post your suggestions of essential funk and disco basslines. As an example, I've just been grooving to 'Ain't no stopping us now' by McFadden and Whitehead and 'Disco Inferno' by the Trammps. Does anyone have any other suggestions of basslines that I should know if I want to improve my funk and disco playing? Bearing in mind I'm new to this, some easy suggestions would be welcomed and also some more challenging ones. Additionally, if anyone has any good exercises that can be used to improve 16th note grooves, I'd love to hear from you. Cheers!
  7. Oh sweet chocolate Jesus, that is one gorgeous bass *drool*. Have a bump!
  8. BUMP for price reduction to a totally crazy, wacky, waving, inflatable, arm-flailing tube-man £250!!
  9. This bass is really awesome, I can't believe it's still not sold. Just out of interest, what are the controls on the bass and what sort of tone do you get from it? Are there any sound clips anywhere?
  10. Bump for a beautiful and interesting bass! Judging by the grain, the body wood appears to be Bubinga - can anyone else confirm?
  11. What's the tone on this thing like? Reminds me a bit of a Fender Jaguar?
  12. [quote name='SilentMessiah13' post='1087555' date='Jan 13 2011, 08:05 AM']Not even any offers? Is there anybody out there? Lol[/quote] Anything in my Sig tickle your fancy for a trade?
  13. All I have by way of fretted 5'ers is a Yamaha RBX5A2 but might be trading that for an EBS Microbass II. So, if you're interested get back to me ASAP. If not, good luck with the sale/trade.
  14. [quote name='Chris2112' post='1082652' date='Jan 8 2011, 10:22 PM']And if you need to hear how good these sound listen to 'Outbound' by Stuart Hamm or "Astral Traveler" by the Gambale Hamm Smith trio! The latter is probably my favourite fusion tune of all time and features a jaw dropping bass solo near the end! It's also very hummable! if I didn't have a Kubicki I'd be after one of these, being a big Stu Hamm fan![/quote] Kick ass tune! Nice sounding bass too...good luck with the sale.
  15. Argh, this is killing me. Just about my perfect 5 string. Is there nothing in my collection that I can tempt you with (multiple items even)? Trying to sell a couple of things to raise the funds, but nothings shifting....
  16. Looks like a tasty bass. What's the difference between the regular Stiletto and the Stiletto Studio?
  17. [quote name='oldslapper' post='1080398' date='Jan 6 2011, 08:26 PM']Well that means you can't play them in public places over here.[/quote] LOL. Bump. Looks like a nice bass. Good luck with the sale! After anything specific in trades?
  18. Bummer! Well, time to try and shift some basses.......... After years of hunting, I've realised that my perfect bass comes down to either a Sandberg Ken Taylor, or a Human Base BaseX.oc5... and £700 is a nice price for a Sandy.
  19. Is this for sale only, or would you consider any trades + cash if necessary?
  20. Help me raise the desperately needed funds for a Human BaseX.oc5 type BUMP. Please!
  21. [quote name='Cameronj279' post='1078566' date='Jan 5 2011, 02:05 PM']how many strings is the Warwick? And how much 'cash adjustment' would be nesasarry? i'm not a massive fan of how the double buck looks.[/quote] Ahh, the Warwick is a 4-string (perhaps one too few for you?). How it looks?! Image is nothing, tone is everything and the $$ is king
  22. Oooh, me likey! That's a rather lovely looking bass. Shame all I have to offer is a Squier (Lined) Fretless 4-string. Not really a fair trade
  23. I have a Warwick Corvette $$ which I might consider trading.....with a cash adjustment in my favour..
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