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Everything posted by barkin

  1. I see Nevada have [url="http://www.nevadamusic.co.uk/p/TOJ14EB/bass-guitars/overwater/overwater-contemporary-jazz-bass-ebony"]this[/url] on their website...described as a Contemporary Jazz, but the pics & description/spec are definitely Classic J. I wonder if this is what the OP has bought...? They also have [url="http://www.nevadamusic.co.uk/p/TOJ24TBK/bass-guitars/overwater/overwater-contemporary-jazz-bass-trans-black"]this[/url] which is actually a Contemporary Jazz...
  2. I was round at my bass teacher/mentors last night, and had a noodle on his 1024. And now I want one. Damn you, Basschat...!
  3. Isn't it a standard 19 inch 2U unit? If so, put it in a rack case/sleeve ?
  4. [quote name='artisan' timestamp='1408534075' post='2531084'] I hear ya i love the look of Stingrays & have owned 2 in the past but neither did anything for me so were promptly moved on. [/quote] I'm kinda the same...but t'other way about. I love the sound of 'em (as long as it's not me playing them...) but they just look f'ugly to me.
  5. I'm not sure that it's Overwater confusing things. Nevada, for example, are advertising a Contemporary Jazz on their website, that's definitely not...it's a Classic J. So which one have you got ? Sounds like a Classic J to me.
  6. The Contemporary Jazz has 2 soapbar pups, and 2band active eq...yes? The Classic J is a passive P/J configuration, and are normally a bit cheaper I think. I've had one as my main gigging bass for a couple of years now, and yes, they're a lot of bang for the bucks IMO.
  7. What prices, if you did split? Could be interested in the compact, but I've no idea what a TTE500 goes for...
  8. [quote name='Jenny_Innie' timestamp='1407596375' post='2522173'] I have heard about these. Would one of these be light enough for me to carry? I'm only little. [/quote] 15Kg apparently. [url="http://barefacedbass.com/product-range/retro-two10.htm"]http://barefacedbass.com/product-range/retro-two10.htm[/url]
  9. Thanks folks - appreciated. On a wee break at the moment, while guitar's on his hols. I'll experiment with just the onboards for starters when we reconvene, and let ya know how it goes.
  10. Mine's different to that...it's one of [url="http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y57/c-martin/CarlsbroandJennings.jpg"]these[/url] Is that something you'd be willing to take on ?
  11. [quote name='bartelby' timestamp='1407160110' post='2517871'] My band use a R24 to record jam/writing sessions. The internal mics are good enough to record rough ideas. Obviously it's not going to give you studio quality recordings. We place it about 12' from the bass and guitar cabs (the 3 form a, more or less, equilateral triangle). For levels we just make sure nothing's in the red for too long. [/quote] Great, thanks. I'll try something like that first, and take it from there. Do you use the AGC, limiters etc ? [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1407162009' post='2517893'] The Zoom R16 uses the same capsules as the H2. You can use the on-board mics to record anything that you'd use an H2 for, and with exactly the same quality - no better, no worse. [/quote] Aha! That's very useful to know. I didn't really find much in my initial searching for anything specific to the R16. Lots of diiscusion on the H2 though, so I'll look into those some more. [quote name='lefrash' timestamp='1407182782' post='2518186'] I love the R16. I've owned 2 over the years and recordede numerous gigs and rehearsals. I used to use the built in compressors plus any direct outs that are available. I recorded a gig with 3 mono direct outs (ont bass multi FX output, one guitar multi FX output and the PA. The rest were used for kick drum and a few (randomly placed) overhead mics. Abosolutely great fun and can be set up within minutes for a proper decent recording. I'll probably get another one at some point. [/quote] Hmm...I could go direct into the R16 for vox and my B3, and guitars FX. Would that setup, with the onboard mics for drums, be better than just using the onboards for everything, or would it sound kinda wierd d'ya think? Thanks folks...total noob at this - your input's much appreciated.
  12. Hi y'all, After a bit of advice re: recording rehearsals - 3 piece (drums, guitar, bass) rock/pop stuff, not stupid loud, but not background music either. I was all set to get something along the lines of a Zoom H1 or H2 for this a while ago. Then the band folded, and a Zoom R16 showed up, so I bought it. Dead pleased with it - hours of fun while I wasn't with a band - but now I'm back in a band and looking to record our rehearsals, and wondering if it's feasible to use the R16 onboard condenser mics ? Ultimately I guess I'll take it along and give it a go - nothing ventured, and all that - but as we have to pay for our rehearsal space and time, I'm really after any tips re: placement of the unit, getting acceptable levels etc. Or is it a non-starter ? Cheers...
  13. [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1407150841' post='2517739'] What happens if I only have red glitter nail varnish? [/quote] Put the J away, get the spikey one out, and join a glam band
  14. Another very happy multi fx user here. I've both a Zoom B9 and a B3. The effects aren't quite up there with proper individual pedals, but in a full on rock band setting I doubt that anybody could really tell the difference between (say) the Zoom's OBD3 effect and a pukka Boss unit. Sure, they have limitations, but modern units are definitely not toys.
  15. Gotta ask...have you tried the active/passive button on the back ?
  16. barkin

    Hartke 3500

    Hmm...a rehearsal room that I use has a 3500 Mosfet head, and it has the twin pre, switchable Graphic eq etc just like the HA3500. I thought it was the 2000/3000 heads were the ones with all rotary controls ? No idea what the difference is between the 3500 Mosfet and the HA3500 though. Perhaps the Mosfet labelled ones are the older models, and are therefore obviously better
  17. [quote name='Subthumper' timestamp='1406887587' post='2515576'] I'll post up some pics of the carlsbro tc60 I did for my bands guitarist. [/quote] I'd like to see that. I've got one that could do with a little TLC.
  18. Sunburst kinda finishes aren't my cup of tea, but that looks absolutely stunning!
  19. [quote name='casapete' timestamp='1406557312' post='2512396'] Having said that, Strings Direct are offering free postage on orders till 31st August, and have Fender Phosphor Bronze sets in at £13.99 so may be tempted to try some. [/quote] I've a set of those on my Tanglewood acoustic. Have to say, I'm a bit disappointed with 'em. Sounded OK new, but went off and just made a dull thud very quickly. Wondering what to try next...
  20. [quote name='spongebob' timestamp='1406306617' post='2510479'] Too many to list! But for a real genuine keeper, it would be 'Moonflower' by Santana. [/quote] One of my favourites too. Whenever I hear it, I think 'wow, is that really getting on 40 years old?' Too many to count: The Who - Who's Next Jeff Beck's Guitar Shop Frank Zappa - Guitar Wishbone Ash - New England Dr Feelgood - Stupidity Nine Below Zero - Live At The Marguee John Martyn - Solid Air AC/DC - Back In Black Stones - Black & Blue . . To name but a few...
  21. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1405864428' post='2505931'] I haven't used valve amps for 20 years, but I still connect my speaker(s) before powering my amp up. Just get into the habit of always doing it and you'll never have a problem. [/quote] This. I just wouldn't dream of plugging stuff in/out when it's powered up - be it valve, SS or steam driven.
  22. I normally only get this if I've not been playing as much as usual, and I do a lot of playing over a short period. eg long rehearsal thursday, gig friday, 2 gigs saturday kinda thing. I just try to be aware of it becoming a bit uncomfortable, and use a pick whenever I can BEFORE it becomes a necessity.
  23. Perhaps I'm missing something here, but...if the intonation etc is OK, and it plays OK, does it matter ?
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