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Everything posted by barkin

  1. Never used them myself, so not a personal recommendation, but - I use rehearsal rooms in Stevenage from time to time, and the guy who runs the place has all his repairs etc done by http://www.theampworkshop.co.uk/
  2. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1430495435' post='2762076'] The very fact that there are venues/promoters who think that music should be provided for free and feed performers no sustenance other than BS about what great "exposure" it'll be if they play their gig is why this article exists. If you can't (or won't) understand that, then you've clearly never experienced it. [/quote] When an agreement is struck to do a gig, part of that agreement is surely "what are we, the performers, getting out of it?" If mere "exposure" isn't sufficient, don't do the gig. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1430495435' post='2762076'] That's great for you, but spare a thought for others who have gone through what feels like a bruising haggling session just to squeeze a drop of fuel money out of these tight fisted so and sos. [/quote] If you're aware beforehand that it's a freebie, and the gig was accepted/agreed on that basis, what exactly are you haggling over?
  3. Nor me. Either do a free gig, or don't. It's not compulsory. And if you Choose to do a freebie, don't moan about not getting paid.
  4. [quote name='bigjohn' timestamp='1430323750' post='2760326'] I used a Superbass with a 1212L for a while. Was a good combination. [/quote] [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1430325673' post='2760351'] I'm not familiar with that amp. Is it another 'affordable' model? [/quote] Ultrabass perhaps? I saw a band in a pub a couple of weeks back, using a little Ultrabass combo, and it sounded bloody great!
  5. Can't say for certain - work got in the way of last years, but I'll be there if I can.
  6. Sounds like the OP's TB sig. neck is the same as the one on my standard V4... 61mm heel too, so not quite as easy to find replacements.
  7. [quote name='6v6' timestamp='1429548368' post='2752493'] See what I did there, I turned the exploding amp disaster into a new-amp-day! Don't tell the wife! [/quote] I pulled that trick at the weekend, but all I got was a new lawnmower
  8. Don't know about basses, but I've owned a couple of '80's Tokai guitars - Strat & Les Paul copies - and both were very, very good.
  9. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1429482559' post='2751903'] The main problem I have with otherwise perfect basses is colour. [/quote] Me too. Call me shallow, but I really can't stand sunburst finishes. No matter how good the instrument might be in all other respects, if it's sunburst I simply won't pick it up.
  10. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1429265323' post='2749777'] A couple of nights back I went for an audition with a band at the Practice Roomz in Stevenage. The kit was all good, room very spacious, comfortable seating and everything clean. [/quote] Kris is a real nice, helpful guy too. Not all of the rooms are spacious though...
  11. [quote name='Thunderbird' timestamp='1429365971' post='2750840'] [/quote] I forgot the smiley...it's all good mate
  12. [quote name='thebuckets' timestamp='1429371978' post='2750916'] Ive just sold my 1024 to a guy in Australia! Was up on here but noone seemed genuinely interested. [/quote] Saw that. I'd have bought it myself, if I didn't already have one. Rock monsters!
  13. [quote name='Thunderbird' timestamp='1429298956' post='2750301'] Warwick red label strings are mega bright and stay zingy for ages [/quote] Dammit !
  14. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1425545390' post='2708318'] That's frustrating as I usually shop on Amazon but couldn't find one on Amazon UK... I bought it from Bass Direct! And they look like pickguard screws in that picture, don't they? [/quote] Probably of little consolation, but I just got one of those from Bass Direct, and screws came with it.
  15. Ali - I might know some guys looking for a bass player, local-ish...
  16. ISTR the sets from red5audio.com being suggested in the past by folks who seem to know about these things.
  17. [quote name='leschirons' timestamp='1427723360' post='2733442'] Some good stuff mentioned there. I intend to suggest "You gotta fight for your right to party" to whip up a little excitement. Anyone here already do it? [/quote] Not currently, but used to do it in a previous band and it always went down a storm.
  18. The "matching" cabs, despite the 1600W (or is it 1000W ?) headline numbers, appear to be rated 250W continuous. Draw your own conclusions...
  19. Does it have to be their cab/s? Me - I'd just get whatever cab/s I liked.
  20. [quote name='Chienmortbb' timestamp='1427453632' post='2730507'] There is a strange sound on that recording. It sounds like an artefact of some kind and seems to follow each note. The basic tone of the amp sounds cleanish but it is hard to be objective with the after note noise. [/quote] Yeah, I noticed that too.
  21. Nothing specific, I'm afraid. I was hoping to be there, but something cropped up. The guitarist's a very good mate of mine - he text'd me earlier today saying that it went well, the cabs 'done the biz', and that the bass player, who also does the PA, was 'dead chuffed' with 'em. Not sure how he used them - he normally uses a conventional amp, through a BB2. Hoping to get to a gig next weekend...
  22. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1426804635' post='2722295'] Behringer XM8500. Less mid-biased than the SM58, but it may be possible to see what it`s based on...... Oh, and for £20 these can`t be beat. I sold my SM58 as I prefer the XM8500. [url="http://www.gak.co.uk/en/behringer-xm-8500/1062?gclid=CjwKEAjw56moBRD8_4-AgoOqhV4SJADWWVCcYWdDbJfTvYjcHSwS9IC0fZPrBKNUNT46IDQPKcNdshoCc6zw_wcB"]http://www.gak.co.uk...cNdshoCc6zw_wcB[/url] [/quote] +1 I bought a couple of these as backups, and threw them in the kit bag with everything else. Singer grabbed one by mistake once, and now uses it all the time, rather than the SM58 she used previously.
  23. [quote name='mrtcat' timestamp='1426538769' post='2719155'] With a frequency range of 42Hz - 160Hz there's not a pre amp in the world that will make it sound like a bass amp. It's clearly a dedicated sub..............AND I WANT A PAIR!!! [/quote] That is, indeed, the spec for the active sub - not the full range cab linked in the OP.
  24. I've done several transactions with Thunderbird, and every single one of them has been a total pleasure. A couple of sets of strings this time and, as usual, a totally painless deal from start to finish. And, to top it off, he even sent a couple of extra singles as well. One of the good guys, for sure. Deal with the utmost confidence. Cheers Paul.
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