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Everything posted by chuck_stones

  1. Hot damn, that is one sweet, sweet bass. I missed the opportunity to grab one of these on evilBay a couple of years ago for just shy of £700 and I've been kicking myself ever since. If I had the cash.... Bump for a beautiful bass at a great price.
  2. [quote name='Gust0o' post='1153710' date='Mar 8 2011, 12:55 PM']Is that in the middle pic, running over an inlay? Would be good to know.[/quote] Ah, I see what you mean. Under the shadow of the A string, running through the 11th fret? I'd be very surprised if that was a crack, given its position. If it is a crack, it must have been there when the board was fretted, which having had experience of Lakland's QC, I'd find hard to believe they'd let that slip
  3. Oooh, very nice. Very nice indeed, and that is one hell of a great price. I think the Warwick market is just a bit saturated at the moment, and people have sold Warwick's (myself included) at crazy cheap prices, which have probably not helped the second hand value - sorry about that! At some point, I think people will realise the errors of their ways and the market will pick back up. In the mean time, some buyers are going to be getting some amazing deals. I'm even tempted by this...
  4. [quote name='tom1946' post='1153633' date='Mar 8 2011, 12:02 PM']I really fancy this, in the rear pic has it got a split on the neck? hard to tell from one pic. Or is it the wood figuring?[/quote] Looks like figuring to me, but sure the OP can say for certain. Lovely example of a great bass, that appears to be in impeccable at a very nice price. Someone will be very happy with this.
  5. I really want this bass. Need to shift some gear to make that a possibility though... I might have a buyer for a bass I've got for sale which would make this achievable... will let you know, if it hasn't been snapped up before then
  6. [quote name='ozzy138' post='1148435' date='Mar 3 2011, 02:49 PM']I must be hard of thinking..... only one pic has come out, any suggestions as to why....!!!![/quote] Did you use the forum attachment function? It seems to present issues for a few people. I'd recommend using a site like Photobucket where you can upload the pictures into an album, then add links to the pics (or the album) to the post. As for the basses....damn I wish I had the money. Been GASsing after a Spector for a long time. I might have to try and make the money for the Rebop. Will give it some thought after seeing some pics
  7. [quote name='Darkstrike' post='1147929' date='Mar 3 2011, 01:07 AM']That thing is gorgeous man, congrats![/quote] Cheers man! I've always thought it was a bass that punched way above its weight, and getting the East preamp in there has really proven that to me
  8. Just finished installing an East U-Retro 4 Knob Deluxe pre-amp and oh my word!! I thought this was a beauty before, but John's pre-amp has really brought the tone out. Aside from having an amazing array of sounds through the active controls, even when using the passive bypass it produces a fantastic tone; massive phat P-bass from the neck pickup and a great Jaco style J-bass sound from the bridge. I'm absolutely stoked as this bass can now take pride of place as my main bass again Seriously awesome. Some more photo's to follow soon...
  9. [quote name='dougie' post='1146870' date='Mar 2 2011, 10:47 AM'][url="http://www.convertape.com/guitar-shielding-kit-483-p.asp"]http://www.convertape.com/guitar-shielding-kit-483-p.asp[/url] They do copper tape,guitar tape,Super high strength clear acrylic VHB tape,•Hide bra straps tape,toupee tape,slug tape,reflective tape,sellotape,insulating tape,magnetic tape,carpet tape,anti slip tape,helicopter tape,gaffer tape,glow in the dark tape,gravitape,every f***ing kind of tape........their ad is indeed on E bay,that amazing source for hard to fund stuff,like tape. [/quote] Haha, brilliant. You don't work for them by any chance do you? No sooner said, than found and ordered. Cheers for the help all. In relation to the jack I was after, turns out that was a red herring and the one I've got will do fine (the ever helpful) John East came to the rescue with that one. Can't wait to get home and finish off installing the thing. The Baron is going to be sounding AMAZING!
