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Status Updates posted by TheGreek

  1. Just been looking through the "Basses for sale" thread. 

    For the first time in ages there are some amazing, not often seen, basses for sale.

    Choice of 2 Pedullas, headless ACG, to name just a few .

    I'm glad that I'm skint, otherwise I would be buying more basses that I don't "need".

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dood


      Shame secondhand prices are bonkers though...

    3. Happy Jack

      Happy Jack

      I dunno ... £17k for a Wal seems perfectly fair to me. :D

    4. Marc S

      Marc S

      Stop looking @TheGreek stop looking.....
      Mind you, I think I'll take a quick peek now ;) 

  2. Check out a local event being put on by my local luthier - Building Bridges

    Details in the Events thread.

  3. Bomb disposal squad have been in a house locally for a couple of hours...residents told to stay away from the windows and use the back of the house 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheGreek


      You wouldn't believe that it - students.


      Bomb Squad carried out a controlled explosion before letting residents return to their homes.

    3. Lozz196


      The police blew up the students?


      Good on them!

    4. Royaly T

      Royaly T

      During the 2nd World War Plymouth was bombed heavily by the Germans causing millions of pounds worth of improvements.

  4. Washbourne Status headless on Gumtree (£600).

    Can't copy the link on my phone. 

    1. prowla


      Is it the same as the one on Facebook?

  5. FINALLY got Thea back.  Collected her at 10 this morning. 

    Fast asleep on her bed.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Lozz196


      So pleased to hear this Mick, great news

    3. Marc S

      Marc S

      Great to hear this. Fab news :) 

    4. itsmedunc


      Great news Mick! You’ll get a good night sleep tonight then 😁

  6. Couldn't find any bass related items to get myself for Xmas/ birthday so bought an electro acoustic guitar.

    Am I going to get my membership on the forum revoked??


    1. snorkie635


      Forgot to wish you a happy birthday on the day Mick. Hope it was a good one. Best.

  7. I fancy a Basschat T shirt for Xmas but not available in the shop..

    1. Nice Guy Rich

      Nice Guy Rich

      I'd buy one, BASSCHAT, make it so.


  8. Does anybody who is attending tomorrow's Bash have a two pin power lead that I can relocate for them?

    I'm sure I have one somewhere  - no idea where that somewhere is currently though!

    1. prowla


      Darn - I missed that; I had one in my case in the same room as you!

  9. NORTHERN LIGHTS visible from the Midlands northward this evening. 

    Photos and videos for those of us who live further south please. 

  10. 15th SE BASS BASH....JUST 1 WEEK TO GO!!!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. HMX


      Thanks! I see 'Recent Status Updates' and a list of everyone's updates but nowhere to add my own. Weird. And I'm a web designer/developer 😅😅😅

    3. SpondonBassed




      You should be seeing ^this^ if you're on a desk or laptop.  I can't speak for 'phone or tablet users though.  Have you tried from your own profile?

    4. Lozz196


      Am on call so can`t attend, aaarrrggghh

    1. Soledad


      What a find!! 2 x 10 combo for peanuts. Stockport anyone?? Owner selling cos it's too loud 😂👍

    2. TheGreek


      If it wasn't collection only I would have kept it to myself.


      Bargain for somebody hopefully.

  11. Happy Birthday to my joining day...


    13 years ago today

    1. SpondonBassed





    1. Rich


      I slipped a disc just looking at the photo.

  12. Is anybody confident enough using WordPress to help another bass player with a project?

    It'll be a paid project. 

    Please contact me for more details. 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. rwillett


      Yep. Could be a money pit

    3. Gramski


      As always; it depends on requirements. If they want a simple enough blog then WordPress is fine. It won't take much to get up to speed either. The main limitation is that an install of WordPress just gets you a framework and a rather limited one at that. The money pit concern is valid. WordPress code might be free but they do need to host the site somewhere reliable and if they want to start doing fancy stuff, selling stuff etc. then they either need to pay for plugins or learn to code.


      One suggestion above was Squarespace but running a shop seems to cost £17 a month. They'd need to weigh up that cost against the cost of hosting the website with a hosting company (probably around £80 - £100 per year inc. VAT) and running something like WooCommerce on WordPress (free but painful and likely to suck up time). £17 per month might not sound so expensive by the time they factor in what it provides (I've never used Squarespace or Wix so can't comment). 