  10. Sweet. Sounds like a tasty bass if the soundclips are anything to go by...
  11. Hi all, This is a question which isn't directly related to this thread, but it is about copper shielding tape. Does anyone know a good UK based source for the stuff? I've done a quick bit of googling, but being a total novice in this area, I can't see the wood for the trees - most the suppliers I've found are US based - I've just installed an East preamp into my Tanglewood Baron and realised I really need to shield my electronics cavity. Also, does anyone know where you can source a barrel jack socket which is wired for active circuits? (i.e. has 4 connections; pos, neg, ground and connection to the battery to engage the circuit when the jack is plugged in). Any suggestions warmly received Sorry if this has wandered way off topic!
  12. [quote name='only4' post='1145700' date='Mar 1 2011, 01:33 PM']Wow, very similar to the Wal MKIII But a lot cheaper [/quote] Hehe yeah, seriously. I wonder how the two compare sonically? Actually, I'm mostly interested in how the Clover sounds as I doubt I'll be getting a Wal any time soon Does anyone have any sound clips of a Clover in action?
  13. [quote name='walbassist' post='1145630' date='Mar 1 2011, 12:42 PM']I've always thought they look like MkIII Wals. Very nice![/quote] Not really familiar with Wal's myself, but a bass with those specs, those electronics and some good old German precision engineering I bet it's a really beauty. Wish I had the cash; I need to get a 5 string... any trades considered at all?
  14. That is a gorgeous looking bass. Seems like a blend between a Sandberg and a Human Base, which makes for a very appealing bass indeed! If I only had the money.... BUMP for a very nice bass.
  15. [quote name='silddx' post='1139965' date='Feb 24 2011, 01:53 PM']I have a U-Retro 4 Knob Deluxe too. in this .. They are easy to fit. Most of it is solderless, just the ground wires require soldering. You'll need to know which pickup wires are hot and cold. Follow his instructions carefully and call him if you hit a problem.[/quote] Sick! What bass is that....It's unusual. Me likey Cool, I was hoping to not have to do too much soldering. How do you know which pickup wire is hot or cold?
  16. I've been chatting with John about getting an East preamp to stick in my Tanglewood Baron (see thread in my signature). He's been massively helpful with helping me pick out the perfect pre-amp to suit all my needs and has got one that I can install without having to drill new holes into the bass to fit it (always a bonus) - I'm getting a U-Retro 4 Knob Deluxe and hoping to put an order in today. One question though...how easy are they to fit for layman? I know how to use a soldering iron, but that's about it. If anyone know's any Leeds based sparky's who could help me out, let me know
  17. [quote name='Oldman' post='1136657' date='Feb 22 2011, 04:14 AM']Check with HM customs, but I think 2nd Hand, duty could be Zero rated, check harmonised Codes on HMCustoms and Excise. Oh am I missing something, no photographs!![/quote] Just on this note, I thought I'd do some digging to see what sort of cost HM Customs would slap on it. Based on the following assumptions: Commodity code: 9207 90 10 00 (Electric Bass Guitar) Product Value = $1300 Shipping = $150 (this is a total guess, I have no idea how much shipping would be). Insurance = $0 (obviously, you'd want insurance, but for the sake of ease and not knowing what the cost is, I thought I'd omit this factor). The HM Customs cost breakdown is as follows: Import Duty: £34.84 Import VAT: £195.32 Totalling a whopping £230.16 just to claim it off UK Customs; obviously this would be more if the shipping was more than $150 and you added insurance to the cost. Such a shame as that is one beautiful bass and I'd love to get my hands on it; but the cost of shipping and Customs on top of the sale price places it well beyond my reach All the best with the sale dude! It's a real beauty.
  18. Hot damn, that is one sexy looking bass. Sadly, it's waaaaay above my price range. Best of luck with the sale!
  19. That is a gorgeous looking $$. Sadly I just sold mine for £550 to fund a fretless Bump for a beauty though.
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  21. Sorry to Lazarus this thread....but is the Panther still for sale? Curious about this one as the current Panther model has two angled humbuckers - either way, it looks like a beast of a bass - I'd like to get my hands on that
  22. Gotta admit, I've seen a few of these appearing on BC and that is the nicest one I've seen. I'd be very, very tempted if I had the money to spare, sadly my latest acquisition has wiped me out. Out of interest, does anyone have any sound clips of one of these? I'd love to hear one in action.
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