      Vulnerabilities exist in any system; if you keep WordPress up to date then I don't think it is any more or less secure than other options. The plugins are where I'd be most concerned in terms of vulnerabilities especially if you start to choose less known developers from exotic destinations. 


      I don't have time to get involved in any project but am happy to help in terms of a discussion \ bouncing some ideas as I run a couple of WordPress sites (one for a charity and one for the wife). 

    4. rwillett


      Until a list of requirements are known , it’s difficult to know what to suggest.

      If it’s an online shop there are quite a

      lot of options, though all have pros and cons. I use OpenCart for my online shop , but I host it on a virtual private server. OC is free but it's a lot of work. 


      Perhaps the person wants a blog, lots of options there. 


      Could be they need a simple website for their band and booking tickets?


      There appear to be an awful.lot of experience offered here but until we know the person wants, it's difficult to recommend a solution. 





  13. Peterson 150w combo on Gumtree.

    They don't come up for sale very often so grab this while you can.


  14. Who is the member that offers a courier service? - I couldn't find it in the Affiliates thread.

    1. Clarky


      @walshy has a man-with-van he uses regularly. Is that the one you were thinking of, Mick?

    2. Dood


      Ahhh yes @walshy's man with a van is a diamond, as is Walshy!

  15. Does anybody have a copy of "The Bass Chord Encyclopaedia" they would like to sell/ swap/ donate to me?

    1. JapanAxe


      Chords on a bass - have you taken leave of your senses man?

    2. TheGreek


      I bought a 6er....chords are one of the suggestions for progressing my playing.


      Seen a few YT videos where they sound good.


  16. Is this a good price for an American SUB??

    Musicman / Music Man Ernie Ball USA / American S.U.B. Bass Guitar like Stingray



    1. Waddo Soqable

      Waddo Soqable

      Bit steep I'd say unless it's absolutely mint with an original case blah blah.. , mine was about 600 squid, circa 18 months ago. 

    2. Jonesy


      Saw that and he's well over priced it imo, he's also got another bass for sale that is a couple of hundred quid over value so could just be chancing his arm? Just to put in context, there's one on FB in Lancaster for sale for £450, which is v cheap and wouldn't be for sale if I was nearer it 😃

  17. Need some vintage medium scale flatwounds?? Rotos JB range. PM me...

  18. SORTED - Many thanks to @neepheid


    Is anybody near Aberdeen and can help facilitate a transaction?

    PM me please.

    1. snorkie635


      Give Neepheed a shout. He's up that way I think.

    2. TheGreek


      Yep, Neepheid to the rescue!!


      Just the man for the job!!

    3. snorkie635


      Excellent. Hope it works out. Give me a shout if you need a translator. 😀

  19. 🎼I don't wanna wait in vain 🎵🎶....


    Sitting watching the Parcelforce Track your Parcel page to see if my parcel arrives tonight so I can try to collect it from them tomorrow....

    1. snorkie635


      Good luck with that. I waited over a week for a pair of socks I'd ordered to turn up. I blame his black and white cat.

    2. TheGreek


      Went and collected the parcel earlier...


      The waiting wasn't in vain...

    3. snorkie635
  20. What can be done with a gig bag with a broken zip??


    I have a nice case in otherwise good condition with a zip that doesn't work - reluctant to throw it away if it can be rescued or repaired.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. dclaassen


      Sometimes alterations shops can repair or replace these types of zips...worth a try?

    3. SpondonBassed


      You could turn it into a big gag.

    4. TheGreek


      Saved with a pair of pliers....

  21. "Spare" Yamaha NE1 Para Equalizer arrived today. Weeheee!!

    1. pantherairsoft


      That was a great little tone box. I suspect the only reason it didn't get wider love was because it wasn't in a pedal format.

    2. Risk101


      Lovely - I see the price of that BBNE2 has been shaved to a much more reasonable £1850 although the 4.5kg puts me off (weakling that I am !!)

    3. Gaucho 5

      Gaucho 5

      Still got my NE1 wouldn't be without it, often considered changing it to run from a power board as 9v battery is not ideal, that said you do get a very long battery life with these😁 


  22. Left handed 5 string Steinberger Spirit on Gumtree. 

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